You, oh beautiful you!

·         AFF Username and Link: janeykno

·         What should I call you? Veronica


Your Character!

·         Name: Jinni Hwang

·         Nickname: {if any} Janey, Jin

·         Age: 20

·         Birthdate: {day|month|year} 29/June/1992

·         Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

·         Ethnicity: Korean- Chinese

·         Hometown: Tainan City, Taiwan               

·         Height: {cm} 165 cm

·         Weight: {kg} 50kg

·         Blood Type: A+

·         Languages: {please state fluency}

-       Mandarin (fluent), English (fluent), Korean (semi-fluent)


·         Character Background:

·         Personality: {details please!}

Textbook example of a babo (fool). Extremely bubbly and outgoing, easily makes friends and comfortable talking to complete strangers. Always puts others before herself, caring and generous, to her family includes her friends and is extremely important to her. Never afraid to be the idiot, or never fears looking like one. Does her best in everything she does, from learning languages, to dances to singing and songwriting. Although from the first glance she seems mature and wise, when there is good food around (or any food for that matter) she becomes childish and cute.

·         Likes: {10+}

1) Eating,

2) Sleeping,

3) Swimming,

4) Dancing,

5) Singing,

6) Writing,

7) Joking around,

8) Reading,

9) Playing basketball,

10) Going to karaoke



·         Dislikes: {10+}

1) Anchovies,

2) Exercise (that isn’t sports),

3) Bowling,

4) Bullies,

5) Waiting,

6) Public washrooms,

7) Unflipped hoodies/tags,

8) Unkempt facial hair,

9) People invading her personal space,

10) Rude people


·         Hobbies: {6+}

1) Taking pictures of everything,

2) Writing,

3) Learning new languages,

4) Eating,

5) Cooking,

6) Grocery shopping


·         Habits: {4+}

1)       when she eats she’s extremely clean (she eats pizza with a fork and knife);

2)      she doesn’t like a lot of mess, so she’ll clean up without anyone telling her to;

3)      before going to sleep she needs to hear at least one rap song for her to wind down;

4)      if she doesn’t have a piece of meat for breakfast, she will be a grouch all day and feel weak and not herself


·         Trivia: {6+}

1)       she’s a fast learner;

2)      her mother isn’t Chinese or Korean (she’s Filipino);

3)      she sleeps with a stuffed teddy bear she named ChoomT;

4)      she has two dogs back home in Tainan City, so she loves animals;

5)      she took ballet till she was 12;

6)      she knows self-defense and is quite strong





·         Phobias/Fears: {if any}

1)       fear of bugs and dirt, she can’t stand to get them on her or on her clothes;

2)      fear being left alone/behind


·         Ulzzang: Choi Seo Hee

·         Back-up Ulzzang: Kim Ryang Hee




·         Family Background: {Format: Name|Age|Occupation|Relation|Dead or Alive}


·         Parents:

-       Kimiko Hwang|50|Realtor|Mother|Alive; A loving mother who doesn’t agree with Jinni becoming an artist;

-       Tae Ho Hwang|75|Computer Technician |Father |Dead; Passed away over a year ago, she was a daddy’s girl


·         Siblings: {NO IDOL SIBLINGS}

-       Min Ju Hwang|19|Student|Sister|Alive; Best friends, they tell each other everything,

-       Tae Jun Hwang |24|Engineer|Brother|Alive; Always fighting with her, and extremely protective of his younger sisters.


·         Relatives: {NO IDOLS; YES FICTIONAL}

-       Grandma Huan|82|Retired|Adoptive Grandma |Alive; She was always taking care of Jinni, when Jinni was younger in Tainan City.  

-       Anna Lee|22|Grad- Student| Cousin| Alive; extremely close cousins, lives in Korea.



-       Amber Liu, met in Tainan City as school mates, extremely close, almost always attached to the hip as children, kept in touch even after she became famous, tell each other everything, talking and calling and messaging each other every day.


·         Rivals: {YES IDOL; WHO; WHY; HOW?}

-       Wang Fei Fei, when she first met Fei at a dance school in China, they were both students and both wanted to get the role of Swan Princess in their dance class. On the day of the audition, Jinni knocked over Fei’s water bottle and ended up accidentally covering her with water right before her audition, Fei started to yell and get mad at Jinni, who then started to cry and left the competition, having Fei take her place. After that Fei ended up being scouted, and Jinni felt that, that could’ve been her chance and has thought of Fei as someone who took away her opportunity.




·         Aspiration: {Why are you a singer or performer?}

-        From the age of 5, Jinni was already performing everywhere she could. Unfortunately, her mother didn’t want Jinni to pursue singing or performing as a career and strongly advised and scolded Jinni against it. But as Jinni grew, she still loved music and loved performing and would go to great lengths to hide auditions and competitions from her mother.


·         Celebrity Crush: {You will only be able to have a crush on someone but relationships are not allowed.} T.O.P. from Big Bang



·         How did you get in? {scouted, auditioned}

-       Auditioned for years, then got scouted on her trip to Korea.


·         Trainee Life: {elaborate, if any}

-        2 years ago, was a trainee at first for YG; but after her VISA fell through, she could no longer stay a trainee at YG. While with YG she learned Korean, how to write songs, and how to dance.


·         No. of Years of being a trainee: {with either other entertainment groups and in MBENT}

-       Trainee for 3 years



·         Singing Links: {4+; if not singer, don’t need to} http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlQbxY0N-kQ&feature=channel&list=UL ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dadrm8j1eio ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zKDR69hJXM ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBg3fe37w78

·         Dance Links: {4+; if not dancer, don’t need to} http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yr4AsVMB_E (this video has three songs that I dance to); http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GOXDmkC6_0&feature=relmfu

·         Rap Links: {4+; if not rapper, don’t need to}


Stage Time!

·         Stage Name: Janey

·         Position in Group: Main Vocal

·         Back-up Position: Rapper

·         Persona: {be creative!}

·         Personal Fanclub name: Jin’s Babo’s

·         Personal Fanclub Color:  violet



·         Any requested scenes? Uhm, although I wish for a romance there isn’t one haha, sooo…I’m pretty easy going, I would like to enjoy what the writer wants to take with this story =)

·         Any Last Words? Super Excited for this!! Hope you pick Jinni!!

·         What’s a nice fanclub name? Smackbacks? lol

·         Password: {oppa,gangnamstyle!!!}



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