you are my heaven || application

[ kang "vanessa" haeri ]

Hello, Hello

Your name: Call me Ling!

Username/Link: AngelicWhisper

Activity Level: Weekdays; 7  - Weekends; 8


Into the New World

Name: Kang Haeri `Vanessa


` Vany | brother ¦ A simple and cute way to call Haeri from her english name.
` Nessa | friends in america ¦ Shorter version of her english name
` Riri | friends in seoul ¦ Shorter version of her korean name. The last character of her name is repeated twice, making it sound cuter.
` Haebaragi | boyfriend ¦ Haebaragi means 'sunflower' in korean. This type of flower is known to be loyal to the sun, as it's its center of attention. Furthermore, Haeri's name also starts with the character 'hae', and coincidentally her favorite flower.

Age: 18

Birthdate: September 5, 1994

Birthplace/Hometown: Pennsylvania, U.S.

Languages: English (fluent) - Korean (fluent)

Ethnicity: ¾ Korean, ¼ American


I am the Best!!

First Ulzzang Choice: Han Byul

Picture Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 || link

Second Ulzzang Choice: Eunhee

Picture Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 || link


I Need a Time Machine

Family Background:

Haeri was born as the baby of the Kang family. The family considered had a wealthy background. Haeri grew up to be a fine and respectful girl. The Kang family lived in Pennsylvania until Haeri reached her 10 years old, as her father got promoted in the company, and was transfered to another country. The children didn't mind such change, and went along with it. Getting new friends, living in a new environment, were all new and exciting experiences for them. They've been in South Korea for about 8 years now. The family has been living well until now.

Thought Haeri was born healthy, the doctor still had some doubt when she became 3 years old, as she kept having fevers too often at this young age in his opinion, which also lead to a slight pneumonia, though it didn't last long. However, her condition had become better when she was 7. But she still couldn't participate in Physical Education class, whenever they were doing intense sports, because her parents who were still worried. Haeri had always envied those people, and she felt as if she was being put in jail from moving.

The least Haeri thought she could do to make her parents not worried about her condition was to ace at school. Her excellent grades always helped her to cover her weakness whenever she had too. Not being allowed to do many activities, Haeri restricted herself from them. She didn't minded so. Following rules had become a habit, and showing the example was part of her life. It wasn't until she met her boyfriend, that she had found her true smile, though in the past it had always been beautiful. Although they weren't doing anything, simply holding hands and walking around, made her feel on cloud nine.

It wasn't until she became 17 that her condition became worst, not as having colds more often. Haeri felt some kind of pains through her chest, but she has always denied it, which was probably the start of her heart disease. Ignoring the pains for almost a year didn't advantage her a bit. Her condition worsen little by little. Not getting treatment was Haeri's worst mistake.  

On people's 18th birthday, they're happy, they're legal. They've become an adult, they're free from home. But that wasn't how Haeri felt. She was happy for a week, but those seven days have passed too quickly for her. It's been a while since she felt slight chest pains, but about a week later, that pain became worst. Ignorant, she thought the pain would pass away like in the past, and that she was simply tired from all the work. But the statement of the doctor said otherwise. A cold day of October, Haeri was out with her best friend, like always. However, that day, she felt weaker. It was as if something was forcing her to feel dizzy. At a moment of the day, she couldn't take the pain, as her heart was beating incredibly fast. As they were walking, Haeri suddenly fainted next to Kyungsoo who panicked, but caught her before she reached the ground. Worried, he carried her all the way to the nearest hospital. Luckily, it was only a few block away. Once the treatment was over, the doctor came out of the operating room, revealing the sad news to Kyungsoo. It was a heartbreaking, and frustrating, news for both friends. It was been since the change of Haeri, her become distant to her boyfriend.

Family Members:

Kang "William" Sungkwang | 48 | Father | General-Director of Hyundai Group | OC | A warm and gentle father toward Haeri. He always concerns himself about his daughter, and his son as well. He's always the first to notice when his children aren't feeling good. Being in the affair domain for many years now, he learned how to be observant, which helped him a lot of understand his Haeri and Junyeon. He has always been by his children's side, supporting them, even if he's sometime against their ideas. Hence, he babies Haeri a lot, or in other words, spoils her. Sungkwang might not be the loudest of the family, but he's definitely the one who'll bring the mood up whenever it's down.

