Eternal Gems, A Princess Academy Application


{Choi Shinhye}


Real You

username: AngelichWhisper

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Le Princess 

Name: Choi Shinhye

Kingdom: Palace of Sappheiros

Ethnicity: Full Korean

Languages You can Speak: Korean (fluent), English (fluent), French (fluent), Chinese (conversational), Italian (basic)

Age: 19

Birthday: September 5, 1993


Known as the most witted and intelligent princess, Shinhye never fails to show her knowledge. She gets irritated when there's something she's clueless about so she'll look up on the thing that made her curious until she finds what she wants. Once her mind is set up, she'd only focuse on that and forget her surrounding. Shinhye is a determined and straight-forward person. She wouldn't hide anything. She'd blurt out everything, except for informations about herself. Her emotions are rarely ever expressed, thought those who're close to her can easily guess her feelings. Although she says only the truth, it may be hard for one to fully understand what she's saying. As it took time for her to knowledge a fact, she wouldn't let out such simple information slip easily. As much as she loves riddles, she'll use them to give out the answer that the other party wants.

This young latter is a passionate person. She's rather the stubborn type, and will never give up until someone gives her a very good reason to stop, which hadn't occured until now. Though, she had never rebelled against her parents' wishes. Shinhye loves playing music. During her 18 years, Shinhye got to learn how to play violon (her favorite intrument of all),  piano, harp and flute.

Shinhye prefers to wander off on her own. She likes quiet places and being alone, so she can take the time to think or simply read. People not only see her as someone who's hard to approach because of her distant and calm aura, but as well a little intimidating because of all her wisdom. Shinhye acts careful around everyone, even her relatives. She fears betrayal, hence she became cautious of her surrouding at young age. Despite this side of hers, Shinhye's loyal and friendly toward those who shows that they worth her gentleness.

And unexpected thing from the Princess of Palace of Sappheiros, is her brother-complex. Though it might not really show, Shinhye often worries over her brother even if she's the younger sibling. As a careless act, she would also compliment and defend her brother. As she grew up with him and his friend, she always looks up on him although he's not the perfect example, "the worst example to follow," their father would always say.



¤ Books - Shinhye loves to learn. By reading, one get more knowledge. She's rather go for self-improvement genre, but she would never refuse any book suggestions, as she can learn something from it.
¤ Crepes - A delicious and rich dessert. Shinhye likes how she can change toppings all the time.
¤ Flowers - Each flower has a different scent, image, meaning. It reminds her that every person has an unique personality and way of thoughts, and also she can't judge one by it's apparences. Furthermore, Shinhye's a nature-loving person.
¤ Riddles - It helps her to improve her ruse and wit. She likes to spend some free time solving puzzles and such.
¤ Sapphire - Not only it's her birthmonth, but also her favorite gem. Shinhye owns a
ring, given by her older brother, that she wears all the time.
¤ Violon - An interesting, classical intrusment that can fit in almost any musical genre. Shinhye has been learning the violon since age of 3, and still takes lessons until nowé


¤ Dishonesty / Liars - Why lie, if one can simply tell the truth and not get into trouble later?
¤ Talktive people - Shinhye rather prefers quiet environment, a place where she can calm herself. People who talk too much invade her bubble.
¤ Violence - She believes that it would never solve anything. Wasting energy on someone who doesn't deserves having a physical contact with her does not worth it.


¤ Keeping her feelings / thoughts for herself
¤ Staring blankly  into space unconciously
¤ Tearing up when she's angry / worried



Ulzzang Name: Da In

Pictures: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ more ]


Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Do Hweji

Pictures: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]


How do you dress like?

Casual: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]
Formal: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]
Sleeping: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ]



Family Background:

The Royal family of the Palace of Sappheiros had always been known for it's knowledge. The palace had been well-off for many generations, the king never had a big trouble in his kingdom. Their business and succession were accepted by its people. Actually, many of them admire the high-ranked family instead of thinking about the hierarchic system. The population was pleased by the successors, and every citizen of the kingdom had their possessions distribued fairly.

