❝ Amorous ❞ Application → Bang Jooyong


catch me if you wanna

Name: Call me Ling~~
Activeness: hm, about 7-8?

y, free, and single

Character's name: Bang Jooyong

` Joo ¦ friends ¦ The first character of her name. Simple, and cute.
` Joo-aegi ¦ best friend ¦ Her best friend calls her that way, as Jooyong is always spoiled by her family, especially her brothers.
` Honey Bunny ¦ Yongguk (brother) ¦ A sweet and adorable nickname for Jooyong. He came up with this name when they were young and kept it until now.
` Baby Angel ¦ Yongnam (brother) ¦ Jooyong is the younggest the the Bang siblings, hence making her the baby. Angel, as he cherishes his sister a lot.

Date of Birth / Age: May 14, 1993 / 19
Place of birth: Incheon, South Korea
Ethnicity: Full Korean
Languages known: Korean (fluent), English (conversational), Chinese (basic)

every day i make history

Jooyong is known for her happy virus personality. In that small body of hers, it's always full of energy. People even wonder how she manages to keep up a whole day with only 2 hours of sleep, and no coffee. Even at very young age, Jooyong had always been cheerful and loves to smile. She's often named as the moodmaker between her group of friends. Jooyong can't stand the sad and depressing atmosphere for too long. She'd feel awkward and would do anything to get out of that situation. Jooyong is always ready for competitions and don't really care for her image, as she'd do anything, even the silliest dares. Jooyong is the type of person who can't keep her straight face for a long time. She's someone who's easy to make laugh. With the time, she developped all kind of laughs. If you ever hear a weird laugh, that'd probably be Jooyong.

Despite having a naive image, Jooyong is really smart and hard working. Just like her two older brothers, she had to study a lot in order to prove to her parents that she can be independant and have a good future with music. However, she did not attained her brothers' level. Though, she'd still be ranked in the Top 10 of the school. Though many people are surprised that she can keep up with her studies at the same time as she's mostly always out, playing around. Jooyong's really hard working and passionate. Although she's still immature at hard, she'd do anything to make her dreams come true. When she's focused on something, she'd forget about everything that's happening around her.

Jooyong gets very stubborn at times. She likes to work on her own and perfect her work. Although she's easy to make smile, she's quite hard to get pleased. Within her, hides a big critic. Jooyong really dislikes it when it's not of her taste. Being spoiled by her brothers since she came into the world, she has an habit to point out things she doesn't like.

Family background:
Jooyong comes from a middle class family. They weren't exceptionnaly rich, but they weren't extremely poor either. She grew up in a very normal environment, with a rather normal life style. Her brothers and her were brought up in Incheon. As their parents weren't always home because of their jobs, the three often spent time together, hence hving now a very close bond with each other. From time to time, they like to compete between themselves, so show off their own abilities. As they were left alone after school, the three did what insterested them three, music. Yongguk was the first to be fond of composing music, which brought the two younger siblings to follow him. They started as a trio, but slowly drifted apart with different style and genre; Yongguk with hip hip, Yongnam with rock, and Jooyong, electropop.

Both parents of the Bang family were strictly against their children's dream of becoming musical artist, as they never saw it as a real job. The parents and the children then made a deal with their parents, when they were still only kids, entering their teenage stage. Although they are very devoted in music, the children put aside their passion for a while, and focused on study instead. They were one smart family. Even now, as an habit from the past, they still like to learn more and would spend some time reading to get more knowlegde. 

Jooyong stayed at a relative's house in Seoul when she got into SM Entertainment, but moved out once she became legal as she didn't like to burden other people. Since she got in Amorous, she got to live in the dorm. She still keeps contact with her family, especially Yongnam as he's the only one who stayed in Incheon. As she grew up closer to Yongnam, she obviously favored him more than Yongguk, but she still appreciate her other brother a lot.


