space to rant >_

okay so the reason i have come here to rant is because..

a. None of my friends are on here

b. if any of you want to judge me i don't care cause well...i don't really know you so yeah

but anyway.

Yesterday i had the most amazing day with two of my friends we ate lots of korean food and done karaoke and just had some good laughs. (Even fangirled over some hot asian guys xD) but anyway i felt really comfortable around them and i have only known them since the start of this year and it kind of made me realise how different i am around certian people. and it is just so frustrating and just--

Like seriously sometimes i get so sick of my friends and the they do i mean they always come to me if they have problems and sometimes i have my own problems and none of them ask me if i want to talk about it. I mean sometimes i just want to buy a ticket to korea and leave and not tell anyone.

I mean i absolutely love all of my friends but sometimes they can just me off..

there have even been times when i wanted to just--well...

I have such a range of different friends but the ones i feel most comfortable with are my kpop friends just because they actually get me and i feel like i can be myself and no one will really judge me.

so yeah i don't know if that was much of a rant but it's better than ranting on yeah thanks for taking the time to read this or...just click on it. yeah well im gonna go write some new chapters for my story now.


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Actually the same thing happens to me a lot all my friends come to me with their problems and no one asks me about my problems one of my friends always has a guy problem and she doesn't listen to my advice and then gets in more problems and she goes on and on about it so that when we hang out that's all she talks about and it kills me because I love her and want to help but she doesn't listen to my advice... Anyways thank u for ranting it makes me feel better because it makes me want to rant and I feel better. Lol