cerberus high Yami Zace


Enrollment Application


AFF ID: yamitan7


Name: Yami Zace


Class: Freshman


Species: Bakeneko


Description: Yami is a cat-turned Bakeneko. He was a cat but he became a Bakeneko after living for 100 years. But he does have a human side to him and that is unexplained as the only people who knows the reason, his parents, have already left the world.


A Bakeneko is rumoured to have powers such as:

·         menacing (even eating) sleeping humans

·         flying

·         talking

·         creating ghostly fireballs

·         leaping over a fresh corpse, turning it into a zombie

·         shape shifting into human forms

And Yami can do all of these. Except that he is unable to fly for unknown reasons. And, yes he can control the zombie.



Personality: Yami is normally childish and cute but don't be fooled, he can chomp you up even before you can snap your fingers .But that is not all. Yami has a bipolar self that he call Hikari. Hikari is shy, kind and timid. Hikari is the human side of Yami and thus has no magical spells. He is protected by a barrier and is unable to see any of the demons, as in, the mystical creatures. He can see humans (Or at least half humans) and Kira though.


Love Interest: Kim Heechul/Kim Kibum(SJ)


Background: Yami came from a rich family in Japan. He has lived 100 years as a cat. He killed his original owner’s 7-year old son and replaced him after shapeshifting into him just 3 days after he turned into a bakeneko. He ran away from the house 3 years later. Right now, he lives with a set of human parents who are caring and kind. They don’t know about Yami’s cat life.



-Both Yami and Hikari loves sweets.

-Both Yami and Hikari are weak on alcohol. Just a sip can make them drunk and you don't want them to be 'cause they're notorious for kissing random people when drunk.

-Hikari likes to crossdress and pretend to be a girl.

-Yami is his cat name

-Zace is his so called last name

I might add more though. When i make changes, I'll pm u ^^


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