¤ Books
¤ Donald Duck
¤ Electropop music
¤ Red bean
¤ Scarfs
¤ Smoothies
¤ Toys
¤ Video games (favorite : League of Legends)

¤ Chalk
¤ Citrus fruit
¤ Coffee
¤ Ladybugs
¤ Rain mist
¤ Ultrasound


¤ Composing music / writing lyrics
¤ Drawing / Painting
¤ Playing guitar, piano
Rapping / Singing
¤ Soccer
¤ Watching gag shows


¤ Bitting lower lip
¤ Make funny / weird faces when bored
¤ Make sound and voice imitations
¤ Spinning things (pencils)
¤ Talks in her sleeps, sometime her brothers would make fun of her by answering her

¤ Ambidextrous, used to be only left-handed
¤ Big fan of Katy Perry, and B.A.P since they debuted
¤ Can't sleep without an extra pillows or dolls / plushes
¤ Has a love-hate relationship with horror movies
¤ Owns a big collectiong of scarves
¤ Started doing music in his last year of elementary school
¤ Unlike Yongguk, she never failed her driving test and owns a driver's license
¤ Used to be a dance-idiot
¤ Very sensitive to cold (usually sleep with 3 blankets and often turn the heat on, even in summer)

dazzling girl!

Ulzzang: Jung Sunga
Pictures: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]

Back up ulzzang: Park Hyojin
Pictures: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]

Height: 163 cm

Weight: 44 kg

Blood typeO

Jooyoung likes long sleeve shirt. As she's the type to get cold easily, she's more often seen with jackets, sweatshirts, and such. This latter isn't hard to deal with when it comes to clothes. She'd wear anything as long as it's warm and comfortable. Jooyoung isn't the type to take up an hour just to prepare herself. Although she has a good fashion sense, Jooyoung doesn't take over 10 minutes to choose her outfit of her day. She'd rather lazily pick up random stuffs in her wardrobe and wear it.

[ x ] [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] [ x ]  
Jooyoung, just like her older brother, Yongguk, also has a tattoo. Hers is on the
back of her left shoulder and her quote goes by : "The life and love we create is the life and love we live." She doesn't has any piercing but does have a bracelet that she always wear since she had received it for her 16th birthday [x]. She finds it cute and simple, but the bracelet has a deep meaning for her. It shows the brotherly love her older siblings have for her and she cherishes it a lot.

what is love

Bang Moonki | 54 | Business man | Father | Alive | Moonki has a strict personality and is a very smart man. Because he was brought up by a single mother, Moonki does everything for his children, even if they don't ask for it. He's a very protective type of person, and dislike sharing things. He's known to be strongheaded, and would do anything to perfect what he's lacking in. Despite this cold barrier, Moonki also has a soft side. He becomes sensible when he hears any bad talks of his children. | Even if Moonki showers Jooyong

Shin Hyorin | 52 | Teacher | Mother | Alive | Gentle and warm, but is a narrow-minded. Hyorin sees everything as a teacher. Almost everything in her life is related to education. She's mostly always serious, especially when it comes to her children's school-related things. Despite that side of hers, Hyorin cares a lot for her children and tries to understand them. | Very close. Hyorin always helps Jooyong out, especially with her girl things. As they're the only two female in the family, they like to have time alone here and there to talk and do what only girls do.

Bang Yongguk | 22 | Member of B.A.P | Brother | Alive | Yongguk displays a though and brusque image on-screen, but what actually hides behind it is a rather cute and shy boy. His way to give highlight to others is considered to be cute. Because his parents were against his dreams of becoming a singer, he adopted a habit for spending time alone, writting lyrics. Being the oldest of the family, he has an influence toward the younger ones as well, even if his brother was born just few minutes later. He has strong conception in morals and tends to point out his siblings mistakes. Yongguk is also the type to be very competitive, especially toward his brother. | Yongguk and Jooyong used to be very close until he got into TS entertainment, and her, not long after, into SM Entertainment. Despite this, they still meet here and there to exchange a few greetings and sometime would talk about life. Yongguk often help her in her writting of songs. Sometime, Yongguk would act more like a father than a brother toward Jooyong. He always makes sure that she's okay and tries to call her every two day, at least to get some news.

