► way of the ninja


► way of the ninja

username: xRiChan
activity: 10
► a ninja must prepare before it's too late
name: Jang Nam Soon
age: 18
gender: Male
birth date: 12/25/94
ethnicity: Japanese
location: kuro
language(s): Korean (fluent) English (enough to get by)
► a ninja must see the hidden meanings inside the hidden meanings
ulzzang: Park Jae Hyun
ulzzang links: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
back up: Park Ji Ho
back up links: 1 2 3 4 
style/outfit: pretty much sums it up <-- for training. For casual wear, usually loose cotton pants, paired with flat sandals, with a simple wrap around top, like a kimono top. 
height: 184 cm
weight: 72 kg
others: no tattoos or piercings, but scars, several ones on his back.
► a ninja must never show weakness
personality: Gentle and frail, please. Don't even. More like numb. Not caring, of the world, or anyone but him. If you don't bother to dig a little deeper, Nam Soon may seem a bit arrogant, or a loner, keeping to himself, but in reality, he's an empty soul. He's stopped caring about himself and what people think of him. He only has one goal, to become a better ninja. It's always about becoming better. You may call it an inferiority complex, but it's also another way to keep improving; thinking of yourself as scum. He's quiet, reserved, even a bit anti social. He likes to stay away from people, but nonetheless, he is respectful to whomever he comes across, as he knows, as he believes it isn't his place to not be anything but. 

He's a simple figure, yet so intricate inside. To almost everyone, his past has been forgotten, his loyality no longer in question, but not to him. He remembers everything, and it's painful keeping it inside and built up, yet that's the kind of person he is, keeping his pain to himself, and not bothering to seek out happiness or comfort. Being such a person, he often ends up with the short end of the stick, as he doesn't like relying on anyone, he misses out on food at times, and when injured, insists on taking care of himself, which doesn't usually turn out well. But that's Nam Soon for you. 

background: Of mixed blood would be the proper term, but to those who know, he's tainted. Of both Kuro and Shiro, something so rare, so disgusting. How can two lines who hate each other cross? Well, these two young lovers did, Nam Soon the result. They were fine together, Aboji, and Umma and Nam Soon-ah, together, in a haven away from this bloody dispute. Until they found them. He was 4 years old. And there went Aboji first, he didn't see him go, but Umma was taken ruthlessly in front of his eyes, slit without mercy. They dragged Nam Soon away, the Kuro villagers, bloody handed and changed. 

Jang Nam Jin | 24 | Deceased | Father | A medicinal trainer | A rather whimsical man, never fit to have been a ninja, orphaned and raised by the village doctor. He's a bit funny, but takes his work seriously. A bit of a dreamer, was never much for the whole ninja idea, took care of Yi Soon when she first came to the village as a hostage. When they fell in love, and she became pregnant, he manned up and came up with a plan to escape the village. *from Kuro

Kim Yi Soon | 23 | Deceased | Mother | Of Shiro, daughter of a high ranking ninja mentor | A sweet young woman, quiet, and shy. Charming though, with her silent beauty. She was humble, never letting her father's rank get in the way of her modesty, or putting it in front of her personality. When she was taken by the Kuro villagers at age 18, she then met Nam Jin, and love blossomed between the two and when she became with child, they escaped to their happy home. *from Shiro

Kim Yi Guk | 63 | Alive | Grandfather | Head Mentor for Ninjas in Shiro | A strict, even harsh teacher, and father. Kept his children under a watchful eye, except for his daughter, who was his gem. He let her free, to learn, to be a woman, and was deveastated when she was taken away. He became a bit reclusive after that, but still continued teaching. He knows nothing of his grandson. 

family background: His father's family, basically just his father, wasn't known for much, but his mother's family was a high ranking ninja clan, her brothers, all 3 of them high ranking ninjas, and their father a well known and respected mentor. Once she was taken, at the tender age of 18, they worked hard to get her back, but after she and Nam Jin escaped, it caused the war between the two to escalate, as Shiro still believed for 4 years that they had Yi Soon. But, after they were found, and Nam Soon taken, Shiro was reported Yi Soon dead, and as Kuro took their child, the village of Shiro was told nothing of this.  
family seal: This isn't his personally, but his mother's family's ;; le symbol d'eu

