After Shock. | application. [xx]

{ Hello little monster. }
Username: AngelicWhisper
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Annyeong After shock [ Yoo Riahn ] !
Name: Yoo "Leanne" Riahn [ 유안 ]
Nickname: Annie | An-anh
Age: 17
Birthdate: May / 18 / 1995
Ethnicity: Full Korean
Place of Birth: Toronto, Canada
Hometown: Toronto, Canada
Languages: Korean (fluent), English (fluent), French (conversational)
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Blood Type: A
{ you're now a princess. } 
Personality: Liahn never fails to impress others, whether it's school, singing, rapping, dancing, sport, etc., and she loves that feeling, hence making her explore many areas she never thought she would. There are no dares that Liahn wouldn't take. One can also say that she's really competitive. That side of hers sometime makes her fearless and intimidating. But she's actually nothing close being a bully. Liahn, as she grew up spoiled, is very stubborn and would do anything to get what she wants. She definitely isn't the type to give up easily. Being like this, Liahn eventually got a strong self-esteem.
Even if she's competitive, Liahn rather stays quiet at her own corner, watching the others. She absolutely hates it when someone comes and disturbed in her bubble of thoughts. Being the sensible type of person, Liahn cares for others and would gladly listen to one's problem. Learning from her mother, she gives out advices that she thinks are fair.
Family is one of her priorities. So being a family loving person is a big plus if someone ever wants to becomes friends with Liahn. Although she love her family members a lot, she, however, don't seems to talk much about them, aside from them being very supportive. She'd give out simple fact such as she came from Canada and got scouted during her trip in Seoul, but that'd probably be all. Liahn despise talking about her family background, as it can make people doubt about her skills / talents, because her father can easily buy an entertainment CEO so he can let her debut. She's against unfairness and would fight for her own rights.
Liahn grew up to be more close with guys as she feels more comfortable around them, though she wouldn't neglect girls. Since she isn't scared to show her true self, she'd act freely around males. Because she's more often seen with boys, people would think that she's more of the tomboy side. Is it true that she has some preferences that usually boys have, but the ways she dresses herself and talk would say otherwise. Liahn would rather use the formal way of talking instead of the informal, even toward friends of the same age. Also, Liahn is a very sportive person. Her two favorites are the soccer and the hockey; Canada's two major sports. Being a big partisan of her home country, Liahn loves Canada and its traditions a lot. It wouldn't be a surprise to see her recite the country's history.
Liahn isn't a shopaholic, but when it comes to shoes, she'd definitely go for it. Although she's a shoe lover, she tends to have a pair that she'd wear more often because she'd feel more comfortable with it. So seing her with some worn out shoes isn't a big surprise. Liahn isn't very tall, so she started to love heels. Little did she know that they'd become her best friends. 
  • Books
  • Heels
  • Milk
  • Nail art
  • Sack dolls
  • Snapback
  • Sweets
  • Vintage
  • Winter
  • Alliums (garlic, onion)
  • Greasy things
  • High pitched screams
  • Neon colors
  • Paper cuts
  • Roller coasters
  • Tattoos
  • Baking / Cooking
  • Drawing
  • Hockey
  • Soccer
  • Photography
  • Blowing her fringe when frustrated / mad / tired [ link ]
  • Covering with a hand when laughing
  • Playing with the end of her hair when clueless / confused
  • Pouting when bored
  • Fan of Justin Bieber
  • Favorite color: Red
  • Nature loving person
  • Not sensible to cold, so it very normal to see her in short clothing even in winter
  • Wears glasses off-stage because of bad eyesight [ glasses ] [ picture 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ]
  • Worn the same high wedge heels sneakers for practice since she got in T.O.P Media [ picture ]
{ this is the life } 
Yoo "Sylvain" Sanghyun | 53 | Father | As the General Manager of BMW Canada Inc., Sanghyun isn't often home due to his busy schedule, but once he's free, he'd definitely spend his time with his beloved family. Very serious and workaholic type of person when he'd on duty. However, when it comes to his daughters, he's definitely the weakest person against them. Jooae and Liahn, along with his wife, are his life. Sanghyun is a family loving person and would put them as his first priority, as his job would be useless if there was something happening to them.
Seo Misook | 51 | Mother | Warm and motherly, but very talktive. Misook gives out the best advices, as she's almost always surrounded by friends. Hearing all gossips, Misook doesn't let one rumor go. Being the curious person she is, she'd eventually find out every secret. Misook enjoys tea very much and always invites people during her afternoon tea time to have a conversation. Misook is very supportive toward her daughters' dreams and tries her best to help them when they need.
Yoo "Julianne" Jooae | 23 | Older sister | Major in Fashion design, Jooae is a creative, yet perfectionnist person. Being in the fashion domain, Jooae eventually got a critic spirit, hence very often point out things she doesn't like. As Liahn is very close to her sister, she'd let Jooae design clothes, with Liahn being her model. Although the two are now separated by an ocean, the two still often communicate via webcam. Liahn likes to see her sister's new art work and would also give her opinion, although it's not her forte. Jooae is very caring and protective toward her sister, so she'd often ask news about her little sister. Jooae even calls herself as the "Number One fan of Yoo Liahn".
Life Background: Liahn comes from a wealthy family in Canada. So she eventually got a spoiled childhood. But being the humble girl she is, Liahn despise using her family's background as an excuse, hence rarely talking about it when she got in Seoul. She grew up with much love from her family members. Liahn first started school in an all-girl school back in elementary, but changed to a mixed one once in high school, disliking the over feminism thoughts many of her schoolmates expressed.
