❝ the housemates — don't say it's love ; micha, lee.

THE Housemates Application

USERNAME » kaijinnn.
NICKNAME » jin will do. (don't really have a specific nickname)

PLOTLINE » don't say it's love.
CHARACTER NAME » lee, micha.
NICKNAME(S) » matcha, because of micha's love for matcha flavoured things and because of her name.
DATE OF BIRTH » 29/12/1996
HOMETOWN » incheon, south korea.
LANGUAGE(S) » english and korean.
ETHNICITY » full korean.

FACECLAIM » minji.
GALLERY » x | x
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM » park hyemin.

STYLE » height: 165, weight: 47kg. micha has a birthmark on her right thigh which resembles a butterfly. she also has a helix piercing on her left ear. micha enjoys wearing checkered items, such as this and that. compared to sticking to a particular style, micha often mixes and matches from street fashion to casual wear.
To You





  • determined: once micha has a plan or decision in mind, she will put her all in it and make sure that it is in good hands. she believes that everything that happens is all for a purpose and we should not start something if we know we are going to give up on it mid-way. 
  • homebody: micha enjoys staying at home more than anything else and if she were to be dragged out of home, there'd better be a good reason for that to happen.
  • ambitious: being eagerly desirous of obtaining success, micha often puts aside what she deems as insignificant very easily, of which, one of them is love, which she believes would get in her way in achieving success.
  • caustic: infamously known for the zero lies she tells, micha often spouts spiteful remarks that many do not desire to hear, and at times, oblivious to what she's implying. you could not blame her anyway, fluent sarcasm is what she speaks.
  • dauntless: micha believes that since humans only live once, there is definitely no point for her to beat around the bush when it comes to expressing herself. just not when it comes to love.

PERSONALITY » micha is what everyone describes as that unapproachable college sweetheart. despite her pretty features that captured the attention of many, her attitude towards such things tells otherwise. she is seemingly persistent in priortizing her studies before anything else and shrugs off the mere escalation of any topics relating to love. all she does, is study and study and study and she constantly reminds her few close friends about her goals for the future and how she is going about in achieving it. this can also be used to explain why she had often top not only the class, but the school from time to time. 

apart from which, due to her sharp tongue, not many were able to tolerate conversing with her and because of that, it was more of a bane as compared to her physical features. she is realistic and does not engage herself in issues that are far-fetched and unachievable. micha strongly believes that one should put their words into actions and not talk about their dreams for the sake of it.

what lies within this tough exterior that not many could see though, is micha's humorous side. she enjoys cracking dry jokes that the majority do not quite appreciate and she is especially affectionate to those whom she is close with, such as her family and friends. besides making home-made gifts for them during special occasions, she would never hesitate to lend you a shoulder to cry on during a gloomy day. her advices are also always on point and if there's someone you need to talk to, micha is definitely the right candidate who would tell you the cold, hard truth instead of the sugar-coated lie.

BACKGROUND » since young, micha had always been cautious about the friends she makes. even without her parents' persuasion, she is able to surround herself with a good bunch of friends who stand by her through thick and thin. she had never let her guards down when it comes to things such as relationships and she knew that if she were careful, she would not be unnecessarily hurt by them. however, when she unexpectedly met a boy on her 16th birthday party, she had, for once, knocked down her own walls for good. she thought she had met the love of her life, and much to her own stupidity, she made him the definition of her happiness. sure, they had good times, he was a nice guy who constantly make efforts to strengthen the relationship between them only until after a year, he declared that she was just another one of his moves on the chessboard.

she was crestfallen, and she had not at all expected all of this to happen in a flash. all this while, she had been admired by almost everyone in school who labelled them as the school's lovebirds, the wonderful couple who complemented each other only until she realized, he was just making use of her for a bet he had with his friends to make the school's prettiest girls as their girlfriends. love? that was bull to micha from then on. love to her was now a thrashy term used to describe that strong desire to take care of someone whom they appreciate more than anyone else. micha never once let her guards down, and now she had become even more determined to shut this walls out from anyone that comes to her reach.


  • father | lee hyung jae | 50 | cab driver | domineering, loyal and stubborn.
  • mother | jung na young | 47 | housewife | optimistic, loving and talkative.



  • park chorong has been friends with micha right from the time they met each other in kindergarten. though they were not able to initiate conversations much back then and coincidentally landed themselves in the same primary school after that, micha and chorong started off being friends with each other just because chorong had micha's favourite crayons and micha had chorong's favourite pencil. they soon grew up together harmoniously because of their houses' close proximity and also their choice of schools. they were inseparable and through every growing phase of micha's, chorong was always there to cheer her on as a best friend. chorong and micha are always seen bickering with each other though, and this was nothing unusual as they were used to making up after that.


  • if micha's the winter, then krystal would be the summer season. they are polar opposites and yet, they clicked well with each other. krystal met micha at the tender age of 16, after an eventful meeting at the airport where krystal was struggling with speaking korean with a staff and micha had stepped in like a translator between them. they had soon began conversing with each other in english and krystal promised to treat micha out for a meal as gratitude. upon learing that they're of the same age, micha and krystal soon became good friends. krystal later returned to korea to reside as she was previously residing at california.


  • likes: matcha-flavoured items, dark chocolates, home-made gifts such as cards, keychains, reading, drawing and basically anything indoors and not requiring her to step out of the house.
  • dislikes: crowds, cockroaches, noise and people who do not hold their words.
  • hobbies: reading, baking and drawing.
  • trivia: micha does stress-eating. that is, whenever she feels stressed up, she would stuff herself with lots of dark chocolates without her even knowing and she claims that this often makes her feel better. she has also often relate life to the dark chocolate, referring to its bittersweetness.
Are We MORe
LOVE INTEREST » kim jongdae/chen.
AGE » 20
NICKNAMES » chensing machine, chennie, chin.

PERSONALITY » chen is not that jock you would typically find on the covers of the school yearbook, neither is he the brainy student who is always at the top of the ranking list but one thing for sure is, chen is that boy whom everyone wants to be friends with. he's sweet, and takes the effort to listen and understand people no matter how difficult it is. he is that boy who would give you an encouraging tap on the shoulder or leave post it notes on your desk just for you to do better even if you were just an ordinary friend. his smile melts you on the inside as well and sometimes, you can't help but ask yourself, why not be friends with him?

being the social butterfly, chen is always seen surrounded by a group of friends at the cafeteria. he is also helpful not only with his friends, but also the teachers, school staffs and also the strangers whom he meets. people had always made it a point to ask him why he had to go through all this trouble himself and yet he would smile and reply, 'my joy comes in seeing others happy with my help.'

RELATIONSHIP » classmate, and later table partner, became best friends.

FIRST MEETING » micha did not have a good impression of chen right from the first time they had met, just because of the fact that chen had mistakenly left a sticky on her locker instead of his friend's crush. earlier that day when he agreed to help his friend in approaching his crush, he had promised to arrange for them to meet only to place the sticky on the wrong locker. micha thought that he was one of those persistent admirers and she gave him the cold shoulder for the following days in school. chen tried to make things work out after that.
SCENE REQUESTS » a scene where micha fell sick and chen came to her house, stocking it up with dark chocolates and matcha-flavoured snacks. oh oh, and also a scene where they have a pocky kiss.
COMMENTS / QUESTIONS » there are not any questions except that, i just want to say i am looking forward to this story a lot since i like how you started off each and every plotlines beautifully and then group them together as housemates! i had fun filling up this application form as well.
  • the sun loved the moon so much he died every night to let the moon live.
  • come live in my heart and pay no rent.


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