Round&Round; app ;;


¢ Carnival Lights ¢

- application -




¢ A note from the ticket vendor ¢

While filling out, please remember:

  • be creative
  • if you have any questions, feel free to ask
  • the more detailed, the easier I'll be able to work you into the fic
  • have fun!

Take heed; I may play favorites while writing, depending on how much I like your application.



Thelightsturnon --

Username: xRichan

*Nickname: Ri

Age range: 16-17  --> 17

AFF Activity: I go on several times a day, usually for an hour or so 


Auniqueindividual -- 


Who are you? Actual name; Nakahara Mika, but goes by Mika to people who know her, or Shock generally

Age: 19

Gender: Female


*Ulzzang/idol pics: 8 9 10

*Ulzzang/idol name: Hong Young Gi

*Backup ulzzang/idol pics: 1 2 3 4 

*Backup ulzzang/idol name: Jung Hye Won

*Extras: Two regular ear piercings, and this Tattoo just below her wrist, like where her vein is on her left arm


*Ethnicity: Japanese

*ual orientation: Straight

*Weight: 108 lb

*Height: 58.5, exactly

Hair: Pin straight, styled into a bob, and jet black

Eye color: Chocolate Brown


Thelifeofacarny --

Chosen role: Round and Round

Clothing style: Jumpsuit <-- Her uniform while working, she has a couple of different sets of these, all in dark blue, and this is all she wears while working. For leisure or going out, it's always the same thing, black skinny jeans, with a solid colored pullover, nothing too fancy. 

Background: Mother was always running around after guys, this one time it was an engineer when I was 8 years old. He brought us to the carnival often, showed me how things worked, and I was in love with these huge machines. I wanted to work them, I wanted to be able to fix them, to bring smiles on people faces for a few moments of fun. Mother left the man a year later, but I still kept coming, learning the key to make people happy from him, and he became like a father to me, the parent that my biological mother could never be. The man disappeared 7 years ago, and while working the machines, I still wait for him to come back. 

*What about family? Do you have any? What happened to them, and where are they now?

  • Nakahara Fumiko | 38 | OC | Mother | ??? | A pretty woman, if she weren't so horrid. She only cares for herself, and will throw other people under the bus for her own means. Self absorbed, and lives in a fantasy world where she gets everything she wants. | Who knows | Maybe off with a man in France 

Personality: Meticulous, particular, and detail orientated. I guess you could say she is a tad bit OCD, but in reality she takes OCD to a completely different level. Everything must be perfect.. She doesn't like yelling at people, or putting blame on them, and also isn't afraid to take the blame upon herself when she screws up, which isn't often, but will take it upon herself to fix things when they go wrong. She is extremely hardworking, gives everything she does her all. Mechanics is her life, the way things work, making things work, it's her entire world, it's the only thing she knows how to do. 

What do you value in life? Wisdom and hard work. Wisdom, not nessecarily in the sense of education, but generally, you should know what you're doing, and if you're sensible about a certain topic and knowledgable, however trivial it may be, she will admire you. For example, the cotton candy vendor, he expertly spins the pink fluff, and for that, she has a deep set admiration for the man. He does his job, and he does it well. And although she does not like incompetent people, if the person is genuinely making an attempt, she'll stop to help/explain, to help them do it better. 


  • eating; does this actually count? She's a frequenter at the food stands, and will fix their stoves quickly in exchange for a good meal
    working on broken things; junk people throw out, she'll take the time after hours working on a broken video game, or a broken cell phone getting it to work again and then will give it away, slipping it into someone's bag during work hours
    dancing; works on it in private, will never do it in front of anyone else. enjoys learning girly dances, especially to j-pop songs by buono! 

Special Talents:

  • fixing things; she can immediately root out a problem, and figure out a solution and get it fixed ASAP
    getting into small places; because of her small size, she's able to fit into small places, and therefore is able to crawl in and fix problems in areas that regular people cannot
     climbing; she's a bit like a monkey, and will crawl up any giant ladder or fence like a natural


  • food; she eats aloooottttt for someone her size
    the merry go round; after hours, she'll continuiously ride it, either on her own, or with some other workers
    giant stuffed animals; it's her weakness


  • people blowing their money; it seems so wasteful, as she never had much growing up and she looks down on these kinds of people
    guys hitting on anyone; she sees it and gags at their greasy pickup lines
    revealing clothes; it just seems wrong to her 
    being misjudged because of her size; just because she is small doesn't mean she's incompetent 