Bang Yongnam | 22 | Underground rock singer | Brother | Alive | Just like Yongguk, Yongnam is very competitive as well. Beside, even as the youngest of the twins, Yongnam always placed first, while Yongguk was second. He, along with his siblings, are very passionate toward music. But Yongnam prefers staying underground, despite the small money making, as he isn't into getting fame. However, instead of prefering solitude, Yongnam loves being around people. He's the most sociable among the twins. He has a bright and cheerful personality. He's also sometime careless, which makes him blurt out random things at times. | The closest sibling between the two to Jooyong. Because Yongguk prefered to stay home, Yongnam and Jooyong rather went out to experience new things. As they're both energetic type of people, they naturally understood each other well. Though, Yongnam is very protective toward Jooyong. It'd happen many times when the two are out and he leaves her to buy drinks and when he comes back, he'd see a random guy approaching her, so he'd casually act as her boyfriend, which always makes Jooyong embarassed. Despite this, the two love to spend time together.

Best friends:
Lee Boreum | 19 | Member of CHI CHI | Boreum is known to have an umma-like, yet awkward, personality. She's rather quiet and observant. However, she'd always be the first to iniate skinship as she loves it. Boreum likes to spend time with her close friends, but she'd rarely ever give a comment. Even with her tall height, people sometime forget her presence because she doesn't talk much. When she does, mostly weird phrases would come out of . Boreum's shy, so she'd mostly her slight 4D personality. | The two grew up together in Incheon, and even now. They both came to Seoul together in order to achieve their dreams. Their first meeting dates from back in kindergarden. As they've been living in the same neighbourhood since long time now, they were often found at each other's house.

Im Yoona | 22 | Member of Girls' Generation |
Yoona is very cute and emits an angel-like charm, she laughs really heartily but has an immature side of her. | They met at SM's building. Yoona was the first artist of the company who came to greet the new latter. She introduced herself, and told Jooyong that she could advise her on anything and that she shouldn't be afraid to ask for help from sunbaes, since they aren't there for nothing.

Ryu Hyeju [ photo ] | 21 | Ulzzang | Hyeju has a calm and relaxing aura around her all the time. She's sometime quiet, but loves to laugh and to talk, especially when there's something that interests her. She's a very loyal person, especially toward her long-time boyfriend | The two met each other at a café. As the place was running out of places, Jooyong and Hyeju spotted the same table. Both were walking toward it, and suddenly deposed their cup at the same time. They were surprised, but laughed it off. The two introduced each other and quickly became friends.

Choi Minho | 21 | Member of SHINee | The 'Flaming Charisma' Choi Minho most people know used to be quiet at the beginning of his career. However, now, it's quite hard to make him shush. Minho's really competitive, and always show that side of his on screen. He loves sports a lot too. Even his bandmates often say that he'd be better off as a athlete than a singer. | The two knew each other from back in middle school in Incheon, though they didn't exactly knew a lot about each other. As they're both from the same city and attended the same school, they quickly got closer and comfortable with one another when they met again at the company.

*Rivals: N/A

electric shock!

Love interest:`D.O. -; Do Kyungsoo | Member of EXO-K
Kyungsoo is a really smart person, he knows how to survive around people and he knows what he should do. Many love him for his gentle, yet adorable, personality. Kyungsoo seems really loveable, like he’s someone you want to take care of and you just want to squish his cheeks, however, he prefers to take care of him by himself. He's mature for his age and knows what to do in every situation. At times, Kyungsoo can become bossy, but would still have a soft aura around him. He's someone who doesn't just want fame, but simply do what passionates him. Kyungsoo is a really responsible and smart person.
How did you two meet

They met thru an audition to SM Entertainement. Coincidentally, they were both accepted at the same time, as they ended up equal, in terms of strong vocals. As they practiced a lot in the same room for the competition, they got to know each other. Being ex-rivals, without necessarily having the feel of it, they became friends as they entered the company.
How do you act around him?:
friends ¦ Jooyong is careless and doesn't seem to show any kind of romantic relationship with him, although everytime she spends some time with Kyungsoo, she wished the time could stop. She isn't aware fully of her feelings, but she knows that she might have a thing for him. Being her usual self, Jooyong acts bright and cheerful. They both help each other with their vocal trainings, and as well dancing tips although they're aren't experts in that area.

