New Fanfic!


The Winds of Beginning

Didn't realise that I had loads of typos in the foreword till I rechecked it for the nth time T.T Finally corrected it though! (I need to becareful..) 

I notice that as a Malaysian, I tend to speak Manglish most of the time. I really need to stop sometimes .___. I might just end up writing Manglish on my essays and stories. So :D I started writing fanfics, mainly because - 

1 - I was inspired by other fanfic authors :o

2 - I want to try out something new. 

3 - To expand/improve/blabla my grammar/vocab etc etc. 

English is my first language though, but lately I feel as if I've been using Manglish too much and I really don't want my english to be rusty. 

Whoever's reading this, thank you :D and please do take a look at my new fic. Heh!


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adahgogo7 #1
Same goes to me. Love the manglish style.
Hehehehehe will do :3