2013 Clarifications

Hello all, I hope you are enjoying ‘2013, Year of Us’ so far! There are just a few things I wanted to address and clarify that I don’t think was made clear in the story. Sometimes I tend to write thinking that everyone is on the same page as me and therefore will be able to see my subtle hints and explanations, but you’re not because I know things that you don’t….


So firstly, their ages! It is/will be:

Minseok/Lu Han/Kris, Joonmyun/Yixing, Baekhyun/Jongdae/Chanyeol/Kyungsoo, Zitao/Yu-ki/Jongin, Sehun


They all retain their real life ages, birthdays, and hyung/dongsaeng statuses.


Which brings me to point #2, school.

Minseok and Kris are both have Bachelor’s Degrees. Kris in English as stated, and Minseok is undetermined at the moment. He also works which is why he isn’t around as much, but he will be still there don’t worry! If I planned correctly, he should be in the January 12th update…?

Yixing, like I said on January 9th, is a fourth year dance major, so he will graduate in April (yes, he will still be around, don’t worry). Jongdae, Chanyeol, and Kyungsoo are all third years. Jongdae and Chanyeol’s majors are TBA at the moment and Kyungsoo is a vocal major hence the whole Yixing giving him notes (he minors in vocal and I don’t think I said that….oops….)

Baekhyun is an apparel design major (the whole ‘he has a project and needs models’ thing should have explained it but since I am dumb it probably didn’t get across). He doesn’t go to the same school as the rest of them, Baekhyun attends the local college (Community College for you Americans). He also minors in cosmetology (aka make-up). That also wasn’t explained…yet…tomorrow?

Jongin, as said before, is a Dance major. He is in the same year as Yu-ki, so second year.

Lu Han, Joonmyun, Zitao, and Sehun are secrets for now.


#3, her ‘Memories’ box

Since being released, she hasn’t gone through the photos other than the ones on her desk (more on that later), the Chanyeol/Kyungsoo picture (see chapter 6) and like random ones in her room, mostly framed pictures of herself, Kris and Minseok. It will come back again!


#4, “I almost didn’t recognize you without your make-up”

Not sure if this made it through to anyone, but it is implied here that pre-amnesia 19 year old Yu-ki wore make up. 12 year old Yu-ki does not. Therefore post-amnesia 19 year old Yu-ki does not. Minseok was joking saying that she looks like a different person with and without make up. Yu-ki knows that she wore make up, she has seen the various bottles of stuff in her room. I just didn’t explicitly say “there were various bottles of stuff on her vanity, pre-amnesia Yu-ki must have worn copious amounts of make-up.”


#5, her name and Kris’ name(s)

Her full name is Katie Li Yu-ki (李雨琪) in Korean it is Lee Yooki (이유기). I/the narrator refers to her as Yu-ki. Kris calls her whatever he wants, Chinese or English, Yixing calls her Yu-ki, and everyone else calls her Yooki. I imagine her name being in Cantonese, so I have no idea how it sounds in Mandarin, so I apologise if it sounds weird.

Kris was born Kevin Li JiaHeng, but due to the divorce it changed to Kris Wu Yifan. Yu-ki calls her Kris because when she first said it, it sounded right. He doesn’t suit the name Kevin.


#6, Kris and English

I know it’s not believable, but Kris has flawless English (not his weird gangster slang). He also speaks Korean not very well but he still speaks it, much like real life.


#7, her accident

She was in a car crash on her way to her 19th birthday party Jongin was throwing. Minseok calls her “little miss drunk driving” no one was drunk driving in the accident, it’s just a common cause so he jokes with her.



That should be all for now….if you guys ever have questions or stuff you don’t understand you can ask me!


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