{stolen from BaiLingLing} all about me {title ish stolen from her too ahahaha}

1. Name: Seela

2. Nickname: Seela, Sheela

3. Age: EXO members plus two

4. Male or Female: Female 

5. Primary School: A-MF

6. Elementary school: SKTR

7. High school: SSSS

8. Hair color: Black

9. Tall or short: Short :l

10. Phone or Camera: Phone

11. Health Freak: tbh, no. x)

12. Orange or apple: orange ftw \o////

13. Do you have a crush on someone: umm

14. Eat or Drink: eat. i'm fat. hah.

15. Piercings: Yep.

16. Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi for life. ;w;



17.Been in an airplane: yeap

18.Been in a relationship: i guess...?

19.Been in a car accident: no

20.Been in a fist fight: no. i'm a good girl okay?

21.First Piercing: ears.

22.First Best Friend: a boy. still my bff actually.

23.First Award: best prefect

24.First Crush: umm

25.First word: idk?

26.Last friend you talked to in person: my mom

27.Last friend you texted: Nelly!

28.Last friend you watched a movie with: my sis

29.Last food I ate: fried rice \o///

30. Last movie you watched: Hotel Transylvania

31. Last song you listened to: TimeZ Let Love Blooms

32. Last thing you bought: sj-m and exo posterrr \o///////////

33. Last person you hugged: i can't remember O_O




34. Food: prawns <3

35. Drinks: ice lemon tea

36. Bottoms: jeans

37. Flowers: rose

38. Animal: kittens, rabbits, hamsters

39. Colors: blue, red and black

40. Movie: Mr Bean Holiday, Narnia, Harry Potter

41. Subjects: english



42. Fell for someone so hard and got heartbroken? umm...

43. Celebrated Halloween? no

44. Had your heart broken? umm

45. Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone? nope

46. Wanted to smack someone upside the head? done that before :D

47. Eaten a whole standard sized pizza? no ;___;

48. Tried to do something, but couldn't succeed? yeah

49. Did something I regret? i'm human, so duh

50. Broke a promise? yep

51. Hid a secret? puh-lease. you told me a secret, i'll forgot all about it half an hour later

52. Pretended to be happy? duh

53. Met someone who changed your life? k-pop?! :D

54. Pretended to be sick? ahahahahaha :)

55. Left the country? no

56. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it? is wearing pink counted? :/

57. Cried over the silliest thing? yes...

58. Ran 5 miles? i'm not that athletic.

59. Went to the beach with your best friends? no

60. Got into an argument with your friends? yes

61. Hated someone? if i say no, i'm lying

62. Stayed single for a whole year? puh-lease. it's ben four years. ahahahahahahaha




63. Eating: none

64. Drinking: none

65. Listening To: none

66. Thinking about: the question to this answer. hahahahahaha

67. Plans for today: be a lazyass

68. Waiting for: lunch. :DD




69. Want kids: sure

70. Want to get married: sure

71. Careers in mind: dk



72. Lips or eyes:eyes

73. Shorter or taller: taller

74. Romantic or spontaneous: idc

75. Nice stomach or nice arms?: doesn't matter

76. Hook-up or relationship?:  relationship

77. Looks or personality?: i'm lying if i said personality only so both?




78. Lost glasses/contacts: nope.

79. Snuck out of a house: nope

80. Held a gun/knife for self defense: no

81. Kissed someone before:  no

82. Broken someone's heart: i don't think so...?

83. Been in love: /sings exo's what is love/

84. Cried when someone died: is jiraiya from naruto counted...?




85. Yourself: sometimes

86. Miracles: depends

87. Love at first sight: no

88. Heaven: yes

89. Santa Claus: no




90. Is there one person you want to be with right now?: no

91. Do you know who your real friends are?: no :(

92. Do you believe in God?: yes

93. Would you change something in your life?: if it involves me hurting somebody else, then yes


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