Snow Shopping; Click and Drag Game { B.A.P | EXO | Infinite | Teen Top }

Credit goes to ttalgiya. Click the link for more.




I got;

Daehyun to buy every single thing that he liked and as we walked home he wrapped his scraf around both of us and he said each snowflake may be different but it's you that's unique.




I got;

Luhan played with all the toys in the store and as we walked home he rubbed my hands together with his and he said I've got a perfect gift for you but it's not something I bought.




I got;

Dongwoo bought couple mittens for both of us and as we walked home, he wrapped his scraf around both of us and he said you're shivering! Come here, I'll warm you up.




I got;

C.A.P and I bought matching fluffy sweaters and as we walked home, he wrapped hie scarf around both of us and he said each snowflake may be different but it's you that's unique.





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1. Himchan and I browsed all the shops while sipping hot drinks and as we walked home we had a little snowball fight and he said "I've got a perfect gift for you but it's not something I bought"
2. Sehun and I browsed all the shops while sipping hot drinks and as we walked home he held my hand in his coat pocket and he said "you're shivering ! come here I'll warm you up"
3. Sunggyu secretly bought me the item i liked the most , and as we walked home , he wrapped his scarf around both of us and he said "you're shivering ! come here I'll warm you up"
4. LJoe played with all the toys in the store, and as we walked home he made a snow heart for me and he said "Everything around us is frozen, and yet my heart has melted"

oh gosh!! I'm lucky XD
it doesnt stop and keeps moving for me v.v