- training
- rainy days
- sweets, although he won't admit it, he has a bit of a sweet tooth
- warm blankets

- loud people/noises
- alcohol
- being singled out
- working together
- blood

- training... OTL
- taking walks /shot
- poetry, writing it, or rather thinking it in his head
- gardening, as he grows his own herbs and medicines

- literally speaking, his parents' murders, it's horrible, and gives him nightmares often
- to become the best ninja EVER
- to someday forget his past, or just bury it somewhere where he'll never find it
- settle down to a happy family, although he'll never say it out loud

- a lot of blood, he always turns away after killing
- making friends; the thought of having someone so close, and able to be so easily taken away scares him
- being singled out, due to his mixed blood and his tainted past, does not want to be reminded of it constantly by other people

- favorite color is blue
- favorite season is autumn
► a ninja must always put the mission first
specialty: He's a learner, able to spread his energy through anything/any weapon he picks up. It becomes a part of his body, an extension of himself. Also, he is known for his speed and surreal reflexes. 
strengths: Stamina, he knows how to hold out, and pain tolerance, it's almost inhumane how much pain this boy can take. Speed and reflexes are also his strong point, as his eye is very keen. 
weaknesses: Strength, one time strength especially. Heavy lifting, throwing, it's just not in him. Also, stopping, he may not feel the pain now, so he ends up hurting himself too much. 
element: Water mainly, due to his smooth flow, but he's developed this into ice, making him even more numb, therefor increasing his pain tolerance. 
bloodline limit: Nothing is currently known. 
weapons/helpers: Katana mainly, but occasionally will use metal stars or a bo staff
other: - 
► a ninja must never show emotion
storyline: separation | savior | lifetime | secrets | memories | hidden | tool  
expand storyHe was raised, of course, as one of their own, why waste a potential ninja? But he was never quite their own. The people who raised him, being thrown from various households across the years, thought of him as garbage, leading him to believe the same. He trained though, hard, drowning himself in becoming worthy of praise to these people, who were all he had left. Yes, they had taken his family away from him, and for that, he will never consider himself one of them, instead, he shrouds himself in a dark, lonely aura that no one has ever wanted to come near, or ever dare to even touch. His memory, basically, is of how his parents were murdered, and his torture from there. At the age of 13, he was put under trial for treason, being a spy for Shiro, despite people knowing his history, and then was put in jail for an entire year, and that's where he gained his scars. He's not one to tell though, the horrid, wretched, painful memories. They say by sharing pain, you split it, and by sharing happiness, you double it. He wants neither to share his pain, nor any happiness. Changing his own view of himself would be enough. 
love interest: xxkpopholic's character. 
personality: - 
rank: A, as his ability and loyalty are no longer in question
friend(s): - 
rival(s): Shin Dong Joo | 18 | Class A | A haughty boy, well known throughout the village as the son of a high ranking ninja clan, and he makes it even more known. He's cocky, arrogant, what else do you need in a rival? Oh yes, he's also his rival love interest. Nothing is off limits for this guy, anything Nam Soon has, which isn't much, Dong Joo must take. A horrible person really, I'd probably punch him in real life, but heck, he's fictional, what can ya do about it? Basically, your everyday jerk faced douche bag. 
► end
more info: I don't believe I've missed anything, but if I have, please let me know! And, for the love interest, and female counterpart to the plot, a friend of mine, xxkpopholic, whom I have informed, and by that I mean sent spazzy texts stating how awesome this is, of this story and she'll be applying as that. So basically, our storylines and characters go hand in hand. 
comments: This idea is absolutely fantastic. You are amazing. I myself, have not read or watched Naruto, but I might after this ^^ I love the plotlines, MY GOODNESS they are so good! And, if you're looking for a co-author, for any of your apply fics, I'm definitely interested!
last words: Well, here we are again. I finished my AP Calc homework, thank goodness, so it's a tiresome, but good day. And as for his theme song, Epik High's "It's Cold" 


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