Japanese speakers, I need you!

Hello :-) 

okay so I'm visiting japan pretty soon here, and I know almost nothing. 

If you know any Japanese at all (even from anime lol) please share it here!

preferably common and useful things, but if you know a funny word/phrase do share ^^


((Btw if you are fluent/close to, could you include the Katakana?))


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I'll post a minimal amount because otherwise I'll be typing for ages, aha but yeah make sure to check out the Shinjuku district in Tokyo because it's just full of kpop and makeup and beauty shops!

(ō means a longer pronounced o, really, just for reference okay)

ohayōgozaimasu = good morning
konnichiwa = good afternoon/good day
konbanwa = good evening
oyasuminasai = good night
sayōnara = good-bye
dewa mata = see you
hajimemae = how do you do?
dōzo yoroshiku = pleased to meet you
ogenki desu ka? = how are you?
hai genku desu = I am fine
hai okagesamade = I am fine, thank you
dōzo = please
gomennasai = sorry
sumimasen = excuse me/pardon me
arigatō = thank you
dō itashimae = you are welcome

When you greet someone as a friend for the first time, make sure to sure "hajimemae, dōzo yoroshiku" as it expresses the thought 'pleased to meet you, please be good to me in the future' sort of thing (':

itadakimasu = something you say before eating or drinking to show gratitude to the person who prepared it for you
gochisōsama = something you say after eating it if you like

(Don't forget to bow your head to people there! When entering shops, etc)

____ o kudasai = May I have a ____ please?
grape = budō
strawberry = ichigo
tangerine = mikan
peach = momo
pear = nashi
orange = orenji
apple = ringo
okonomiyaki = meat and vegetable pancake
pan = bread
udon = thick noodles in hot soup
yakisoba = fried noodles with meat and vegetables
yakitori = small chicken pieces skewered and barbequed

watashi wa (insert your name) desu = I am (name here)
watashi wa gakusei desu = I am a student

byōjin = hospital
depato = department store
eki = railway station
gakkō = school
ginkō = bank
hikōjō = airport
hoteru = hotel
hon-ya = bookstore
jinja = shrine
resutoran = restaurant
otera = Japanese inn temple
daidokoro = kitchen
furoba = bathroom
niwa = garden
otearai = washroom

kore wa ikura desu ka = how much is this?
kore o kudasai = may I have this please
Ojayo Guisaimasu??? Lol I dont even know what it means.... XD
Again. Stupid phone.

Good luck!

Ganbatte ne/ganbaro is hood luck or something. C:
SLorry hate repkying by phone.

(To get attention or pass through)

-san after someone name meeting for thr first time and politeness.

Hajimemaa dozoo = nice to meet you.

Sayonara = good bye

Mata ne = see you later (with friends or same age group)

Ja ne = later (for those who are cool. Lol friends and same age group)

Thats all i got for now. Hod
Watashi wa "name here" desu. = i am "name here"

Ohayo gozaimasu = good morning (formal)
Ohayo (informal)
Konnichiwa = good afternoon (also used as hello greeting)
Konbanwa = good evening (spelling may be wrong)
Arigatou = thank you (adding gozaimasu to it makes it like thank you very much)
Gomenazai = i'm sorry (formal/in general)
Sumimensen = i'm sorry (if own fault) excuse me/pardon me (tn or a