` | some random stuffs.

** don't read if you're not ready to see some rants **





so sick and tired of life.

everything happening at the same time.

at time like these, i just want to give up on everything...


being nice and faking a smile doesn't work anymore.

i just want to forget the whole thing.

family, friends, school.

nothing works out anymore.


i don't even know why i'm posting this here...

can't do it on tumblr, 'cuz in the end someone will eventually find it.

can't do it on facebook, 'cuz who the hell does that - _ o;;

can't do it on twitter, 'cuz errr, i don't have one? lol.

can't do it on diary, 'cuz too lazy to write :D



if you ever talked to me and i don't reply back or anything, i just might just be a bit tired and accidently ignored your message.

no bad intentions, i promise. 


so yeah. i guess i'll end my rant here, or it'd be just so long.

bubbaih. if there's actually someone who read this c;






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I hope you're okay :c
you're like my first real aff friend,
and I hope everything is okay.
if you need to talk,
you know where to find me!
I hope your day, and days after that are all wonderful.
so have a great day, lovely!
I read it.
I'm not good with words, but I at least want to say something.
One phrase.
Don't take in a wrong way because i already told you that I'm not good with words.
Would you rather just die?