  • clowns
    women with a ton of makeup on
    whales (it's completely unrational, she knows)
    giving public speeches

*More random facts:

  • - she has a giant stuffed rabbit named Kokoro
    - she also has a small grey tabby cat named Mr. Whiskers
    - always keeps candies stashed in her pockets
    - is able to crawl up in and sleep in random places
    - is a really deep sleeper, once she's asleep, she's not waking up until she wants to 


Comeone,comeall --

Platonic relationships:

Which of the other 6 carnies are you close to? Sweet Sale

*Why/How? What do you guys do together? She looks to this person as an elder sibling, admires them for their work and their looks, as well as their personality. They are the few people Mika actually likes and will talk too. Mika has a special spot for this person, if their machine is broken at any time, Mika slips in a prioroity fix it appointment for them. 

Which of the other 6 carnies do you dislike? -

*Why/How? What happened? -

*Any other acquaintances? 

  • Nam Jin | 14 | OC | annoying kid | student | This skinny little pale annoying child frequents the carnival, blowing his allowance on cotton candy and stupid little games, but most of the time, he follows Mika, asking about how she fixes stuff. Usually, she'd stop and explain for this boy taking interest in her work, but then there's the greasy flirting, Mika may look young, but she's too old for this kid. He's pretty good looking for a young child though, sort of like a younger version of Lee Joon | alive | attends a middle school in the city


Passionate relationships:

Love interest 1: Lee Kyung | 21 | OC | Still a student, but will take over the carnival |

Personality: He used to be that stuck up rich boy, the one whose father got him everything he wanted. And then, that one time. She remembers it like it was yesterday, she was up on the carousel, fixing a few wires, when he came over, on his way home, simply joined two wires together and got it working like that. So, she decided, he wasn't simply a lazy boy, he was smart. And then they talked about their dreams, how he didn't just want to take over the carnival because it was his father's, because it was his passion, his dream. He's alot nicer now that she got a second and closer look at him. 

Love interest 2: Kim Ki Joon | 20 | OC | Carnival technician 

Personality: Another worker who is as hard working and strange as she is. He has this odd obession with video games and anime, and springs to that during his breaks. Constantly makes video game and anime references, but besides that, he's a pretty nice guy. Knows how to work the machines, and that's all Mika really cares about, but for a while now, they've been spending more and more time together, and Mika sees Ki Joon in another light, maybe something more than that weird otaku. 

*Love interest 3: -

*Personality: -

*Rival: -

*Personality and appearance: -

*Why is he/she your rival? -


How do you act around people you like as a friend? Not so happy go lucky in particular, but decently. Mika's not much of a people person, but she has a respect for people she likes and treats them respectfully, putting their needs ahead of herself. She's not all that touchy feely either, and usually rejects hugs. 

How do you act around people you don't like? It's not all that different from her friends, she simply doesn't talk to them at all. 

How do you act around a crush? Awkward, and sometimes it passes off as indifferent. But in reality, she feels the butterflies inside, and in an attempt to hide her feelings, she may come off as not interested


  • angry; will bore her eyes into you, and it's rather frightening
    happy; has this odd sort of smile, it's kind of creepy
    frustrated; takes a deep breath and remains silent
    sad; will go off on her own and snack on food
    excited; does this monotone "yay" with a single clap of her hands


Goingonce,goingtwice --

*Anything I've missed? (last chance to say something about your character, or perhaps sneak in a preferred ending/scene? go all out here)

*Suggestions/Thoughts: (what can I do to improve? Do you have anything to say to me, the author?)

*Give me a song! - Just one song...? LOL, try LUNAFLY! I especially love --> You Got That Something I Need ;; LUNAFLY or try It's Cold ;; Song Ji Eun or EPIK HIGHHHHH!! Either Love Love Love or Don't Hate Me, I love them both. Or Nilili Mambo by Block B is also catchy. I'll stop now.... ^^'' OR WAIT. SodaGreen is amazing too, but they're Chinese, if you want to give them a try! 

Did you read the rules? ticket purchased, boo yah! 



Good job, you've finished! Now comment the link to this post on the original story and I'll add you to the applicants list :) Remember, if you have any questions, you can ask me. Don't worry, you're allowed to change anything on your application anytime, even after you submitted. Just comment that you've changed it on the story if you have. Thank you for applying! 







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