When Liahn got accepted in the musical domain in Seoul, her family left her with some trustful relatives, her mother's cousin, as they have business in Canada. Liahn got along with her aunt and her cousin really well, but less with her uncle as she barely sees him because of his job. Although she had been treated very well ever since birth, Liahn tries to avoid burdening them as much as she can, which lead her to become independant at a young age.
Liahn had been fascinated in the entertainment industry ever since toddler time. Having the ways to improve herself, she asked her parents for vocal and dance lessons. Being a fast learner, she eventually picked up the classes well. As she had been into music for a long part of her life, it eventually became her biggest passion. Becoming an artist who gives out inspiration was part of her dreams. So when she got scouted, she couldn't help showing her happiness and excitement. As a trainee, she believed in herself, giving her strenght to continue training no matter how tiring it was.
Though she's really into music, Liahn never failed to impress her parents with her grades, unlike her older sister who scored most of the time average, if not low, results. But that didn't bother their relationship as they both knew that they had different personalities and interests. If Liahn didn't follow the musical path, she would've chosen the teaching one. Being avidly interested in the ways of learning, she eventually listened attentively in every class, earning her a good brain. Aside from school and music, Liahn took up soccer and hockey as her hobbies.
How you become a trainee: Liahn was on a trip with her family in Seoul when she got casted by a scout of Pledis. Like all trainees, she passed the audition before becoming one by impressing the judges with her various talents. She trained there for a bit more than 4 years before being transferred to T.O.P Media.
Trainee Years: 5 years ¦ Pledis Entertainment - 4 years || T.O.P Media - 8 months
Stage Name: Liah
Link to what your singing sounds like: Minah- [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
Link to what your dancing looks like: BoA- [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
Link to what your rapping sounds like: HyunA- [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
main rapper & lead dancer 
  triple threat   (1st choice)
lead rapper
  main dancer   (2nd choice)
lead vocal & dancer
Talents: Drawing (mainly caricatures/cartoons) | Flips (front and back) | Mouth sound effects | Tongue Twisters
Fanclub Name: Lianics
Fanclub Colour:                 Charm Pink [ #E68FAC ]
{ you are beautiful } 
Ulzzang Name: Do Hweji
Links: 1 || 2 || 3 || link
Clothes style:
Casual [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ]
Formal [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ]
Sleepwear [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ]
{ inside this heart of mine } 
Your lover : `Niel -; Anh Daniel (Teen Top)
How you met?: The two met when Liahn got into T.O.P as a new trainee. Being almost clueless about the building, she eventually got lost on her first day, hence knocking in a random room to ask for help. That room happened to be occupied by Niel who was practising for Teen Top's new track. Being the nice guy he is, Niel offered her to court to the dancing room. On their way there, the two briefly introduced themself with a long and awkward silence following the short conversation. Until now, the two still greet each other formally and haven't seemed to have gotten closer, but yet Teen Top's members would make fun of their main vocalist for his unusual self act.
Your lover's personality?: A loud guy who has a habit of singing and fooling around. A charming boy, but he is actually a down-to-earth, but prankster type. Niel loves to play soccer as his past time and his singing voice makes people shocked because of its powerful, yet soothing sound. He is talented for his age and a really nice and handsome boy. He is easy to make friends with and isn't a picky person.
`Aron -; Kwak Youngmin (NU'EST) | The two met in Pledis's building during their trainee period. As Aron just arrived from the States and barely knew the korean language, Liahn helped him being more comfortable with the other trainees. Although Liahn was his senior as she had trained longer, Aron would take advantage that he's older to make fun of her. Being both from North America, they communicated in English and eventually got closer. Being at eased with each other, skinships and such didn't minded the two, to the point that some were even suspecting that a romantic chemistry was creating between them as they had been very often spending their time together, but everytime Liahn would be the first to deny it. Although the female latter got transferred in another company, the two still kept contact by going out during their free time. Whenever they meet in the streets, the two best friends aren't scared to greet each other like there's no tomorrow and even embarassing themselves, because that's what best friends are for; fooling around together. Eventually, when Liahn will debut, fanservice between the two would be shown on screen without a party regretting their actions.
Henry Lau (Super Junior-M) | Henry was a schoolmate of Liahn' sister. As the two, Jooae and Henry, were part of the same friend group, Liahn got to meet Henry a few times when her sister brought her bunch of friends over. Henry and Liahn had been getting along since their first meeting as if they were fated to meet. They act like siblings and would often meet to get a drink, or even shopping for new shoes. As they were both into dancing, Henry and Liahn liked to spend their time in a dance studio back in Canada. However, once Henry moved to South Korea for his debut with Super Junior-M, the two could meet less often because of his busy schedule, but they'd still send messages to each other.
`Ricky -; Yoo Changhyun (Teen Top) | An energetic and crazy boy, Ricky is. Seriously, in his company, who doesn't know this cute boy? Being the same age, the two eventually became friends. Although he's loud, Liahn still finds it comfortable and fun around him. Ricky would often go to Liahn to ask for an English lesson, which would make her burst into laughters when she hears him try to have a conversation with his cute engrish accent.
`Lime -; Kim Hyelim (Hello Venus) | Liahn and Lime met in Pledis. Being both talented in all three areas; vocal, rap and dance, the two would often practise together. It was even rumored that Liahn was supposed to part of Pre-School Girls along with Ara, Yoonjoo and Lime, and eventually get into Hello Venus, but she got transferred into T.O.P before then. 
Rivals: --
Why are you guys rivals: --
Anything I forgot: Nope, I don't think so.


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