Once Upon A Time Jasmine Application


⋇  jasmine 



♔     seemed to stop my breath

AFF Username: LadyAthena

Alias: You can call me Shouamee or my AFF name, it doesn't really matter.


♔     in your eyes i lost my place

Name: Natalia


  • Lia : Used by her father, the king. He calls her by this name because she has some features that resemble her late mother, Lianna. They have similar eye color, long hair, smile, and love for music.

Age: 19


♔     just stay with me, lay with me


As a princess Natalia is supposed to be obedient, well mannered, beautiful and...well, basically a princess. Because she is a princess, she's supposed to be proud about being royalty. She is proud/she does have pride in being a princess, but she doesn't like to flaunt it around like other snotty princesses. Natalia is very awkward and shy when meeting new people...or being forced to talk to them, but she is very talkative and jokes around a lot when she's around her friends. Natalia was trained to be graceful, intelligent and elegant but in reality she is really clumsy, has short-term memory/can't remember things well, and has a bit of a temper. 

Natalia might be shy but she is actually very independent and has many opinions. Even though she might not state her opinions out loud, she does state them when she thinks it is necessary. Her father doesn't listen to her opinions about the kingdom...well he does. But it just goes in one ear and out the other; that's why she usually keeps her opinions to herself. When handling with the non-royals, Natalia is very empathetic and forgiving but she is also very reasonable too. If they have committed an act that was against the law, committed a crime or something similar of that sort; then she would do everything that she can to get the truth and justice that that person desirves. 

Natalia is very dense when it comes to people liking her. She is very charming, which attracts people. But when if comes to the other princes flirting with her, she would just think that they are being nice, so she has to be nice back and the princes would think that she is flirting back. Boja, her familiar, would usually inform her when the guys are trying to flirt with her, then she would insantly turn flustered and not know what to do.


  • Singing : She likes to sing to herself or to Bajo. No one except for her friends, has heard her sing before. She is very insecure aout her singing voice.
  • Dancing : Because of all the ballroom dance classes she took, she has come to like dancing. Natalia likes to dance outside in the garden. When she sneeks out of the castle and hears the little festival music, she would dance (not ballroom) with the non-royals.
  • Servant Friends : They all have known eachother since they were small, they all practically grew up together.  The four of them were best friends even if they were servants, Natalia never treated them like ones.
  • Pretty Flowers : Well, they are pretty flowers. What more is there to say? Lol.
  • Sneaking out of castle : Natalia likes to explore her kingdom. Instead of going out as a royal where everyone has to up to them, she likes to see the towns in other people's eyes/point of view.
  • Animals : Whatevery is fluffy and cute looking. Not just the cute ones, she likes a lot of different animals.
  • Playing the Harp : Natalia likes the gentle sound that is created from the strings of the harp. She usually likes to make up her own tunes/music with the harp.
  • Disguises : When she goes out of the catsle, she has adapted to disguising herself as a commoner so no one will recognize her. The clothing is much more simple and lighter than the clothing she has to wear for the balls.
  • Simple Clothing : The simple "commoner" clothing is much lighter than the ball gowns that she is forced to wear. Sure they are beautiful but wearing the gowns has thier limits to let her do more things freely.
  • Freedom : She has been cooped up behing the castle walls most of her life when her mother died. She never got to do what SHE wanted to do. Instead she had to follow her father's orders.


  • Bugs : They are interseting from far away but when up close, they are gross. Lol. An exception would be butterflies.
  • Father not listening to her : It seems like he is not listening to her opinions even if she was his daughter. He is preoccupied with trying to find the perfect suiter for his daughter.
  • Extravagent Balls : These are like the matchmaker gatherings that her father holds every month. Natalia is forced to be there and talk to the princes. 
  • Father Playing Matchmaker : He is not good at it because he wants what he thinks is right for Natalia, even when what he thinks is right is wrong to her. She wants to find that special someone naturally, and not by force.
  • Her "Gaurdian" - The Evil Sorcerer : She gets a bad vibe from him and tries to avoid him as much as possible.
  • Open areas of water : She does like them, it's just that she can't swim...so she's scared to fall in and stuff.
  •  Bajo : He is very sarcastic and teases her. She dislikes how he can be sometimes, especially when he is not helping out with the situation and making things worse(...or maybe not?).
  • Being clumsy : It's embarrassing when she trips and/or falls. She gets really embarrassed because the image of a princess is elegance and grace...which she doesn't really have.
  • Endless Lessons : Princesses are supposed to be knowledgable about their country by reading books and studying. But Natalia wants to go head on and see her country and it's problems with her own eyes. That way, she can assess the situation better.
  • Her Densness : She finds out that she is leading a guy on and has to break his heart. Bajo would usually have a smart comment about her denseness too. 


