E-mail Audition questions

1)Does E-mail audition require a video of me acting?

2)Is it okay to sing/dance a japanese or english song? Are there any language limits? How about their artists' songs(Super junior no other, SHINee lucifer, etc)?

3)If i ever have to go to korea, will i have a translater with me whereever i go???

4)Do I get an allowance of some kind as a trainee? 

5) (1~5, 5-daebak)My dancing is 2. My singing is around 3~4 but i dare say that i have a pretty face. So is it better to audition for SM or YG?

6)Age limit?

7)Nationality limit?

8) Is korean hard(xD)?

9)What kind of talents do they adore??

10)How many lessons are there for a trainee?(singing, dancing, mc, etc....)

11) Will they pay for my studies? And, do i have to pay for their lessons(vocal, dancing, etc)?

12) Will they pay for my daily needs if i ever become a trainee(Save the plane ticket, i already read in some other places that they don't pay for the plane tickets to korea and stuff)? Does it depend on how much they like me?

13) Do they expect me to be able to keep up with school work(cuz i don't think i'll ever)? Will they take me out of school if my grades drop? Will they force me to stay if it's okay?

13)Can i transfer companies(esp: SM-->YG) like GDragon? And if possible, is there a requirement, like a number of years in the 1st company or something?

14)I read elsewhere that if you're 'too young', you will be put as a potential trainee. How young is 'too young'?

15)How long does it normally take to ensure that i'll debut?i read somewhere that trainees training for 5+ years are illegal, but this Q is IF i am 'too young'


(Edit 1)



Guess that's it for now, might add more though. :)



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1} Nope, unless you're auditioning for acting
2} There's no language limit so, it's okay
3} You'll mostly likely be staying at the company/your trainee dorm most of the time and only go out with other trainees or the company so, I don't think so
4} I'm not sure >.<
5} Answered that for you before, Dongsaengie :3
6} Different companies, have different rules as they usually state it in the audition application. Most say 199? - 2000 or any age
7} ^ Most say any nationality but, like the Pledis audition, it was only open to Asian-Americans
8} Not sure XD I'm still learning myself but that's because I'm a slow learner >~<
9} Again, different for every company. From what I see, YG = Great dancing/vocal/rapping AKA great talent || JYP = Great Vocal/Dancing || SM = decent dancing/good or great vocal
10} I am 100% sure trainees have vocal, dance, and acting lessons. Maybe some modeling or mc-ing ^^
11} There is no need to pay. I think they will hire you a tutor for you to continue your studies at the company/trainees have 'school' in their schedules. I'm so not sure about this one >.<