so, exo isn't allowed to win?

i've been seeing stuff like "i hate exo, i ing hate all of them,", "bap deserves more than exo,"
"exo doesn't deserve winning," and you can imagine the rest.
so, what? exo isn't allowed to win mama 2012?
exo doesn't deserve winning because bap supposedly worked harder than them?
because bap had 5 comebacks and exo hasn't had their first one?
puhlease, all groups work hard for their dreams, not just bap.
and that doesn't mean bap deserves winning more than exo because of this.
it's not exo's fault that they are popular too, right?
i love exo and bap equally, but i'm really getting pissed off at the fact
that exo is getting bashed since 'they don't deserve winning and they aren't allowed to'.
come on people. stop with the fanwars.


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I know ;w;
SapphireQueen #2
and @panzym: fanwars about this have been going on since exo debuted ;) born yesterday? xD
I didn't realize there were fanwars about this. People are so petty. All the groups train countless hours every day and have been doing so for months--actually, years. Honestly I love every member of EXO and BAP, and I love their music styles as well, so if either group wins then I'll be very happy for that group. Favoritism be damned.
I agree with you!
they're bands, and really who cares who wins MAMA? those groups will still have their fans and that's really what matters
amen yo
I think B.A.P + EXO are both great bands, idk why people are hating and discriminating them. Some people even said that EXO is overrated... I completely disagree. :P
No doubt exo is more popular cause, look, they built great bases in china and korea and others. No doubt they will win the rookie award, even though I really hope bap could win (I am not saying exo can't win, I am happy too that they won) EXO's dances are superb too... To those people: Don't be like that, just be cool and accept and continue to love both of them!
oh wow, really that is happening?
that's just sad.

honestly... i wish there weren't such awards, because it just... makes these kind of incident occur.

i wish all artists that debuted were given an award for just putting their music out there.

plus... there are more artists that don't even get the chance for these kind of awards or being on the shows as often, as they aren't market to that general audience that boosts up the popular/rising artists.

anyways... an award is just some minor recognition thing... i just hope the accomplishment of proving your worth is more important than getting a material thing that is just... metal/glass/whatever.