` » t o r m e n t e d — an apocalypse┊kang yuni

T O R M E N T E D "


 name: kaijin
profile link: link
activeness: 7



` , i am still alive

» character name — Kang Yuni (유니)
» nickname(s)  — Yumi (back when yuni was in california, her name was always misheard as yumi since yuni is not a common name. since then, her classmates started calling her yumi instead of yuni.) at home, yuni's parents would address her as nini instead of yuni. despite yuni's protests against that nickname, her family have gotten use to calling her that way.
» birthdate 
— 09/01/1994
» birthplace — california, us
» hometown — incheon, south korea
» occupation— student 
» language spoken — english, chinese, korean

` live in the flesh

» ulzzang name  — baek sumin
» link 
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 56 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
» back-up ulzzang name — nil
» height — 168cm
» weight— 48kg
» clothing — 1 (side) & 2

` pull the trigger

» personality  — kang yuni is what most portray as an unusually laid-back kid. she is socially immature and unlike typical teenage girls, she is a risk taker and believes that she is undefeatable. (she may even praise herself at times for her accuracy in using guns, or any other things that does not necessarily deserved to be recognized). yuni is also easily distracted by the slightest things that happen around her. at times, she may even break into rants about things that do not have any relation with the current situation that she is in. (aka short attention span) she may even go on with far-fetched stories about her family and friends at the most inappropriate times. (especially when they are killing zombies) due to this, her teammates had often viewed her as an unintelligent and ignorant individual.
yuni's 'nothing-bothers-me' attitude towards the apocalypse had also sparked off mixed feelings within the team of survivors who have a hard time figuring out if she is genuinely oblivious to the danger they face or if she was a highly resilient, tough individual who chooses to perceive the situation light-heartedly. this may be due to her endless claims about the apocalypse being a game created by the gods for humans to understand the truth behind humanity and to nurture true friendship and love between one another. having said so, yuni's positive outlook on life had undeniably drew a strong connection between the survivors.

» likes 
— stuffed toys, dark chocolates, stitch, notebooks, brocolli, pink, video games, stars, animals, eggs, lime juice, drawing, tea
» dislikes — cockroaches, sweets, cucumbers, seafood, nuts, desperation, hard rock, coffee, sleeping, cockiness
» habits — cursing at times, eating very quickly, burping out loud, laughing, grabbing onto someone/something and kicking when asleep (or mumbling)
» fears — arachnophobia (fear of spiders), scoleciphobia (fear of worms), ranidaphobia (fear of frogs)
» strengths & weaknesses — strengths: high flexibility, quick learner, determined and self-confident. weaknesses: bad memory, rash, chaotic and may come off reckless.

» trivia — yuni is diagnosed with narcolepsy, a chronic neurological disorder caused by the brain's inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles normally. this means that yuni may fall asleep at the most inappropriate times wherever she is. when yuni spots a horde of zombies zombies, she would say: "we are kickin' " or mumble some curses that are in fact, intended to be audible to the other survivors.

` reloadin

» gun choice  — m16
» melee choice 
— frying pan

` safe house

» family background  — for 10 years, yuni had been kept in the dark about her true identity. at the mere age of 10, she was dawned with the fact that she was actually adopted way back when the family wanted a daughter. however, as compared to others who would fret and weep over the painful truth, yuni had chosen to accept how she was brought up and claimed that fate had brought her to where she is today. even so, yuni had no intentions of searching for her biological parents who had abandoned her when she was young as she sees no reason to do so. at the age of 14, the kang family chose to return to incheon, south korea where the kang family's hometown was. after their relocation, there was an obvious change of yuni's character. she became much more open in terms of her thoughts and in many other ways, much more sociable than before.
» father 
— kang soo min | 45 | chemist | responsible, realistic, perfectionist, opinionated, cautious | very close | infected
» mother —  natalie heyns | 47 | baker | compassionate, gracious, fair, intelligent, reliable  | very close | dead
» siblings —  mevin kang | 21 | hockey player | ambitious, defiant, perfectionist, sarcastic, witty | argues most of the time, considered bad | alive
» best friends —  krystal | 94line | student | fun-loving, adventurous, daring, impulsive, stubborn | alive 

` survivor

» love interest  — kim jongin (kai) 000009
» relationship 
— kim jongin and kang yuni are total opposites and that may perhaps be the reason why yuni appears to be reluctant to have him in the team of survivors when they first discovered where his hideout was. they quarrel most of the time and even resort to taunting or even spouting sarcastic remarks at each other. well, for one thing, jongin absolutely hates yuni's undying optimism and sees it as an irritation amongst the team. however, as time grew by, jongin had grown to become sick of the cold treatment that yuni gives him compared to the rest.
» back-up love interest — nil
» suggested scenarios — surprise for myself.
» dead or alive — nil

` rescue

» comments  — nil
» suggestions 
— nil
» password — for now (too many faves tbh)



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haha Yuni's a cool character~
i'm kind of curious on how her narcolepsy will be like once the story starts rolling.
i'm kind of expecting her to fall asleep when zombies are about to attack and she'll sleep through it! lol
but i can't wait to see hers and kai's relationship develop throughout the course of the story!! =]