Shinhye was born to her little family's happiness on a nice morning of September. It would be a lie to say that her parents weren't hoping for a boy, however, when she reached the age of 3, people already recognized her as a baby genius. It didn't take a long time for Shinhye to be independant of her parents. She was only 4, when she went to her lessons by herself and studied on her own, without the demand of her parents. Hence the population had been looking up at Shinhye for a long time now, and their expectations get higher every time.

Because Shinhye was mature at such young age, her parents let her on her own very much often, which is why she had spent a lot more time with her brother. All toddlers need some playtime. As she followed her brother, she also got new friends. The only problem, they were all males. However, that never troubled Shinhye on her femininity. As she grew up, she eventually had better terms with boys, but she wouldn't neglect and feel awkward with girls, because they were from the same gender, she doesn't see why she wouldn't feel comfortable around them.


Choi Sungwoo || 54 || Father || Alive || King of Palace of Sappheiros  || Sungwoo is more than often busy with his own business, such as politics and his people. As he isn't free a lot, he doesn't see his children unless it's dinner time. Though he's very occupied, he always find a time to have a small chat with his daughter. At very young age, Shinhye admired her father a lot, not only because he was the dirigeant of a whole kingdom, but also a thoughtful and skillful professor. She learns from her mistakes, and follows his orders very well. When they're together, Sungwoo tries to show his care, though Shinhye doesn't open herself up to her father all the time.

Choi Hyosun, born as Do Hyosun || 51 || Mother || Alive || Queen of Palace of Sappheiros  || Although it was Hyosun who gave birth to Shinhye, these two have the least contact in the family. Hyosun is strict and make sure her daughter follows every rules of the royal family. It is rare to see her smile, but her ways of thoughts had always been fair for both Shinher and herself. Though they don't exchange a lot of conversation, the young princess of Palace of Sappheiros respects her mother a lot. 

Choi Hoseok ||  23  || Brother  || Alive || Prince of Palace of Sappheiros || Shinhye's all-time favorite person, or more like hero. As she followed her brother since very young age, she had always looked up on him, though he isn't the best example to follow. Hoseok stands out of his family a lot because of his goofy and playful behavior that distinguishes from the Choi family. Although they're different in personality wise, Shinhye always have fun with her brother, and he's her best comforter. Being her closest blood-related relative, Shinhye feels at ease with him. Hoseok, on his side, makes sure that his sister is happy, and tries to take the immense pressure off her shoulders. Because he's more of the easy-going type of person, people mistake him for someone who's airheaded. However, once Hoseok's serious, especially in cases where his sister is involved, he has that look in his eyes that is fearless and powerful, and sometime described as scary. Whenever there's something related to his sister that he hears and displeases him, he'd immediately take action. 

Oh Sehun ||   18   ||  Best friend   ||  Alive  || Marquis of Palace of Sappheiros  || Best friends since childhood time, the two are nearly inseparable. No, they don't have a love story like most typical fluff stories. They simply share a great frienship bond. With Shinhye, Sehun likes to act immature because he knows that she wouldn't judge him. As for Shinhye, her aegyo and childish side come out with him. Sehun always comes up with interesting ideas to pass their time. He's probably the only person who had seen her burst into laughter until she teared up. Being her closest friend, Shinhye don't mind it when Sehun comes and interrupt her silent atmosphere, and he's the only exception even her brother irriates her sometime. They've known for so long already, the two know each others' habits and secrets. Though, maybe Sehun might seem to understand Shinhye more than she does herself in certain situations. As they've been together for many years, people mistake them for a couple, but they'd always deny it. This is how close they've become. Holding hands, staying over, talking until past midnight, hugging, they've done all, without feeling awkward. They truly are the best friends of the kingdom. 

Park Gyuri ||  24  || Close  friend || Alive || Palace Maid || Gyuri always shows her respect toward the younger girl, even if Shinhye always tells her to cut off the formalities. Being the Palace Maid, Gyuri have been by the younger latter's side for 6 years already. When Shinhye's bored, and it's already late or she doesn't feel like going out, Gyuri's always there for her. As the 24-year-old girl served the royal family for so long, Shinhye feels comfortable talking to her and don't fear revealing a few of her secret. Moreover, Gyuri's one of her only few female friend. Being just girls, they tend to share more personal and girly stuffs.

