alphabet survey {stolen from BaiLingLing}

A: Availability (Single, Taken, Married, etc.) single

B: Birthday - 15 october

C: Crushing on - if k-pop is counted, i'll say yunho

D: Drink you had last - milk<33333333

E: Easiest person(s) to talk to - no one. :l

F: Favorite song - tvxq love in the ice and why did i fall in love with you and sj's no other. forever. srl.

G: Grossest memory - like hell i'm sharing

H: Hometown - malaysia

I: In love with - no one

J: Jealous of - people with dreams

K: Killed someone - no one

L: Longest friendship - zan.

M: Milkshake flavor - chocolate foreva

N: # of siblings - three

O: 1 wish  - none at the moment

P: Person you last called - can't remember

Q: ?'s you always ask - no specific questions. just "huh?"

R: Reason to smile - no reason

S: Song last listened to - aoa get out

T: Time you woke up - 10am

U: Underwear color? - tell me 10 reasons why i should tell you

V: Violent moment you had - none

W: Worst habit - my secret is mine, your secret is mine. {lol kidding}

X: X-rays you had - i don't think i had one

Y: Your last time you cried - last night. i was listening to tvxq's love in the ice and the feeeeeeeeeeeels

Z: Zodiac sign - i think it's libra.


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love the answers~ And fyi, I was tempted to give 10 reasons for U. ;P *rolls* I should not be up at this time~ >_<<3