What Is Your Problem?


Oh my gosh I can't even believe this girl. 
I swear, do you even have any manners?

Okay, so last night at practice [I do gymnastics three nights a week] I got a rip
So you know I did what I usually would and went to my coach for her to reccomend something, went to the bathroom to wash my hands and then went to the med cabnit for a bandaid and tape. 
So the med cabnit is this tall grey cabnit which has been temorarily moved to the corner of the gym, right near the giant fan that we use on hot summer days. 
So when I went to open the cabnet there was limited space for me to get infront of the cabnet, but it wasn't like I didn't fit or anything. 
When I was opening the cabnit door, it got caught on the fan. 
Now this girl, let's call her , I've had problems with her in the past, but last night she got super lucky I wasn't in a bad mood. 
I looked to my left and it's like she just appeared there, and she says:

"Do you want me to help? I'm skinnier."

Woah, hold up bish. Lets just take a second to go over what you just said.
First of all, no. I do not want your help nor do I ever need it or would I ever want it. You constantly point out my flaws and make fun of me, and you still have some sort of pride in yourself to come to me and tell me that we're friends. She has done this actually. She's called me names before and made fun of me, and at the end of practice she goes "What are we anyway? Are we friends? I'm gonna call us friends." What the heck do you think friendship is anyways?

Second of all, you're "skinnier"?

Hold up.

Some babies were dropped on their heads, you were clearly thrown against the wall. Do you even have any common sense? You know the reason girls don't go around telling other girls how much skinnier they are than others, and how little they weigh? It's because they'll be beat up, that's why. Girls don't like to think that they're, ugh I even hate typing it, girls don't like thinking that they're fat. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's not just girls. I seriously snapped my neck when I heard that come from .

I told her to go back to her station in the coldest voice I've ever made. 

Somehow a part of me thinks I'm over reacting. But this girl has been bugging the crap out of me since the begining. She hit one of my major buttons, and I'm not about to let it go. I've always been self consious about my body and what I look like, so she was pretty much lucky that she didn't need a bandaid when she left practice that night. I may have no s, and a gymnast , but honestly what did you expect? I could eaisly break her in half, she's one of the girls in my gym that dosen't like gymnastics, yet SHE STILL GOES. Therefore she is a little seventy pound stick that can't do jack.

In fact, she wanted a hug from me when I was leaving. I mean, seriously? You, my enemy, should probably seek some mental help. 

I swear, and when I told my father he said that she was 'just trying to make friends'Well if that's her own jacked up way of trying to make friends, she's got something backwards and upside down. 

I've got to calm myself down. 
*Breathe In, Breathe Out*
She just gets me so worked up sometimes that I think I may explode. 
Good thing I don't have to deal with her again until next week. 

Bye bye then!




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You could totally kick her .
I hate people who do that.