ELIX ANGELS Application




I only think about YOU~

AFF username: LadyAthena

Activeness on AFF: 5


Girl, Pretty Girl~

Height: 5'2" or 160cm

Weight: 115lbs or 52 kg

Ulzzang name: Kim Shin Yeong

Ulzzang pics:





Your image: The Cute and Innocent One

Style: Simply cute and/or comfortable, on lazy days it's a t-shirt or knit sweater with skinny jeans or shorts.




Theres an angel in my heart~

Character name: Yang Sung Hee

Nicknames: Sunnie

Personality: On the outside she's very shy/timid but on the inside she's very playful, caring, kind-hearted and innocent. Like every girl she smiles and laughs when she's happy, and she gets irritated when she's angry. But the one thing that she TRIES to hide is her tears. She had a rough past and covered it up with a fake but bright smile (hence the nickname Sunni). She likes to joke around a lot but when she starts making jokes about her feelings...that means she's about to burst into tears. She cares too much about others to bother them with her emotions, she just wants people around her to be happy. You don't want to get on her bad side because her innocent image will disappear but likely she only released the wrath on one person since she was a live and that person is her step-mother. 

Age: 18


Date of Birth: February 29th, 1836 (the year doesn't really matter, as long as it's feb. 29th)

Date of Death: November 21st, 1854

Date of Reincarnation: December 25th, 2010


How did you become an angel?: Doesn't even know... o.O

Special capabilities?: Telepathy - I can hear or see what the person is thinking or feeling/reading people's minds.


Time will tell

Ethnicity: Korean - Hmong - American

History: My mother died when i was only 6 years old. Four years later my father marries my step-mom...who doesn't really like me that much. Neither does my step-sister who's the same age as me but my little step-brother, who's only 4 years old, likes me :).  Me and my step-mother and step-sister made it obvious that we didn't like eachother but i delt with it. My father was pressured from his company going in deubt and from my step-mother nagging all the time, on top of that he had cancer. Two years later the company was doing better than before but the cancer had gotten the worst of him and he passed away when i was 12. My step-mom took over everything and didn't care about what i did, the only reason why i didn't leave that horrible house was because of my step-brother, i love him as if he was my own biological brother.

Cause of your death: Sung Hee and her step-sister were arguing about a guy her step-sister liked and it grew intense. Sung Hee was walking away from the fight when her sister pushed her from the back and Sung Hee tripped. The door to the cellar/basement was open and Sung Hee fell down the stairs. Her neck broke and she died.

Family: Mother - Hmong; died when i was 6.

Father - Korean; kind, caring, loves you a lot; died when i was 12.

Step-mother - Korean; doesn't like you; has 2 kids.

Step-sister - doesn't like you; Step-brother - loves you more than his actual blood sister.





Main Dancer || Main Rapper || Main Vocal

Lead Dancer || Lead Rapper || Lead Vocal

Sub Dancer || Sub Rapper || Sub Vocal

Triple Threat


Debut song: Fat Cat - Is Being Pretty Everything


Specialties: Singing, dancing, can play the violn(before step-mom made her quit), drawing, and photo bombing! Trolololo ;D

Public Persona: Cute, shy, jokes around, 


Besties: (Maximum of 3)

Name: Lee Ye Jin a.k.a Ailee

Personality: Cute, bubbly, friendly, nice, caring and scary when she's serious. Has a powerful yet beautiful voice...very different from her normal talking voice which sounds very cute. Thinks of Sung Hee as a sister. Tells Sung Hee everything from boys to feelings to music. 

How you met/ will meet: Accidently photo bombed her selca (^^;)



Name: Kim Yoo Kwon a.k.a. Ukwon

Personality: Is very childish and likes teasing Sung Hee and joking around with her. Has 'kitty' like features. Dancing Machine. He is caring, kind, and always smiling. Likes to take naps. 

How you met/ will meet: He was sleeping under a tree in the park with a One Piece manga in his lap. Sung Hee was talking with Ailee on her phone and accidentally trips over his legs, and he wakes up in shock and surprise.


Hate You~




Lovey, Dovey~

Partner Name: Woo JiHo a.k.a. Zico

Pics: http://kpopcolorcodedlyrics.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/blockb-zico1.jpg



Personality: Like a pineapple: hard and rough on the outside but soft and sweet on the inside...but doesn't just let anyone see his 'soft and sweet' side. He likes to look serious and tough because of his rapper image. Likes to tease and play pranks on Sung Hee, because she seems "different and interseting". Opens up little by little the longer he hangs out with Sung Hee.

How you act together: Usually teasing Sung Hee, being childish and then back to tough mode. -_-' Even though she's shy, she tries to talk with him. Sung Hee gets so irritated of his "serious tough guy image" cover up from his laid back, teasing, childish side that she starts arguments with him.

How you came to his side: Was a trainee in SM Ent. with him, then transfered to EvER Ent.

How he’s supposed to die: He gets beaten to death by a gang...

His history: 


My, my~

Likes: Cute things (stuffed animals like HelloKitty, accessories, etc.), comfortable clothes, instruments(guitar, piano, etc. but don't know how to play), when the people around her are happy.

Dislikes: Annyoing people, people being too serious, when people see her cry, when she can't control her powers/they won't work when she wants them to, walking alone by herself in the dark/at night.

Habits: Taps nails on surface, talks in sleep(sometimes).

Fears: Dark alleyways, drunk hobos, needles

Weaknesses: Sweets, white moca latte, cute little kids

Other: Has only been an angel for 2 years, so she's still new to how things work.



Secrets?: Starts falling in love with Zico. Hehe typical but yeah. Idk (?)


Scene Requests:

Anything to add?:



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