Brenda Anderson (Anh Riyoung) | 47 | Mother | Editor-in-chief of HIGH CUT magazines | OC | Unlike her husband, Brenda is more strict. Being the type that likes to be organized, Brenda always plans things without their constent. Although she seems cold, she's afraid to loose her children. Her biggest fear. As she's an editor-in-chief, Brenda used to not come home often because of her crazy schedule and deadlines every month. However, once she found out about Haeri's illness, Brenda acts cautious and more caring toward her daughter. Being the second to know about it (of course the first to know was Haeri's best friend), Brenda can't help but to look at her daughter with tears in her eyes.

Kang "Daniel" Junyeon | 22 | Brother | Student at Stanford University, major in Business Administration | OC | Haeri's every secret coffin, though he was the last, of the family, to find out Haeri's disease from their parents. Haeri loves her brother a lot, and don't dare to trouble him since he moved back to America to continue his studies. From baby time until Junyeon left, the sibling take care of each other. Being the proud brother he was, Junyeon always watch out for Haeri, even after he went to America. Haeri looks up at her brother, him being her only and true idol. Always being by her side, listening to her every worries. Haeri always feels secure next to him. Together, they form the ummachins (mom's friends; meaning the perfect daughter / son). Although they listen to all rules, between them, they like to play around and free themselves from pressure.  



VVIP, Rock with Me

Best friend:

`D.O. -; Do Kyungsoo | 19 | Best friend | Student, part-time waiter at a café | Idol | Kyungsoo takes care of Haeri a lot, since her brother left to America. Although they're only a year apart, he makes sure she's alright, which made him earn his umma title from Haeri. Although he seems, most of the time, silent, Kyungsoo actually hides a 4D character, that Haeri likes to point out whenever it comes out. Haeri thinks of Kyungsoo a lot like a brother. Being the awkward turtle he is, Kyungsoo often blurt out random stuffs and make Haeri laugh. She feels comfortable around him, and tells him her every little secrets. There's nothing she can hide from him. Though, he still keeps some stuffs from her, fearing to damage their friendship. As for exemple, his feelings toward the younger latter. But Haeri's clueless about it. Having sibling-like relationship, they'd do anything they come up in their mind, and do what real siblings do.


`IU -; Lee Jieun | 19 | Friend | Student | Idol | One of Haeri's first friends when she arrived in Seoul. As dorky as she is, Jieun likes to light up the atmosphere whenever it seems down. Unlike her usual character, Haeri can't keep her quiet self when she's with the older girl. Jieun always tries out for new challenges and tag Haerin along, to which she can't always decline. Her loud laughters, her cute expressions, always make Haeri at ease. With the cheery Jieun by Haeri's side, she can open up herself more.

Kim Taeyeon | 23 | Friend | Member of Girls' Generation | Idol | These two met when Brenda once brought her daughter to her working company. Taeyeon happened to be free on that day and offered a tour to the young girl who seemed to be bored at her mother's office. After that day, the two still kept contact. Haeri often ask for help from the older latter, though she wouldn't abuse of it. Haeri admires Taeyeon a lot, as she'd been under the entertainment part for almost 10 years now (including her trainee time). She often looks up at Taeyeon, as herself isn't yet sure of what she'll do in the future (about her illness). Furthermore, Taeyeon happened to be the idol of her boyfriend, which sometime makes Haeri jealous. Though, she'd always shrug it off, as she perfectly understands why he looks up on her.

she's actually my friend classmate, so you might not find her on google, if you ever look for it...
Karen Carpenter | 18 | Childhood friend | Student at California University of Pennsylvania, major in veterinary | OC | Another friend that Haeri admires a lot. They've grew up together, did all sort of things together. What impresses Haeri the most is Karen's extravagant intelligence. This young girl her, just at age of 16, was recruited by a well-known university of their city. Thought, their studies have never been a trouble between the two. They always try to find a way to communicate with one another even if they're an ocean apart. Karen gives out the most accurate and good advice, so she'd often go to her for help. And when they get the chance to have a conversation, they mostly reminisce about their childhood times.

Rival: - N/A -


I’m Original~

Plotline Applying for: Heaven doesn't seem far away anymore [pink couple]

Personality: Haeri had never been the type to talk a lot. But her presence was always appreciated. Her title of the quiet angel of the school was given to her only a week after she started middle school. Although she wasn't the talking-type, she would always offer help. Haeri likes the feeling of helping others as she feels like she made a good accomplishment. As predicted, Haeri's also get shy quickly. Her cheeks blush, though a almost not noticeable pale red, with the slightest compliment, but she'd always accept them kindly. In front of others, Haeri had that strong image that could overcome any obstacles. But in reality, she's only quiet about her insecurities, fearing that others might laugh at her. Because she gained such attention, she was scared to take a step back and make a mistake. Today's society judge people a lot, and quickly. They've been expecting so much from her, she often get scared of her own abilities.