Back-up love interestKim Himchan | Member of B.A.P
Himchan, on television, is known to be a greasy and skinship loving person. Though, the him backstage is quite gentle. In his group of friends, he often plays the role of the peacemaker, and is definitely against war or any type of violence. Depite that, his on-screen image isn't totally fasle, he's really cheerful and a bit hyperactive. He cares for his friends a lot and is very friendly with whomever talks to him.

everywhere i go, i twinkle
Stage Name:
Joy ¦ Simply using the 'JO' from Joo, and the 'Y' from Yong. This simple, yet bright, name represents not only a shorter version of Jooyong's name, but also her personality. Being hyperactive all the time, despite a long day, Jooyong always keeps a smile and cheers her pairs up.

Personathe Sparkling Moodmaker
Personal fanclub name
Joice ¦ "Voice" is the major instrument of communication and music. Fans would like to be the instrument and inspiration of Jooyong in creating her music as well as communicate with her thru supporting the group and its music. "Voice" plays an important role in conveying messages and makes a powerful effect in music. It is thru our voice we sing. One can sing without musical instruments but one can’t sing without a voice. It completes a song or musical piece, adds beauty to melody and significance to the lyrics.

Jooyong (Music) = Fans (Voice)

Hence making a mix with both names, which will for J(ooyong) + (v)OICE = Joice

Personal fanclub colorChartreuse Green (web)   #7FFF00  

How did you get into SM?After winning in a singing competition, Jooyong was cast into SM Entertainment through the SM Casting System in 2010.
Years of training2 years

Positionlead vocal, supporting rapper | main vocal, supporting dancer

Training experience:
It was hard for Jooyong to keep her secret from her parents, as she obviously loved singing a lot. Although her parents were strictly against her becoming an idol unless her can achieve a good academic report, she still went in secret to her trainings. Though, she wouldn't be present everyday, which made her unable to show her full interest in singing and potential. Because she wasn't there all the time, other trainees would mock at her and tell her how useless she was. Jooyong had a hard time focusing in both keeping this secret away from her parents and focusing in training. However, those critisms were always brushed aside with her bright personality, or so the image she has on all the time. She didn't really got along with many trainees there, hence making her a rather lonely person during practices. Despite this, she always kept a smile during her practices.
Predebut experience:

Jooyong was an underground rock performer, alongside with her older brothers, before being casted in SM Entertainment. Most of the time, the three siblings would perform together. However, when Yongguk got with Soul Connection, Jooyong sang with Yongnam. The siblings were quite known around the town as they've been performing for while together. However, once she got into the entertainment company, she halted her musical underground activities.

something for the queen?

Hm, nope. Just good luck with the story! It sounds really interesting, with all the members having an idol as their relative! I'll make sure to comment more from now on, since I just recently found about your story ><;! Anyway, hwaiting!! ^^
Scene requests:

Hm, I don't mind not having any of these scenes. Just some suggestion for my character (and maybe the others as well~)

` She goes to a SM TOWN show when she was still a trainee (or preparing to become an idol)
` Jooyong spending some time backstage with B.A.P
` Her falling asleep on her love's interest's shoulder after a long training that went until night time
` Yongnam coming over Seoul to greet his siblings, Jooyong spends her time with him during his stay, which would make her love interest jealous that she'd spend more time with her brother than him
` Yongnam being over-protective when he sees her love interest with her
` A fluffly kiss scene




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