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Quwanda #1
I Pronounced it YO UNIQUE Lmao Its xox
haha they are really cool
beautiful !
Hyoyeon must be lonely as the only girl.
Why didn't SM put Luna in? They completely missed f(x) and she's an amazing lead dancer - Victoria might have been a good choice too but Luna is better at these dances.

And seriously? Why no Lay? He's EXO-M's dancer, not Luhan. But Luhan is so overrated that they had to put him in - they'll get more popularity for YOUNIQUE if they add him in. But that's so mean. Lay deserves the position.

And what happened to our amazing dancer Yunho?
Just makes me love Taemin, Kai and Luhan even more!!!!!!!! <33333333

SM! Hurry the hell up!!!!!! We've all seen the teaser from the Hyundai event! So just put it up already!!!!
KEEP CALM AND ENJOY THEIR DANCE AND DUBSTEP-ISH SONG! You know the song was known since 31 December 2011 with the Maxstep.. Maxstepp... Part. Trio ; Taemin, Kai and Eunhyuk did it. Then, SM created a group/project called YoUnique helping Hyundai to promote their awesome car. And I believe that the song is awesome, the mixture of people are awesome and the dance is awesome. Even if the screamo bothered me a lot. But then I got used it to it because of EXO's MAMA. pfth. KEEP CALM AND ENJOY YOUNIQUE PEOPLE!!!
sarangDB5K #7
Why would SM forget Yunho or Luna or Lay or Sehun ? X(
But I love the fact that Hyoyeon's there :D
Omgomgomgomgomg!!!!!!! I LOVED IT!<333
Taemin and Henry...YES!!! But....where is Lay???? *cry*
I think the reason why Lay is not here, and Luhan is instead, is because they needed at least a male voice who'll be able to belt high notes. I mean, I'm quite disappointed that Lay is not here too but I thought that I heard somewhere in fancams a male voice belting high notes so... OTL I don't know. I'm not really into EXO so I don't know what's Luhan's position in EXO-M.

So if this doesn't make sense, don't hate on me. XDD;;
I LOVE IT!!!! Just.... I feel someone should be there :( Lunaa or Vic? And Yunho :(
If this is a dancing unit, then why was lay left out??
I love Lu Han, but lay is the dancer...
They are daebakk!! But i just can't help but feel sad and a bit angry cuz they left f(x) out. Luna's the right representative since Vic's more to soft elastic dances. Luna's more to popping. SM why you leave Luna, Lay and Yunho out?????
cannot even contain my feels for this group. <3