Although Haeri was that type of strong, yet weak person, Haeri knew her values really well. Without her friends by her side, she wouldn't know the word "fun". Her smile, whether it was 1000-watt or not, it was beautiful. She's the kind of person who'd show her true colors to someone only when she fully trust them. "An adorkable, and cute caracter, Haeri has," said Kyungsoo. "A talented fallen angel from above," Taeyeon described her. "Down-to-earth, loyal, slightly 4D, clumsy, ...," were her boyfriends words of her.

This young latter had always been serious about her studies, she could've easily pass in medecine courses, but she, instead, chose to follow her parents and enter in the business affair. Though, studies weren't her own concern. Haeri cares for those around her a lot, or a bit too much. Even if she was quiet, she's always be the first to notice people not feeling well, and their troubles. If one ever find floral-patterned bandaids on their desk, they wouldn't even doubt, it was Haeri who gave it.

Once Haeri found out about her disease, her cover was still the same, but inside her, it had become upside-down. She had been crying herself to sleep since, and tried to avoid her boyfriend at all cost, although he pushed back, not wanting to leave her, no matter what her reason was. As she's couldn't see him suffer, ignorant, she only saw one way to make him forget her, introducing him to another girl. That's so Haeri, others' happiness before hers. Making an invisible wall to her feelings, Haeri made more mistakes than she used to. There was that barrier that she put herself that no one could go through, no one.


¤ After rain
¤ Flowers
¤ Green park
¤ Math
¤ Music
¤ Pasta
¤ Photography
¤ Rasberry flavor
¤ Shaved ice
¤ Summer


¤ Clowns
¤ Cold and dark days
¤ Dirtiness
¤ Heels
¤ Peanut
¤ Rides
¤ Spicy food
¤ Studs


¤ Baking / Cooking
¤ Gardening
¤ Learning guitar
¤ Painting
¤ Taking walks


Good habits

¤ Cleaning up / don't leave messes around
¤ Studying at least an hour everyday
¤ Thinking green
¤ Waking up early everyday (never slept in)

Bad habits

¤ Keeping things for herself
¤ Over worrying herself about everything (well, almost)
¤ Staring blanky into space unconciously

Good / Bad habits

¤ Playing with her lips (pouting, bitting lower lip, etc.) when bored
¤ Taking care of others more than herself


¤ Diagnotised of Cardiomyopathy (heart disease) in late October 2012. Haeri is expected to live for about 5 months, until about mid-March, or early May at most, hopefully until graduation.

Some people who develop cardiomyopathy have no signs and symptoms during the early stages of the disease. But as the condition advances, signs and symptoms usually appear. Symptoms may include:

¬ Breathlessness with exertion or even at rest
¬ Swelling of the legs, ankles and feet
¬ Bloating of the abdomen due to fluid buildup
¬ Fatigue
¬ Irregular heartbeats that feel rapid, pounding or fluttering
¬ Dizziness, lightheadedness and fainting
¬ Chest pain

No matter what type of cardiomyopathy you have, signs and symptoms tend to get worse unless treated. In certain people, this worsening happens quickly, while in others, cardiomyopathy may not worsen for a long time.

¤ Although she finds fireworks pretty, she dislikes the loud sounds
¤ Always wear the bracelet given by her boyfriend for their first monthsary (hers; pink - his; brown)
¤ Favorite color : Yellow
¤ Fear clowns (coulrophobia)
¤ Has a collection of keychains and plushies
¤ Isn't scared of insects, except for ladybugs
¤ Likes to wear her boyfriend's clothings (ex: his varsity jacket)
¤ Remembers the first 100 numbers of pi (
π ) > has a gread memory <
¤ Scared of heights
¤ Sleeps with a sunflower pillow


What are your plans after high school?: Haeri plans to go to university, and get her degree in business. This domain had run in the family's blood, and she plans to take over it as well. She had been eager to have a married life as well, but once she found out about her state, she's hesitant about it.

What is your biggest fear?: After learning about herself from the doctor, Haeri seemed to have neglected everything. Even death didn't seemed to have scared her anymore, as she believes that it was fate that made her life shorter.

