Are all EXs like this?

Today I read a lil comment of my ex-gf on one of our photos and it got me So frustrated. Her comment was very simple, but oh man did it hit the jackpot situation was like this:

some guy, that I had met only once but whom I treated very politely wrote this on a pic (where was I, my ex and one other girl) "You all look amazing. Though in real life I've only met Vili so far. But she was one of the most awesome people in NJ(local anime convention)" and my ex's comment was like "there must be something wrong with your eyes because I know her in absolutely different colors"

What got me frustrated was that she is hating on me and she is showing it. Ofcourse it's annoying that she remembers me as a "bad girl"/selfish , though when we broke up she already had a boyfriend. ok. I was the one that said "sorry, I no longer feel a thing for you, we should brake up" but even while we were still together she already had a freakin bf! I mean.. this is So unfair! But what is getting on my nerves even more is that she is showing her hatred. That she isn't keeping it just to herself.


Sorry for it being such a random entry, but I just had to share this with someone (though I honestly doubt that Anyone is going to read this) and I was wondering if you are also being hated by your EXs?


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