shipping wars

no, im not referring to the A&E series.  arent you tired of the bashing, hating,  the negativity in general this brings?  well, i am. just for today. i am for freedom of speech and yes, you may give your opinion about anything. im just saying, im finding more and more hateful posts on different social media. it bugs me to think what the world is coming to

i dont get why some bother checking other ship's obsession and then leaving irrelevant, ignorant comments. why bother? why dont you just enjoy your fandom and be happy and spazz with your fellow fans.

if you got nothing good to say, shut the hell up, it in and choose to be happy. you belong to a fandom yourself, you know how it feels if your favorite artist is bashed so why do it to someone else?

lets be all tired of the shipping wars and live happily ever after.

sorry for the semi-verbal diarrhea, im just emotionally constipated.

p.s. sorry for being so lazy.  id be irking editors because i kept using small letters and no apostrophes.

p.p.s. sorry for the reference too.


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I couldn't agree more. The curiosity is here of course. Wanton to know what other people are thinking. But almost always I find the result to leave such a bad vibe. Why I there in he first place. I'm guilty of my share of anger. But is like to think in the end we hopes to represent our biases with class.