  • Talking with herself : It's more like thinking out loud but I guess it's all the same.
  • Talking with Bajo: Since she's the only one that can hear him and he's always around, she talks to him.
  • Being Dense : Most of the time she doesn't notice the other person having feelings for her.
  • Staring into space/zoning out : She likes to do that during lessons without even noticing herself doing that.
  • Thinking too much about one thing : That one thing will replay in her head over and over until she has a solution to it. She just can't stop thinking about it...unless she falls asleep. lol


  • Twirling a lock of hair : when she's bored.
  • Biting her lip :when she's frustrated, angery or appologetic
  • Forgetful/short-term-memory : has a habit of forgetting things. Even her own birthday sometimes.
  • Clumsy : trips a lot, usually because of an object she didn't see but sometime trips on air. haha
  • Long Sigh then count 1 to 5 : When she is trying to calm down her temper. Counts with her eyes closed to block everything out to calm down.


  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Sneaking out of castle
  • Baking sweets
  • Learning self defence from friend


  • Knows a little self defense : for when she goes outside of the castel walls
  • Boja : When he's around her she feels more complete and confident. Even if he has an attitude.
  • Charm : Can try to get what she wants, not related to the kingdom from her father.


  • Can't Swim : Never got the time to learn.
  • Cries easily : Was a cry baby ever sine her mother passed away.
  • Boja : Boja is everything to Natalia, losing him is like losing a piece of her.

Pet Peeves:

  • Matchmaker Father : He doesn't listen to what SHE wants in her partner.
  • Rude People : Rude people are rude. It irritates everyone.
  • Parties/balls (her father has for her) : Again...he holds it for her when hasn't even thought about marriage yet. 
  • Unfair Treatment : Because of social class or species everyone is treated differently. To Natalia every one is a living thing and desirves to be treated right.
  • When she forgets things : She won't remember what she forgot and then remembers it at the most random times.


To develop a better kingdom from what her father is ruling.  To have the freedom to choose who she loves, how she lives her life and what she can do.


  • Vast open, deep water areas : Because she's can't swim, afarid of drowing as well. 
  • Losing Boja : Yes he might have an additude but he has always been there for Natalia. He is something precious to Natalia.
  • Married to someone she doesn't love : Wants to marry someone SHE loves and thinks that is right, not her father's choice.


♔     learning how to love


​Has long, black hair that is a little wavy  and looks brown when the sunlight hits it at certain points. Her eyes are light grey like this. Her skin tone is in between fair and tan...so like an light olive skin tone, because she goes outside a lot but is also stuck inside with her duties. Natalia has an hour glass figure or s-line, she might be a little bigger in the lower areas but she still has the figure.


  • Likes the simple cute outfits when in the castle. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  • Ballgowns like these when at parties. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 
  • Disguises. first two are as a gypsy.  1 / 2 / 3 /

Extra: There's a birth mark on the back of her right shoulder. 


♔     stay in bed just make love that's all

Storyline: Applying for the storyline of Jasmine.

Why?: Jasmine's like me, my parents won't let me do much and it seems like they are always 'controlling' what i do. Sometime i do what i want(nothing bad though, just hanging out with friends)...but they don't really know. Because i'm a girl my parents are over protective of us. Lol. There's no particular reason why i wanted this storyline. But i loved the movie Aladin! It was just so magical and the monkey was so cute. haha :3

Background: Natalia's mother died when she was 6 years old. Recieved Boja from her mother a year before her mother died.

