(3)Female Application for X-Generation K Senior High Boarding School~ღ

Choi Da Eun


Student Name: Choi Da Eun

Student Gender: Female

Student Age: 16

Student Birthday: December 15, 1995

'Special Power': Her eyes. She controls peoples thoughts, actions, and additude with just one glance. She can control what they think, and can force them to think a certain way. She has a power strong enough to make a man kill himself, but never would use it that way. She only uses it to protect others when they are in dire need of help. The only catch is, in order for her power to actually work, he/she has to catch her eyes as well.

What grade will this student be enrolled in?: 11th

Student Ethnicity: Korean-Japanese

Student Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Languages spoken by student: Korean-native-, Mandrin-fluent-, English-basic-, Japanese-basic-

Student Personality:

Da Eun is just the kind of girl who could care less. She loves fashion, and with growing up with a very fashion foreward family, she has grown to become very attached to it. Fashion is her 'safety blanket'. She's the kind of girl that people envy, not for bad reasons though. Da Eun has a nice body, and acts like she dosen't care or notice. When really she works out every night before she sleeps. She never has bad hairdays, and pretends not to care about those types of things. When in reality she spends at least a half an hour every night dedicated to hair care. Her skin is flawless and that as well she secretly cares for. She dosen't want or like people thinking she works hard for the way she looks because now, because she has been doing it for so long, her daily routines have become accoustomed to her.

She was introduced to the life of fashion at a young age and grew up with a fixed prospective of what a perfect woman looks like. Ever since she was in her early years she has done what she thought was necessacary to become the picture of a perfect girl, that was painted for her. Not just by her surroundings, but by her mother as well. Da Eun is the kind of person that works as hard as she can for something and dose not give up. She's a very persistant young lady, determined as well. Da Eun was also known as the 'baddest chick' is middle school because she gave of a personality that she didn't care what people thought. Which was half true. In her freshman year she kept getting mistaken as a Senior which, for whatever reason, always crushed her.

   On her Sophmore year of high school, her nickname was 'the missing member of 2NE1' because she had this air about her that would make you think that she was, well, the best. She dressed like it. But her personality only half matches it. Da Eun, or to her friends 'Eunie', Da Eun has a mysterious auora. On first glance her eyes will draw you in for another, and her actions will make you question everything about her. But the more you get to know her, and the closer you become to her, the more attatched you will become. Her smile can fill you with warmth, and her eyes could make a disabled man walk again.


Student Likes:

-Stuffed animals of blue bunny rabbits.

-Running in the morning while the air is crisp, with her iPod playing her favorite songs through her headphones.

-She is a Kpop addict.

-Getting complimented. With just one compliment her mood can change completely.

-Strawberry milk.

-Fashion and Clothing is practically her life.

Student Dislikes:

-When people don't stand up for themselves, and let themselves get stepped on and treated like dirt.

-Know-it-alls, more commonly known as a smart .

-Two faced people, when at one moment you think you know everything about them, but then the next they act like a stranger.

-When people correct her and point out her flaws and faults.


Student Hobbies:

-Religiously re-painting her nails everynight.

-Learning every lyric to her favorite song, and knowing both the words and the dance to it by heart.

-Sewing her own clothes, and taking requests from her friends to make them something.

-Pastel and watercolor painting.

Student Habits:

-Biting her lips all the time. When she's thinking, frustraited, or just taking notes in class.

-Singing songs in her head, and mothing the words to them. She especially does this in class when she isn't paying attention.

-Fixing herself when she's uncomfortable. She will adjust her clothing and fix her hair, also she will tap her foot.

Will the student engage in any sports or clubs?: Yes

If so, which?: Archery, Soccer, and Photography

Preference in room?: No preference.

Other things that awshom author needs to know:

Ulzzang: Jin Jae Young

~ 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 ~ 10 ~ 11 ~ 12 ~

Back-Up Ulzzang: Park Sora

~ 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 ~ 10 ~ 11 ~ 12 ~

Family {PictureName;Age;Relation;Job;How good is their relationship together?}:

Name: Choi Jung In

Age: 47

Relation: Mother
Job: The top fashion agent in Seoul. 
Relationship: She always treated Da Eun with special care, not like a daughter. More like a fragile diamond that could crack with just a slight breeze.

Name: Choi Ji Min
Age: 49
Relation: Father
Job: Works at a fameous restruant in Seoul as head-chef.
Relationship: Probably the best father somebody could become.

Name: Choi Ji Hoo
Age: 19
Relation: Older Brother
Job: He works at a local coffee shop as a waiter.
Relationship: To Ji Hoo, Da Eun is a fun little sister. They go to baseball games, shopping, and out to eat together. Even though they have been asked countless times if they are a couple.

Name: Choi Yu Han
Age: 22
Relation: Eldest Brother
Job: A model for a hair care brand just for men.
Relationship: Da Eun and Yu Han do almost everything together. Including doing his hair and makeup for photoshoots for his job.

Name: Choi Yoo Na
Age: 20
Relation: Older Sister
Job: She has been a model since she was in diapers.
Relationship: Even though the two sisters never get to see each other because of Yoo Na's buisy model life they always find some time in the day to call each other.


Best Friend:

Name: Jin Su Ji
Age: 17
Relation: Best Friend
Job: Works at the coffee shop with Da Eun's older brother Ji Hoo as a baker and waitress.
Relationship: Best friends since the young age of 9. Their relationship at first was distant and almost non-exsistant. But now they are like sisters, unseperable and as close as two people can become.



Name: Jin Hye Won
Age: 17
Relation: Close Friend
Job: Not Occupied.
Relationship: With Hye Won growing up in a fairly rich household, she usually 'bought' her friends as a child. But Da Eun was different. They actually bonded and became true friends. Always a shoulder to lean on.

Name: Ryu Hyo Young
Age: 18
Relation: Friend
Job: Works at a local fashion boutique as cashier.
Relationship: They were best friends from grades 1-4, but when Da Eun swithed schools for 5th grade their relationship slowly lost strength. Even though they occasionally talk on the phone today, their relationship will never be like it was as children.

Name: Heo Chan Mi
Age: 19
Relation: Distant Friend
Job: Runs a blog and travels around the world looking for the best fashion agencies.
Relationship: Having met each other through Da Eun's mother, their relationship wasn't destined to last from the start. They keep in touch through Chan Mi's blog, but since she's constantly traveling around the world it's almost impossible for them to become close.


- Her favorite color is Plum.

-Her strong mysterious charm tends to give off the wrong impression.

-She has never had a boyfriend.

-She has a love-hate relationship with food.

-She is a fangirl of  Dongho from U-KISS.

-Christmas is her #1 favorite holiday.

-Da Eun is one of the sweetest girls you will ever meet.

-Her eyes speak for her.

-Is very quiet and shy before you speak her. She usualy dosen't speak unless spoked too.

-Almost always has her hair in a messy side braid.

ual Orientation: Straight

Ideal Type: Someone who can keep her intrested, while still showing her he trusts her with all his heart. 

Do they engage in pre-marital ?: No.

Do they cuss?: Sometimes, but only when she's really upset. ex: Damn it, , and Hell.

Code Name: Iris



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