What are you most dedicated to?: A hobby she's never be bored of, painting. Abstract painting to be more precise. Drawing things that people might not fully understand, an endless list of way to understand a simple work makes her feel a little more at ease. This way, she can still keep her secret from those she cherishes.

What do you want to do with your life?: Haeri's going to live it fully, so she won't regret it, although she doesn't know what the after-like is like. Although, she had turned more quiet and distant after the news, she have been more careful than she used to be. And she definitely had considered leaving her boyfriend before it's too late.

What is the thing you want to do most before you die?: An ungranted wish for him, a forced one for her. Haeri wants to set up her boyfriend with someone else so he can easily let her go, once she won't be in this world anymore. She doesn't want to see him suffer because of her, and she can't see him cry because of her. She knows that he wouldn't give in easily, and he probably won't even try / bother to grant her this request. The ultimate wish she truly want is the see him smile before her soul leaves her body. Aside from making him happy, she wants to grow her own garden of sunflowers, at least, she would've done something for him, and show him her gratitude.


I’m Genie for You, Boy

Love Interest:
Byun Baekhyun [EXO-K]

Age/Birthdate: 18 - May 6, 1994

Personality: Baekhyun is a cheerful person, especially with his always-ready smiles and his friendly personality. A strong-willed, yet troublemaker student. He knows how to cheer people up and get a reaction that will benefit not only him, but the other party as well. Seeing people's smile is one of his priorities. He tries so hard to be the perfect student, the perfect son, the perfect boyfriend. Most people like him, mostly because of his bright character.

His cute and greasy image shows it all. Bright and cheerful, easy to get along with other people, likes to talk to people just like every boys. Baekhyun surely isn't the type to keep things to himself, and likes to be surrounded by people. Though, when it comes to his love interest, he gets shier and nervous. Definitely that guy his friends likes to make fun of during those times. Although he's an easy-going person, this certainly applies more for boys than girls. Having trouble to communicate with girls since toddler time, it took him lots of courage and time to finally confess to his one love. This side of him shows his loyalty and also determination.

Despite being so carefree, Baekhyun takes his relationship seriously. Although he doesn't seem the type of it, he also gets jaelous easily. Especially when Haeri's best friend shows up. He gets insecure, as she lately seems to spend more time with Kyungsoo than with him. Furthermore, the two have known each other even before he came into the scene. Being a curious person, he tries to know why she keeps declining his dates these days, and absolutely won't think of any curse to their relationship. 

How did/will you meet?: "She turned around, her hair blowing gracefully in the wind. I saw her face and knew she was the angel of my dreams," Baekhyun would always say about their first meeting.

The typical high school students love story. Both freshmen, the two went to their new school on their first day. Both amazed by the big size of their school. On their first day, first year students had a special tour to get familiar with their surroundings. Baekhyun's and Haeri's classes were put together so there wouldn't be too much handling for the staffs. As they walked around the school, Haeri accidently drop a small charm from her skirt pocket. Baekhyun who was standing just behind her, picked it up to give it back. That's when Baekhyun's words come in. It's maybe cheesy, but to Baekhyun, it's real. As the story tells, it was him to fell for her first. Always trying to get her attention during breaks, Baekhyun always visits her class, with his friends being there as an excuse. Little by little, Haeri started to pay attention to that boy who seemed to always make a ruckus out of nowhere during the pause.

Relationship: They've started to date since the end of Year 1, which will make over a year.

How do you interact?: Holding hands, kissing, hugging, that's obviously what all couples do. People see them cuddling quite often, though they like to take walks around the campus as well. However, even after a year of dating, the two still have a moment of silence, certainly because of nervouness, definitely not awkwardness. But their love for the other is obvious to others' eyes, and sometime even chilly because of overload cuteness / cheesiness going on between the two. Baekhyun being so greasy, Haeri, accepting everything as if it was normal. They're the adorable couple that most people envy of. Their chemistry is so great, people already see them married not long after their high school. Everything was supposed to happen so, until Haeri learned about her illness. To people's eyes, there wasn't seemed any problems, Haeri was a good actress, or so she tries to. But Baekhyun noticed how she seemed to be slowly drifting away from him. Although for an unknown reason she keeps trying to stay away from him, he's stubborn and takes all ways to know the real reason why she's avoiding him.


Back Up Love Interest:
Jung Yonghwa [CN Blue]

Age/Birthdate: 18 - June 22, 1994

Personality: Yonghwa shows off a cool image, but he truly is just a choding on the inside.

