And today I was a Crow


Today the dance therapy was loads of fun. At first we had to write down a long list of emotions those we can recognize in ourselves and then some those we see in the others but don’t think that we have them.
Afterwards we had to pick two and to act them out(with putting the real emotion in it).I picked tenderness and wrath/fury. I pretended to a kitten for the first one and then went on full rage when the 2nd one came. Actually I wanted to throw a chair across the class, but restrained myself so that I wouldn’t have to pay fines afterwards.
And then the fun part came. Every single one of us (there are 12 in total) went to the therapist and she asked us what is our fave animal or gave a random one for us. I got to pick and I picked a Crow. Yes a crow. Crows/Ravens, frogs and dogs are my favorite animals, so I just picked one of them. And guess what happened next. Yes. Once the music was played we had to portray them. With the sounds and their walking style, etc. So I was flapping and flaring my hands around and shouting on top of my lungs “kaaaarrr, kaaaarrr” (in Lithuania crows speak like that *giggle*) [pronounces similarly to car, car XD]. One minute into the exercise I could hardly restrain myself from falling on the ground and rolling around. The sight was so funny. Imagine this: You are running around a room, screaming “kaaarrr” and when you look around you see people hopping like rabbits, howling, meowing, mooing and one of them even climbed up on a ladder and started hissing XD I could not NOT rofl. To get a better picture of that what I looked like, watch “TVXQ’s laugh therapy” video and pay attention to Yoochun. I was almost exactly like that. No one else was laughing on top of their lungs. Some were giggling, some smirking, but I was the only one rofling. It was so much fun! (but now my throat hurts a bit… dammit)
But later on we had to find a pair. Yet I was the only bird there. My hands dropped and I was standing looking around and unable to find anyone similar to me. I was just like the animal I picked. A crow. To be more specific “A White Crow” (which in my language means “ a fallout”). Then the therapist told us to shout out on the top of our lungs, but I was still lost, so she asked me “hey, where’s your voice?”. So I looked at her, smiled and Shouter with my all might “KAAAAAARRRR!!!”.

Right now I am working on translating subs of “Reply 1997” ep2. But since I feel the best when working in a room full of people I’m sitting in this clinic’s living room. There are 7 people besides me. And they are having a mental break-down (in a good way). They just can’t stop laughing and making one joke after another. And I can’t stop laughing as well. This is fun XD

I still have quite a lot of work left, so that’s it for today.
Buh-bye lovelies (I just thought of Miyavi’s daughter right now O.o)
Love, Villy


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