How you met your friends:

Oh Sehun || It's not a surprise to learn that the kinf and the duke of the Palace of Sappheiros are friends. They were both in their diapers when they first met. Being so young their meeting was made by their parents. They often meet, as both families saw each other often. Being babies, they naturally played together. There weren't particularly any fight that broke out. As they grew up, Sehun and Shinhye got closer. It was as if they were destinated to become best friends. When they got in her teenage years, both parties' parents were about to set up their children in marriage to set business together, but the children refused. They could only see each other as best friends, nothing more. Hence, they're still together as friends until now.  

Park Gyuri || Gyuri came from a very poor family in the kingdom. These family's daughter are often brought up to become maids of the royal family. When she got 18 year-old, Gyuri become a Palace Maid. Being 12 at that time, Shinhye was curious of her maids. She didn't really appreciated them except for Gyuri who seemed normal compared to the others. They're first meeting was a little clumsy. Gyuri was carrying the sheets of Shinhye's bed. With the pile in front of her, she couldn't exactly see what was in front of her. At the same time, Shinhye was entering her room. Gyuri was trying to keep balance, but suddenly a hand took a sheet from her tall pile. Surprised, the maid looked on the side only the see the young highness. Surprised, she accidently let everything fall. With a giggle, Shinhye helped the other girl pick up.


Love Interest

Name: `Zico -; Woo Jiho

Kingdom: Palace of Dulcimia

Occupation: Prince

Age: 20

Birthday: September 14, 1992

Jiho, in his entourage, is known to be free spirited and sometime even silly. He has a rambunctious personality and loves to have fun. Although he doesn't seem to be serious, Jiho is really passionate to everything related to art, visually and musically. It is hard to see Jiho being quiet, as he almost never shuts his mouth. Being free is one of his priorities. Jiho is the type of person who's act before thinking, which would cause troubles at time. Despite this, he never seemed to have learnt his lesson. Although he's being immature, Jiho knows when he has to be more serious, which, unfortunately, rarely ever happens because he dislikes that kind of atmosphere, though he'd still put his all to get the best results in whatever he's assigned to do. Jiho's a loyal and understanding person. He may be a troublemaker, but he gives out the best advices out there. A cute side of him, he's a big fan of Hello Kitty.

With no doubt, the Woo family sometime gets desesperate with this boy. In their eyes, his goofy personality has somehow ruined his great potential. The whole family is known to be fun and enjoyable, but each member all know when serious matters come in, unlike Jiho who most of the time take things lightly. Despite this, the Woo parents love their son a lot. Same as Taewoon, Jiho's brother. The two children often spend time together, as their brothers, obviously, but would still rather spend some time with their own friends. Taewoon and Jiho are quite different in personalities, as Taewoon is more mature and knows how to handle certain situations.

Jiho's friends, just like him, are more of the playful type. They all love to use silly antics and fool around. Jiho finds it more comfortable and at ease when he's with them as they seem to understand him better. He's usually the first to introduce himself to strangers, as he believes that a bigger circle of friends is more fun.

Toward Shinhye, there is no exception. Even if she's a girl, his pranks would still be the same. However, with his own concept of courting, fooling around her all the time is a way to get her attention. Hiding his feelings, but still trying to leave out hints, Jiho tries his best to get noticed by her. Although it has been almost 8 years since they met, his thoughs of her never changed. Sometime, he'd act gentleman to surprise her a little, showing his good side as well. Another thing he had been doing for the past years since he met her is to prepare a small occasion for only the two of them, to celebrate their birthday together, as their brithdates are in the same month, with few days of interval.

How you guys met: The two met around age of 10, through their brothers. And yes, they've been bickering from back then.It was just like any normal day, Hoseok was going over to Taewoon's house. Seing his younger sister doing nothing, but staring at the new dolls she received, he brought her along with him. Shinhye knew who Taewoon was, as he had been over a few times already. As she was bored, she decided to follow her brother. Once there, she saw two boys. Taewoon and another she never met before. It didn't took long before the older ones introduced their younger siblings to each other. Shinhye was about to talk, until Jiho suddenly cut her. During her stay there, she absolutely didn't like it a bit, as she felt excluded from the boy group for the first time. Still, she'd come over whenever she felt like following Hoseok. Jiho, on the other hand, acted the way most boys are whenever they're with a girl they like. For the past 8 years, he'd continue to . Slowly, he starts to realize that he had fallen head over heels for the princess of Sappheiros.

