idol diner application


aff information

username: yamitan7

link: here~

what do you want me to call you?: yami

character information

name: Jung Yeon Min

birthday: 08/09

age: 19

gender: Male

personality:Yeon Min is very shy and timid but once he's comfortable, he can be very weird and random. He can also be hyper but that's only if he is really determined.

history:Yeon Min was born in Hokkaido, Japan, when his parents was on a vacation. Yeon Min's parents are very supportive of him but they passed away when he was 9. his parents were quite wealthy but all that welth was snatched away by his father side relatives who only left him with money which was only enough for him to travel to his nearest relatives' house. He is now living in a apartment that Heechul bought for him after moving from house to house, the last one being Heechul's parents' house.


*Sweets/anything sweet

*Most fruits






*Being alone






* his lips when worried

*Rolls around at least twice before being able to fall asleep

*Starts singing random songs when he's in a good mood or thinks the mood is good.


*He can't sleep alone

*His cousin is Heechul

*Seen in SJ's dorm if not at home or at his apartment that Heechul bought for him

*Dropped out of school before coming to Seoul because he didn't like burdening Heechul's parents who wanted him to stay at their house and go to a good university.

*Has been living alone for only 3 months.

employee information

position: Waiter

how long have you been working here?: Ever since Heechul dragged him there to personally meet the owner(Yeon Soo)

reason for working at the idol diner: Yeon Min's cousin, Super Junior's HeeChul, introduced him to the job, saying it would be perfect for him as he is not too into kpop and stuff to go fanboying over them and the job doesn't require much interaction(or so he said....).

connections {please refer to chapter two for all of these}

friends: Ryeowook and Henry(SJ)- although Yeon Min is friends with all of the SJ members, but Ryeowook and Henry has the least schedules(not really sure for Henry though) and so he spends more time with them and are closer to them than all the other members(save Yesung).

best friends: Yesung(SJ)- He's weird and antisocial just like Yeon Min so they became best friends instantly.

love interest: 

1.Cho Kyuhyun(Met at SuJu's dorm when Yeon Min was there once)

2.Kim Kibum(Met at the diner)


*Kim Heechul- Normally, because he's the closest to a brother for Yeon Min, Yeon Min considers him as a rival in everything he does but Heechul might not feel the same way.

*Lee Sungmin- He always seems to be around Kyuhyun and Yeon Min feels he's trying to make him jealous. Although they are also friends, they are also rivals in many ways, one of them being Kyuhyun.


parents: Jung Hyuk Min, 39, Father. Jung Yeon Ji, 37, Mother.

siblings: n/a


ulzzang: Lee Chi Hoon

links: {4-5 links} 1 2 3 4

backup ulzzang(not really backup, just don't know who to choose si i'll leave it up to you): Lee Nam Soo

links: 1 2 3 4(xtra when crossdressing xD)

other stuff

password: I am the best because of oppa oppa

comments/suggestions/questions?: I am searching for the real password since i know this is probably fake so for now, will pm you when i have one. ^^ Finally found it!!! Hope i get accepted *cross fingers




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