♛〈 seven deadly sins 〉

〈 seven deadly sins 〉


pride, prince



〈 like a fool, I only look for you 〉


username: xRiChan

activity: 5


〈 I feel like I'm lost 〉


name: Park Jin Myung

nicknames: J, Prince

gender: Perfection. I kid, not really, but I would be considered a male. 

birth date: 11/20/89

age: 23

ethnicity: Korean

birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

hometown: New York, USA


〈 from now on, it's war 〉


ulzzang: Won Jong Jin

links: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 

backup: Park Jae Hyun

links: 10 9 8 7 6 

height: 185.3 cm 

weight: 74.6 kg

others: Two tattoos; one on left ring finger, and the other down the spine . Left ear piercing, studs, mostly crowns and such 


〈 it's suffocating you 〉


background: Impress you? No, thank you. I have no need. It's simple, I was born into money and an empty home. No need to feel pity towards me, I'm telling you now. 

personality: Generic? Stop. You must not know me at all then, if you even consider the possibility of me being generic. Park Jin Myung, what can I say about Park Jin Myung? How do you even begin to explain Park Jin Myung? Don't fret, I'm not about to go Mean Girls now, although it was a rather delightful display of frightful girlish behavior. But, much like Regina George, I myself am flawless. But not stupid, no Regina George is stupid, I myself, like previously expressed, am perfection. Personality? Some might say self absorbed, but if they weren't ugly and talentless, they'd do the same. I must say, I am hard working, how else did you think I got to this point? I wasn't born like this, I worked my off for this, and you better god damn be ting me if you're saying I'm not a top idol. Debutting just now, that I am, but it's because I wanted to wait, to become the utter perfection I am today. 

I would say I'm also caring, of course, who doesn't care about themselves? I'm meticulous, a perfectionist, how else is everything going to work? I don't half anything. A commitement is a commitment. No excuses made. I have not, do not, and will not anything bring myself down to any level lower than the top. Not even myself. Workaholic, like father, like mother, like son. I prefer to be alone, not because I'm some sort of wannabe loner or loser, but because without any scum holding me down, I shine alone, the brightest star the world will ever see.


- quiet; I can't make do with ridiculous and unnessesary noise
- tea; it's soothing, warm, what else? soda rots your teeth.
- clothes; my sense of fashion and style is enviable, and I spent precious time on it.
- being praised; I am in no way an attention seeker. I just like being appraised for the work I do.
- poetry; I'm not a sap either, I just appreciate good writing
- cats; rather fine creatures, settled and tame
- sweets; I may have a bit of a sweet tooth.


- alcohol; getting drunk is unattractive. I'd rather pass.
- drugs; again, stupid. 
- loud people; please. contain yourself.
- rude people; again, unattractive. stop.
- fake people; must I really explain?
- metal music; ugh. why.
- aegyo; it's strange. please don't ask me to do this.
- dogs; they're excessively loud and stupid. 


- writing music; it's rather fun, you should try it. it's calming, soothing even, coming up with something entirely new. sometimes, a melody will hit you, and you know it will be catchy, and it just flows from there.
- writing lyrics; also a fun experience, and I prefer writing my own lyrics, rather than sing a song of SM's. I find their song writers, execept for a select few who don't open fortune cookies to find their lyrics, a bit... I shouldn't say, some might find it offensive.
- working out; this body doesn't come ready made. it takes sweat and alot of aching to get these chocolate abs.
- shopping; don't laugh. I prefer finding unique boutiques on the street, and some in underground Seoul to shop, rather than let SM dress me. 
- pastry making; again, you laugh. it's an art. it requires perfection. which I can gladly provide. cakes, cupcakes, decorating them is like being a designer, and an artist, something I quite excel at. 


- I tend to close my eyes and remain silent when I am frustrated.
- I bathe religiously, even up to twice each day. I hate feeling dirty.
- I also take care of my body, soothing herbal baths, and also never forget the cold cream before sleeping.


- I have a tiny little grey kitten, Byul. It's a precious little thing, as it knows it's infinite cuteness and charm, she reminds me of myself at times.
- I play various instruments, I didn't spend 12 years training learning . Piano, cello, guitar. I excel at these instruments, and even play a bit of the drums, I figured it would be good for my sense of rythm.
- I spend a lot of money for beauty products, alright? I take care of myself and I do it well.


