4Infinity Application

AFF Username: K-P0PG1rL

Profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/14875


Name: Shin YeJin

Stage name: Naito

Nickname: Jin, Mikazuki, Yennie, Icis & Blaze

Age/birthday: 18 / December 13, 1992

Bestfriend (celeb): Jang HyunSeung(B2ST) or Gina Choi or Oh Ha Young(A-Pink)

personality of you: YeJin is the type of girl who knows what comes to her for her closed behavior. She doesn't care much for being cute, because she doesn't know how to be 'cheery' and adorable, but will occasionally smile. She's 'so-so' at taking cute selcas. You'd think she is a snobby rich kid, but she's just your normal outcast; closing everyone out of her personal bubble. She has the 'emo/scene' or tomboy look and is very proud to be what she is. She's been able to figure out what others are going to do next, and it freaks them out. YeJin is more of the emotional type, but can pull off the expressionless face without trouble. YeJin doesn't give a flying what others think of her. She's a loner, she knows and very distant with other people, especially boys. She doesn't know how to talk to them, so she chooses not to. When you meet her, you may think she is mute, but it's only because she isn't comfortable with people so she doesn't know how to talk to them. YeJin isn't much of a talker anyway, she communicates through sign language sometimes. YeJin can be very negative. She's not close with many people outside of her two older brothers; HyunKi (24) & MyungDae(21), and father. She never really talked to her mother. Whenever they her mother came into the same room as her, she would go up in her room to avoid her. YeJin never really felt that she needed to get along with many people if they were just going to judge her based on appearances. If she thinks you're worth her time, or you explain why you want to be her friend and it's a good enough reason, she'll give you a chance. She doesn't have many friends, being as that they thought she was creepy and odd. She's also very intelligent and uses a very large vocabulary. YeJin is usually on the computer;blogging about her life, writing in her portable electronic diary, or playing Role-playing games. She's not that quick to judge, since she thinks it's a bad habit for many others. She's very sensitive but masks it over with no emotions. YeJin is quiet but is very unique in her own ways. Disregarding her being a girl, she she is a bit of a tomboy. She likes to play many games that have to do with killing, like Call of Duty; Samurais and Ninjas, like Samurai Warriors, Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes, Tenchu and Devil King; and anime, including games like Naruto, BLEACH, Bloody Roar 3 & the Gundam series. She's also very caring and is considerate. YeJin loves music. She grew up with music all around her. Her brothers sang, her father sang, instrument were always near by and being played. Her father taught her how to play the piano and she wants to play beautiful and graceful music like Yiruma, but she also likes the various types of Pop, R&B, Rock, and Hip-Hop. YeJin is also very sensitive to insults that are pointed to her even though she doesn't care what people's opinions are. She's very mature, but when she's sad, she'll act very childish. She has always wanted a little brother, so when she meets someone who is younger than her, she may constantly call them dongsaeng instead of their name. YeJin loves drawing and reading manga!! That's when she'll truly smile. If she's not singing or playing an instrument, she's probably reading manga, drawing it, or watching anime!

personality of your BFF:

  • HyunSeung : HyungSeung is the reliable but lazy oppa. He likes to sleep but you can count on him.
  • Gina : Gina is the caring and umma-like unnie. She's 5 years older than YeJin, but acts like an umma.
  • Ha Young : Ha Young is a bubbly sister-like character to YeJin. She depends on YeJin just like a little sister would be.

Nationality: 1/2 Japanese, 1/4 Korean, 1/4 American

Languages you can speak: Korean, Japanese, English & French

Position: Main Rapper/Sub Vocal or Main Vocal/Sub Rap (maybe maknae if youngest)


  • Football & Soccer
  • Sleeping
  • Playing Piano Music by Yiruma
  • Playing Computer Games(MMORPGs)
  • Hair-Styling
  • Moon Gazing
  • Story Writing


  • Kids
  • Anime/ Manga, especially Kurosuji & Full Moon wo Sagae
  • The Moon
  • Dark Rooms
  • Thai Tea
  • Computers
  • Strawberries
  • Music EX: J-POP, K-POP, R&B, etc.
  • Canaries
  • Nana Kitade & BoA
  • Playing the Piano
  • Video Games
  • Kimono Lolita Clothes
  • Dancing


Fears -

  • Shattering Glass
  • Tight or Crowded Places
  • Sharp Objects

 - Can't stand:

  • Super High Heels
  • Extreme Violence
  • Alcohol
  • Loud Noises
  • Soda
  • Clingy People
  • Bright Lights
  • Flip-flops

Lover (celeb): Kim SungGyu (Infinite) | CAP (Teen Top) | Eli Kim (UKISS)

Competitor and why: Park MiYeon/Serri(Dal Shabet) - They were friends when they were younger. MiYeon 'dumped' YeJin for the popular crowd. YeJin felt abandoned so she started hating her.

How you look like: (At least 3 pictures):


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