`( midnight carnival ) — ( Yena Yi )


 `Yena Yi
The Ballerina


 `( welcome to the night. that's right)



`( come into the carnival )

username :: pinkberii

nickname :: yenars xD

activity level :: 10


`( darlings of nausea )

full name :: Yi Yena 

*nicknames :: baby because she cries a lot and is sensitive

birthday :: 10/06/1995

age :: 17

ethnicity :: full korean

birthplace :: gyeonggido

hometown :: ilsan

spoken languages :: korean - very fluent ,  english - fluent


`( but you have seen it, haven't you? )

ulzzang :: Baek Sumin

back-up ulzzang :: Hong Young Gi

height :: 157.5 cm (5'2) 

weight :: 42 kg

appearance ::

has long, black, boring, straight hair that stops just above her hips. It's very silky and healthy since she never does anything with it. Has a

young, innocent look. Her eyes are round, and a bit sad looking. She is very petite for her age, and very light. Her lips are a natural rosy pink

color, and are a bit pouty, adding on to the "sad" look. She has a very small tattoo on the center of her back that says, "made in korea" . This

is what the tattoo looks like: clickies!  (except its on the back) 

style ::

Her style is casual and effortless. She values comfort over style. often wears cute oversized tees, sweaters, and hoodies. She loves her warm,

baggy clothing. Likes wearing skirts or dresses, but doesnt wear them too often. She loves the shoe brand VANS and loves their sneakers.

These are what vans look like: clickieee ; her overall style: millions of pics here :p 

 or more specific style: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


`( while riding on a horse that goes `round and `round )

personality ::

Yena is a big baby. She is very sensitive, and has many fears. She worries a lot and is very quiet. She only speaks to people she trusts, or if she

feels she has to say something very important/necessary. She hates getting into arguments/fights, because it usually results with her crying.

That is also why she can't say no to people. She is afraid of making mistakes, hurting people, and doing something wrong, which is why she

likes to do things alone. She's awkward around strangers and doesn't know how to act around them. 


She is very shy, so she barely talks and lets her sister (the spec girl) do all the talking. She loves her sister, and would do anything for her. She 

follows her sister around almost everywhere. She's very gullible, and will believe almost everything/anything you say. She's a big scardey cat

and hates the dark more than anything in life. Even though she is still shy around girls, she is even more shy around boys. There is something

about the opposite that intimidates her, and makes her feel even more awkward/shy. It's very hard to gain her trust. Her biggest flaw is

that she is very clumsy and very forgetful. She trips, falls, and harms herself a lot, which is why she's got quite a number of bruises. 




history ::

Yena grew up with a loving family and an older sister whom she loves very much. Her family is rich which is why her older sister (spec girl) is 

so spoiled and gets whatever she wants. She never had many friends because of her lack in trust of people. There was a period in time where

she was a bright, happy, and friendly girl, until her bestfriend betrayed her, and left her alone. After that, she grew up lonely, sad, sensitive, 

and trusted barely anybody. Her parents would always encourage her to make friends, but it was too hard for her. She and her sister never got

to see their parents much because they were always out on business trips making money. This made yena feel even more lonely than she

aready was.

fears :: 

  • ghost stories
  • ghosts
  • monsters
  • the dark
  • blood
  • death
  • spiders/insects
  • falling off rollercoasters



likes ::

  • ​sweet foods
  • food
  • sweaters
  • funny jokes
  • fluffy things
  • music
  • stuffed animals
  • merry-go-rounds
  • animals
  • nature
  • sleeping


             dislikes :: 


  • water - can't swim
  • rain - makes her feel sad
  • bugs - esp. spiders
  • the dark
  • rollercoasters
  • humid weather - makes her feel icky and gross
  • worms
  • dirt/mud
  • veggies
  • people that make her cry
  • people her sister hates



habits :: 

  • bites her tongue when nervous
  • snorts when she laughs very hard (which is rarely)
  • snores in her sleep
  • face gets very red when embarrassed
  • stutters when scared/ nervous
  • eyes get super round when surprised/shocked


hobbies :: 

