Letters: Facts

‘In reality, it’s never been about love. What we had in between us, what tied us together, it’s simply friendship and friendship only…’- For Plush Arch ‘06

  1. There was really a team of eight people. Neko, Aya, Inu, Kitsu, Arima, Maru, Fuu, Ryuu (not real name)
  2. Kai and Sehun were exist, as Kitsu for Kai and Inu for Sehun.
  3. Some events happened in real life, like, when Inu made Neko cried, he chased her away to comfort her and then, not too long Kitsu came to check on them.
  4. Kitsu is touchy, and pretend Neko as his pet. The main reason I made this story because I’m curious why Kitsu had to do all that touch to Neko, I never ask him though. He didn’t touch Aya or Fuu that way =_=’ anyone had idea why?
  5. Kitsu really calm and gentle, yet he had rude mouth.
  6. Because he had pale skin and Neko had tanned one, Kitsu often placed their hands next to each other in comparison.
  7. Kitsu didn’t married yet but he did dating his childhood friend.
  8. Inu tried to date Neko but they stuck as friends.
  9. Neko did graduate first along with Aya, Inu followed in the next term with Arima and Fuu, then Maru, Ryuu and Kitsu in the fifth year
  10. Neko used to spend her time in Kitsu’s room, and he’s really messy. She went to Inu’s house a lot too and being in a friendly term with Inu’s nephew.
  11. Why it’s hard to grow feeling towards Inu and Kitsu? Inu’s really a bastard and Kitsu’s really a jerk. Inu loves to tell details how he kissed and how he snuggled with his girlfriends, Kitsu often said he never really in love. He just date girl because they want him. Why both of you?! Why you had to be like that to those poor girls?! (Actually one of Inu’s ex attacked me when Inu cheated on her. She contacted Kitsu first, asked for explanation, and that airhead said ‘ask Neko, she’s his wife’ and thanks to him I’ve been interrogated for hours with this chick)
  12. Inu thinks Neko is his. Actually, Neko had four miserable years of having no men interested in her because everyone really thinks of them as married couple. T^T
  13. There’s a rumor in campus. They said Neko probably a because she’s already with Inu but she still befriend with other boys. Whaat?! She can’t even having male friends in peace =_=a (I had few other male friends outside my team, they teaches me 3D rendering and share me nice stuffs such as manga and anime)
  14. Neko hoped Inu get married soon so people will stop match-making them.
  15. After college end, Neko lost contact with Kitsu. Well, Kitsu simply lost contact with everyone. Inu said he’s dead.
  16. Inu had pet name for kitsu ‘rotten monkey’ because he slept a lot and being so messy. He often said, kitsu wasted his handsome face (yes, Kitsu was very handsome and Inu had a built body)
  17. Kitsu called Neko ‘Nek’ because he said Neko was a long name. Neko often got angry because ‘Nek’ in Indonesian means ‘Grandma’
  18. Neko called him ‘Rie’ for the same reason. Neko called Inu ‘Bek’ but she stopped when Inu’s girlfriend started to call him in that way too. Inu simply called Neko ‘Oy

That's some facts, and the rest of the story was the fictions ^^


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