〈 I can't have you 〉



Park Jin Woo | 52 | Alive | Father | Senior Partner and Co Founder at Park&Park, specialization in Finance | A quiet man, it's not like he doesn't care, he just doesn't know how to put it into words. He takes pride in his work, and definitely puts it ahead of his family, even though he tries not to. Hard working, of course, and reserved. 

Park Madeline | 50 | Alive | Senior Partner and Co Founder at Park&Park, Defense Attorney | Workaholic, yes, definitely, but like Father, Mother doesn't try and act like she cares about family values. She's all about her work, she's insistent, and stubborn, a good defense attorney, and she has a way with words. She sometimes thinks everything can be bought with money. Because of this, everything I did to make trouble as a child was let by her. 

friend(s): Kwon Ji Yong | 24 | Possibly the one person in the world who I can even consider to be better than I. 

rival(s): Lee Seunghyun | 22 | This one. Self absorbed, conceited. He's not even all that, is he? Big Bang's maknae? Like a tail upon a lion, useless. I don't like this guy's face, or his personality, but to maintain "image" I have to act cool. No, I'm not insecure of him, if I were, it'd be a big name, like GD, wouldn't it be? He's outgoing, and thinks we're friends, it was that one variety show, that one rap battle, I didn't even lose. We tied. They said we were both too good. Please. They just didn't want a rookie beating Big Bang's precious Seungri. He's the one who was put into Big Bang instead of me. I put him on that pedestal. He's at that point, because of me. Next time, I won't let it happen.  

love interest: Is this nessecary? If I have myself, isn't that enough? 

back up: -

requests?: -


〈 the sinner 〉


your sin:


Why do you feel this way?: Why? Because I'm better. It's all me. Stupid question. 

How will your members find out about your true thoughts?: When offered a chance to go solo, for an album at first, but of course, that one solo album isn't the end of me. I stand tall, and by myself. 


〈 but I want you 〉


stage name: Prince

persona: Prince Charming

training background: Trained for 12 years. 12 long years. I started out for YG, auditioning of course. I sent in a tape, recording, of my dancing, of my singing. I was 11. But that's not what got me in. It was the score I had written, an original piece of music. That's what got me into YG. I trained there, for 6 years and then was offered a place in Big Bang. But I decided no, I needed to train more, and although Kwon Ji Yong was in it, I wanted to go solo. 2 years later, I left YG, I couldn't work with Seungri there. That idiot, who was rising to the top, because of me. I went to SM next. It wasn't a preferable option. Sure, they were popular, but their generic music with their neanderthalish English makes me cringe, but it was my next step to the top. Fast forward 5 years later, I finally get struck down, no solo, not yet. Instead, I get put into a group. EXO-K. No pretty boy group for me, so I let it go. And then of course, it rose to the top. And again, another opportunity was put in front of me. I couldn't pass it by this time, I wasn't about to let another wannabe take my place. So, I decided to debut under Sin. Training life itself wasn't difficult, I breezed through it, learning as much as I could, absorbing information, building myself up. I also managed, wait, actually, I worked my off learning new languages. Japanese and Mandarin. Japanese wasn't bad. But Mandarin was a pain in the . It wasn't too bad, though, I know it's going to come in handy later on. 

fanclub name: Royalty

color: Black is fine, simple, yet deep. And it goes with everything.

debut song/songs: Could always go with Troublemaker, it fits well. Cleansing Cream is also a good one, but I'm not sure how it would fit on the boys. OR WAIT. Tarantallegra would be really cool for this as well. 


〈 finis 〉


more info: Languages, I believe you missed that. Spoken; Korean (fluent) English (fluent) Japanese (moderate) Mandarin (moderate)

comments: Critism? Close to none, this app is beautiful, I really like the formatting, and although the idea, concept has been used before, you really pull it off well. Kudos. One thing though, the porportions of the picture are a bit awkward, so I suggest fixing that a bit. And I did most of the application in first person POV, as Jin Myung's, so you really got a feel of his character, so please don't be offended by anything he says ^^ If there's any problem, like the love interest, if you feel as if he must have one, please let me know so I can change it!

last words: Rainism & My day is going well ^^ Saturday, lazy day, but going to have to do my AP Calc homework sometime soon OTL


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senpaioppa #1
thanks for the suggestion about the picture proportions! going to change it now. :) thanks for your application! will put you on the list asap. ^^