Facts. Stolen from KnockThingsOver



1. Are you single - Yeah.

2. Are you happy - Mostly.

3. Are you bored - Yes. Kind of.

4. Are you white - Yes.

5. Are you Italian - Hold on while I figure it out.. And 1/8th Italian.

6. Are you intelligent – I like to think I am. Whether I really am or not is another matter.

7. Are you honest – Most of the time. But I do like to keep my secrets to myself.

8. Are you nice – Honestly. No. Not really.

9. Are you Irish Also, 1/8th. My grandad was half Italian, half Irish. Though, I'm not sure whether my mathamatics is accurate...

10. Are you Asian – No. 


1. Full Name - Jennifer Erroch.

2. Nicknames – Jen, Jenn, Jenny, Jefiner, Alfred, Jendo.

3. birth place – Scotland. 

4. Hair color - Light Brown.

5. Natural hair style - Straight. All the time. Straight. Even when I want it curly. =__=

6. Currently living at – Scotland. Cause I cannot escape. =__=

7. Birthday – 24th February (1993 incase you were wondering ^^ ).

8. Mood -  Hungover but happy-ish.

9. Favorite color – Green or Purple.

 10. One Place you'd like to visit - South Korea.


1. Have you ever been in love – I want to say yes, but when I really think about it, I don't think I really ever have been.

2. Do you believe in love at first sight – I'd like to.

3. Do you currently have a crush? - No...? I think.

4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally – Yes.

5. Have you ever broken someone's heart – Yes. And it was on purpose.

6. Have you ever had your heart broken – Hmm. No.

7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them - Yes.

8. Are you afraid of commitment – Not afraid. Just not interested.

9. Who was the last person you hugged – Greig-face.

10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? - I don't actually know. Kerr maybe.. Probably Julie though. I say the words to a lot of people.


1. Love or lust - Lust.

2. Hard liquor or beer - BEER! 

 3. Cats or dogs – Cats.

4. A few best friends or any regular friends - Em. Both?

5. Creamy or Crunchy – What? This makes me think of peanut butter, which I do not like. So neither..?

6. Pencil or Pen – CRAYON!

7. Wild night out or romantic night in Wild night out.

8. Money or Happiness - Happiness. 

9. Night or day - Night. Because then I have the moon and stars instead of sunburn. 

10. IM or phone - Both. 


1. Been caught sneaking out – I've never had to sneak out.

2. Seen a polar bear - Not in real life.

3. Done something you regret - Yes.

4. Bungee jumped – Not yet.

5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - Yes.

6. Finished an entire jaw breaker - Is that another word of 'Gob stopper'? If so, then yes, several. 

7. Been caught – Yes.

 8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back – Yes,

9. Cried because you lost a pet – Yes.

10. Wanted to disappear - I used to all the time. Then I realised how fabulous I am.


1. Smile or eyes – Smile. Because teeth are the first thing I notice. Also, I'm not the best when it comes to eye contact. 

2. Light or dark hair - No preferance.

3. Hugs or kisses – Hugs, then kissed.

4. Shorter or taller - Taller preferably.

5. Intelligence or attraction – Intelligence.

6. Hot Topic or Hollister - What does this mean?!

7. Funny or serious – Funny but can be serious.

8. Older or Younger - Preferably older, but sometimes younger guys can be just as fun. 

9. Outgoing or quiet - Outgoing, but knows when to be quiet.

10. Sweet or Bad – Everyone loves a bad boy.


1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd – Yes.

2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour – Yeahh. ^^

3. Ever tried walking on your hands – Yes, and failed.

4. Ever been to a rock concert - YES!

5. Ever been on a cheerleading team? – No, but I used to want to.

6. Ever went skinny dipping? - No.

7. Ever been on a blind date – No.

8. Ever went ice skating – Yes.

9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? – No.

10. Ever been in a circus? - Been to a circus, never been in one. 


1. Go bungy jumping or cliff diving? – Bungee jumping. 

 2. Watch a Horror Film or a Chic Flick? – Chick flick. Because most Horrors have gore and blood, and I'm not good with either fake or real blood.. so...

3. Go to Hawaii or Aspen? – Hawaii.

4. Play spin the bottle or truth or dare? - Truth or dare.

5. Cheat or be caught cheating? – Neither.

6. Read or watch? - Read and watch..?

7. Text or Call? - Call.

8. Sing a Rebecca Black Song or a Justin Bieber Song? – Both. At the same time. ^^

9. Quiet and Happy or Loud but Hurting? – I'm already a quiet and happy person. ^^

10. Go to facebook or tumblr? - Tumblr. (:


1. I have a birthmark on my arm that is a Rhombus. 
2. I want to be an actress.
3. I work in a bar, and my Cosmopolitons and French Martini's are amazing. 
4. My favourite drink is Irn Bru. Which I got addicted to after thinking if I drank enough, my hair would go ginger.
5. I want to be Ginger, but I'm not sure I could pull it off.
6. Most of my stories are derived from scenes from my dreams, which are usually obscure and Kpop filled.
7. I really like cake, but it does awful things to my skin.
8. Cider does not agree with me at all. I think I shall stick to Bud from now on. I am so hungover, I think I might die. 
9. I used to dance. Tap, Ballet, Majorettes, Jazz, Disco, Modern and, since I'm Scottish, Highland. I got to wear a kilt. It. Was. Awesome. (but heavy).
10. My aim in life is to become the first female Doctor on Doctor Who. 



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