As his image cover, he's usually serious, patient, and perfectionists. He seems like the type to plan things out in detail before pursuing his goals. However, Yonghwa is more careless about it, and prefers to live his live spontaneously. He's very stubborn, and others had eventually started to perceive his desire to make everything perfect as obsessive and uptight. However, he's also very timid and indecisive in awkward situations. Yonghwa's sensitive and sentimental, often forgets reality and gets lost in dreams. Unlike most type As, Yonghwa takes his life more at ease as he believes that the present is the moment to live, and that people can't predict what might happen in the future. Although, he's quite cautious about his future, he still likes to act immature around those he's more familiar with.

How did/will you meet?: This story start with a really movie-like scene, as the two met in a music classroom. Haeri went to the library after school, waiting for her father to pick her up. As she bored herself in the room full of books, her ears perked up when she heard a soft melody. Following the sound, she arrived in front of one of the many music rooms the school had. As it wasn't locked, Haeri gave herself the right to peek in. Noticing a familiar boy, she realized after a while that he was her seatmate. Yonghwa didn't noticed her presence until he heard the door's crack, as Haeri was leaning on it. His eyes widened when he saw her. He tried to put away the school's guitar saying that he wasn't guilty and plead her not to report, but Haeri only giggled in response. Instead of accusing him for touching the school's property without permission, Haeri made a deal that he wouldn't expect with him, allowing her listening to his playing whenever he does.   

Relationship: One year and a half, they've started to date about only six months after they met.

How do you interact?: They are very cute indeed, most of their classmates would say. Their tandem is very natural and innocent, the feeling of a first love for both. People envy their relationship as they all want a love story like this. Yonghwa often composed songs for her, as she's his muse. Their relation as a couple is very famous around the campus for being pure and honest.


Baby, Goodnight

Comments: Wah, I almost forgot this section.. /slapped. Hehe, sorry if my second love interest isn't as detailed as the first ><;; I actually think that Baekhyun would do a better role than Yonghwa. but it's your choice, if you want to pick him (if my app passes, of course! c;)

Your story sounds really really, mucho, interesting! And the first teaser was veryy great too! I'll definitely follow if even if I'm not picked. I'm not that kind of subber, no worries.

This would be totally random, but are you a INFINITE fan? I didn't saw it on the masterlist. Anyway, have you heard Sunggyu's solo? dsgjunsf :Q__
lmao, I wanted to spazz about this somewhere xD Sorry for being so off topic. /slapped again.

Scene Requests: Oh, hum.. just saying, I'm really not good asking for request ><;; / I usually get ideas along the story, hehe ^^;

¤ A scene where Junyeon visits his family, and Haeri's boyfriend suspect her for cheating on him because the siblings were being "too close" according to him.
¤ It's their 2-year anniversary, Haeri's boyfriend planned out everything and was nervous on whether she'd like his present, or not (it's something big, and amazing. maybe an outdoor dinner under the stars? or, a small park where he puts lightbulbs on her ground and form a ' I HEART U '? or, idk. there's many things) However, as he's waiting, he sees that Haeri isn't coming, nor picking her phone up. Worried, he'd to go her house, which was empty, and he couldn't reach her. Though, in reality, Haeri's lying on the hospital's bed from a fainting spell. /sad/
¤ A scene where her love interest serenade to Haeri  /dfnuseifrsgfnvsjk. aha!
¤ When Haeri introduces a new girl, again, to her boyfriend, and she keeps complimenting her. But he felt frustrated and didn't knew why she was doing this, so he got angry and grabbed Haeri's arm to lead her out, where they break into a fight.
¤ When Haeri faints in front of her boyfriend for her first time. He'd then get suspicious about her condition, but Haeri would still deny it to him, and give out being exhausted from all the work as her excuse.
¤ There's an argument that breaks out between the love insterest and Kyungsoo. This time, Kyungsoo can't take it anymore and finally decided to go confess to you, but one he saw you, he took a step back, as he didn't want to burden you any further.  / Awkward derp turtle's time to shine! *sparkle*sparkle* 8D
¤ A scene when she cooks for him.
¤ A cute fluffly kissing scene!
¤ Some more might come up later. I'll let you know if I get anymore! ^^

Woww. I didn't thought I'd get so many, lmao. I usually just give one in apps xD  / but you don't have to do them all. It's actually just some suggestions than requests. Your story, your choices. I know I'll still love it if you don't add these scenes c;

Other: When Love Stops -; U-KISS  // one of my favorite song from U-KISS, and I think it fits the song, from the love interest point of view c;


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