Make your own zombie movie!


Put your music player of choice on shuffle and answer the questions.
1. Overall theme of the apocalypse.
2NE1 - Can't nobody (kill me.. XD)
2. What plays when you kill your first zombie.
3. What plays when getting chased by the horde.
SHINee- Juliette (I'm their Juliette?.... -___-)
4. What plays when you have to kill a loved one.
FTISLAND- Bad Woman (ULTIMATE WIN. lol I love that song xD)
5. Song that plays when you find a group of survivors.
TVXQ- Survivor (HOW. HOW THE. WHAT? *__* it's the gods...)
6. Song that plays when you meet the love interest.
SHINee - Romantic (This is getting scary :O)
7. Song that plays during the final stand.
SNSD - Forever (YEAH! XD it's ok I guess~)
8. Song that plays when you think you’ve survived it all.
Super Junior - Opera (thanks I guess xD)
9. Song that plays when you discover a bite mark on yourself.
SHINee - Love like oxygen (Oh Mommy I got bit! ^^;)
10. Song that plays over the end credits.
GD - Breathe (hahaha "I CAN BREATHE")


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