  • collecting rings/ vintage things
  • collecting unique stones
  • scrapbooking
  • flattening different leaves in books
  • running, feeling the wind on her face
  • star gazing


trivia ::

  • bad at cooking
  • can't sew or knit
  • favorite quote is, "money can't buy happiness" 
  • loves romance novels
  • talks/sings to herself when she thinks nobody is listening


`( but there's no one there )

family :: 

Mother | Eun Yi | 42 | Big Business Owner | caring, motherly, patient, positive | 9.5 

Father | Kyu Yi | 43 | Big Business Owner | silly, funny, jokester, protective | 9.5

Sister (the spec girl) | depends on the applier | depends on the applier | none | self confident, conceited, short tempered, impatient | 10


adventure buddies :: 

1. The Spec Girl - one simple reason: they are sisters. But, just in case sisters don't count, then my number one choice would be 

The Ring Master. 


2. The Ring Master - they would have a mother - daughter relationship 


3. The Zany - Since she is so talkative, she could blab to Yena all day while Yena just listens to what she has to say. 


4. The Rope Walker - She could being a little more risk/fun into Yena's life.


5. The Lion Tamer - Could help/give yena adive (?) . 


*friend/s :: 

no friends

*rival/s :: 

no rival


`( i wonder how far this run down carnival will go )

how you find out about the carnival ::

Her sister (SPEC GIRL) Finds out about it somehow (however the applicant describes it) and decides to go, so Yena just follows her.

how did you react when you got stuck in the carnival ::

Being a baby, she cried and was very terrified.

did the circus crew scare you at first ::

Yes, Yena didn't want to talk, look, or go near them.

were you willing to go to the carnival in the first place ::

Yes because her sister was going, and yena wanted to be with her. 

favorite carnival attraction ::

the merry-go-round


`( but i don't want to be alone )

love interest :: wu kris

his plotline :: the puppeteer

back-up love interest :: kim kai 

his plotline :: the dancer

how you met ::


Yena gets lost from her sister and wanders around frantically looking for her. She looks in a tent, and there were puppets placed on a table.

She thought one of them looked cute and picked it up. She began to examine the puppet, when Kris came in and abruptly tell hers to leave the 

puppet alone. she is startled, and clumsily drops the puppet on the floor. Kris gets angry and tells her to get out. 



Yena gets lost from her sister and wanders into the place where kai practices his dancing. There was a huge mirror, yena had never seen a

mirror so big. she looks around to make sure nobody was watching, and started to make wierd/funny faces in the mirror and doing wierd dance

moves. Kai sees the whole thing and thinks it's funny/amusing. Yena is embarassed and runs away. 


relationship ::

Since yena is shy it was awkward and quiet between them.


does he like you at first? ::

if yes :: (KAI) only likes her in a curious way. He thought she was interesting.

if no :: (KRIS) doesn't like her because she dropped one of his favorite puppets.

finale :: surprise me-- but i just hope my love interest doesnt die because then i might cry because that would be sad and my parents

would be like "dafuq?"  xD 


`( it's deserted! )


comments :: 

  • okie so THIS IS THE MOSTEST AMAZING PLOT EVER (is mostest even a word?) !! I really am attracted to it *-* .Sorry if this app is baddd, i hope it isnt xD if there's anything i need to fix, tell meeee~~ if im chosen, idc who my love interest is (kai or kris) just choose who will be easier and more fun to write about for you :3 anywaysss i seriously love you for making this apply fic...... <333 . please accept my hearts. GOOD LUCK!!! this seems like a hard story to write :p

suggestions :: nopeeeeeee~~~~

scene requests :: hmm.. idek but i really like jealousy and rivalry between boys (isn't it just cute?) 

do you mind if your character dies? :: nope i dont mind! 

do you think there should be any sort of ual stuff in the story? :: if you want there to be - its your storyyy. but if i could

choose thenn no ;-; well im okay with anything as long as they don't actually have lololol. -im so pure- xDD

password :: no i didnt read the rules.

lololol sikeeeeee . i read the rules like a good girl c:


time is running out :: so i better get out




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