His friends: Block B, Lee Jeongmin, Jung Jinyoung, Kim Hyuna

How he dresses like: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]


Back-Up Love Interest Name: Jung Daehyun

Kingdom: Kingdom of Paladia

Occupation: Prince

Age: 19

Birthday: June 28, 1993


Daehyun has two sides of him. The shy and though one, and the playful one. Though, he's more seen being hyperactive, with strangers, he's rather quiet and has the image of a good son. However, with people with who he's closer with, he wouldn't even know what the word "pride" was. Daehyun has a mischievous and playful personality. It was said that during his younger time, he used to come back home with a new scar from playing around. Even as a prince, people would sometime doubt that he is one because of the way he acts. He's the type of person who can't wait until break time to have some fun. Even when he's locked in a room with his tutor, he'd found a way to amuse himself. Daehyun always keep his smile on despite some hardship he might get. One thing that everyone know about him is his big stomach. A lot of people are jealous of him, as even if he eats a lot, his waist still remains skinny. Daehyun's known to be a big shikshin, and would think about food 24/7. 

Althoug he's playful, Daehyun fulfill all the duties his parents give him. He follows all the rules and do as his parents say. Food might be number one on list, but his parents quickly come after. Daehyun's a loyal and hardworking son. His parents demands are always all completed before he gives himself the right of going out with his friends. He's definitely the opposite of his older brother, Daejung, who has a rather cold personality. Unlike his brother, Daehyun is out all the time he can. While Daejung is more serious about the throne, Daehyun left him the place a long time ago as he barely has any interest. Even if they have different personalities, the two Jung brothers get along quite well, despite they're rarely seen hanging out together.

At first sight, Daehyun is the ideal son. He's loveable and charismatic, his mother would say. He'll certainly have a good future, his father thinks. Daehyun acts politely toward all his parents' guests. Sometime his playful side would come out, but that just add more laughters to brighten up the mood. He isn't always the first to introduce himself, but wouldn't wait to take initiative when he sees someone that interests him.

When Daehyun and Shinhye first met, Daehyun felt embarassed because he showes his pig side to the crowned princess of Sappheiros. Despite this, Shinhye only sees it as something normal. Having a big appetite wasn't his choice. Slowly, they got closer and we would talk about anything that come up in their minds. The two feel comfortable around the other and can't wait for their next meeting. Shinhye would open herself more to him, as he isn't scared to make fun of himself in front of her because she already saw an embarassing side of him. As they've become friends, they sometime wish for something more. Both to shy to admit their feelings, they end up doing clumsy, yet cute actions for the other. Hoseok often likes to tease the two. Actually, their feelings are quite obvious to outsiders' eyes.

How you guys met: Believe it or not, the two met while Daehyun was making a pig of himself. Both families went to a party, three years back then. Luckily for Daehyun the buffet was full of his favorite food. Without hesitation, he grabbed a plate and started to fill it of food. Once done, he sat at a random table and started to dig like there was no tomorrow. Shinhye happened to be sitting next to him, as the table was assigned for her family. Ignoring the fact that a stranger came to sit at their table, her attention was suddenly caught the moment she saw his plate. For the first time, Shinhye was witness of the yougest son of the royal family of Paladia. Of course, she heard of him, but never met him in person. Just looking at his plate, she knew it was him. She was suddenly brought back on earth when she heard coughing. Seeing him choking on his food, Shinhye passed him a glass of water. Daehyun thanked her, as she replied back that he should take his time eating instead of all gulping the whole without chewing his food well. Daehyun then realized that he wasn't at his family's table. He was about to excuse himself, when Shinhye asked him to stay. For the first time, Shinhye took initiative to start a conversation. Quickly, the two became friendly with each other. Little did they know, their story started with a plate of food.

His friends: B.A.P, Han Sunhwa, Lee Minhyuk, Jung Ilhoon

How he dresses like: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]




Comments/Requests?: Hope you liked Shinhye! Please tell me if there's anything wrong~
And the story sounds really interesting! All princesses <3 ~ I want to be one too, aha c;

Password: Sapphire


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