Family: {Fill in the given characters and more family characters can be added, but they cannot be siblings. "Character-character relationship" means explain the relationship between your character and the given character.}

                Mother|| Lianna || 28(when she died) || Easy-going, loving, caring, playful, understanding, straight forward/blunt, and respected. || Lianna and  Natalia were very close. Mother-Daughter relationship. They were like bestfriends too. || Natalia stuck to her mother wherever she went. Lianna would take Natalia outside of the castle to see the different places of the kingdom. Every month in the spring and summer, Lianna would take Natalia to walk with her in the forest and on a secret trail that they created themselves. In the forest they created...well ordered someone to help them build a little house. This was their secret house where they could just be mother and daughter, and not the queen and princess. || Lianna loved animals; she rescued a female snake which laid eggs but only one baby snake survived. She named him Bohoja (보호자), which means guardian or protector. And she gave him to Natalia.

                Father || Branden || 44 (Currently) || Stern personality(after wife died), doesn't listen to others well, over protective, plays matchmaker, soft-spot for daughter, smiley when daughter is around. || He has a lot to do as the king and doesn't spend a lot of time with Natalia anymore. Father-Daughter relationship. || Only trying to court Natalia with a prince because he knows that she'll have no one left, except for her friends, when he is gone.


  • L. Joe / Byunghun Lee || 22 || He's charming and acts like an older brother to all of them(the girls). He knows tae-kwon-do. Is childish but serious when he needs to be. || Min/Minyoung: Biological Siblings _ _ Luna/Sunyoung: Best Friends _ _ Natalia: Best Friends ||
  • Min / Minyoung Lee || 19 || She is bubbly, outgoing, and very straight forward. She can be shy at times but that is rare to see. She loves adventures, that's why she helps Natalia sneak out so much. || L. Joe: Biological Siblings _ _ Luna: Is like an older sister and best friend to her _ _ Natalia: They are like sisters/are close friends ||
  • Luna / Sunyoung Park || 21 || She is motherly/mother-like, always there for Natalia and Min, will listen to the problems thst they(and L. joe) has. || L. Joe: Best Friends _ _ Min: Best friends, "Mother" - "Daughter"/ Siter-sister relationship _ _ Natalia: Best friends, "Mother - "Daughter" relationship/Sister-sister relationship ||

Familiar: A dwarf snake. It is goldidh-light bronze color with a black stipe on each side of the body, and has a creme colored belly. His full name is Bohoja (보 호자), which means gaurdian or protector. He is usually called Boja (Bo-ja with a 'j' sound), Boja is a male snake. He is protective of Natalia since he is her 'gaurdian'. He was given to Natalia by Lianna a year before she died. He likes to wrap himself around her arm or wrist like a bracelet. He has an attitude and is very blunt, you can say that he's the opposite of Natalia. He does like to think he is Natalia's friends; gaurdian too, since they are all like family to each other.


♔     every second without you i'm a mess

Love interest:

  • 1.) B-Bomb/Minhyuk Lee (Block B)
  • 2.) Yongguk Bang (BAP)
  • 3.) Sunggyu Kim (Infinite)
  • 4.) Jongup Moon (BAP)


Age: 21

Personality: He acts tough and cold at first. But on when you get to know him, he's a really nice, caring, easy-going and a thoughtful person even though he doesn't show it. He loves to dance, have fun and is a completely differnet person when he's around is friends, that are like his brothers. He would seem more cheerful and laugh more.

How do you act with one another?: Natalia is mysterious/secretive because she doesn't want to be found out that she is the princess and taken back to the castle. He likes to show her the world that she hasn't lived in, the world that is outside of the castle walls, where she can be carefree, innocent and happy.

Scenes: Natalia loses Boja in the town. Love interest finds/saves Boja from the scared/frantic people. Natalia misunderstands the situation with Boja and love interest. They have a personal moment and share some things from their past.


♔     let's sleep till the sun burns out

Comments?: Password: The Used - I Caught Fire (In Your Eyes)

Suggestions?: In Aladin, the evil saurceror tries to make Jasmin fall in love with him using his powers. But instead, how about the saurceror's son. But no one knows of their secret father-son relationship. The son technically is a noble/prince or whatever...but his father is forcing/making his son to try and make Natalia fall for him.


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