TheGrandClash | Season One Application

❥| You:

AFF Username: janeykno

Profile Link:

❥| Your Character:

Full Name: Hwang Jin Ni

Nickname: Janey

Date Of Birth: 06/29/1992

Age: 20

Place Of Birth: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Taipei, Taiwan

Ethnicity/Race: Mixed (Korean- German)

Languages spoken: Chinese, Korean, English (I legit speak like two of the three)

❥| Appearance

Name of ulzzang used: Choi Seo Hee

Images of your ulzzang: ; ;

Style of your ulzzang: ;

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 62 kg

❥| More about your character

Personality: The textbook example of a babo. Extremely bubbly and outgoing, she can always find a way to make friends and talk to strangers. Not afraid of looking foolish. She does her best in everything that she does and always puts others before herself. Caring and generous, her friends are considered her family and she would do anything for them. Although she appears mature, when she is around food, she becomes like a child.

Likes: Reading, writing, eating, swimming, playing basketball, joking around, dancing

Dislikes: onions, anchovies, exercise (that isn’t sports), bowling, bullies, waiting, people invading her personal space

Habits: before she goes to bed she needs to listen to rap music, when she eats she’s extremely clean, she bits her lip when she’s bored, nervous, or agitated

Trivia: she catches on very quick to other languages (she can learn them quite easily)

❥| Background

Family Members: Mother|50|Alive|Realtor| A loving mother who doesn’t agree with my becoming an artist; Father|70|Deceased|Passed away over a year ago, she was a daddy’s girl; Sister|19|Alive|Student|Bestfriends, they tell each other everything.

Friends: Amber Liu (f(x))- met in Taipei, were school mates; Lee Anna – the exact opposite of Jinni, serious and responsible, she is often thought of to be quiet and a B***h because of her look, not seemingly approachable, but Jinni’s best friend besides her sister.

Rival: (Any idol or person you would want them to rival with. I suggest rivalry towards your partner or career) *Maximum of two rivals

❥| Your Partner

Person you chose: Shin Chang Ho

Why you chose him: We have a lot of similarities, and it would seem as though we would get along quite well with one another. His parent situation is kind of similar, due to the fact that Jinni wants to please her mother, but her mother isn’t interested in what Jinni wants.

❥| Training

Past training experiences?  Yes, YG Entertainment; 2 years

How did MoonByul get to know of you? She saw some youtube video.

Anymore interesting gossip? Rumored to have dated several YG artists, including TOP, GD and Se7en

❥| More Idol Information:

Stage Name: Janey

Personal Fanclub Name: BaboLovers (she is in essence quite the babo)

Personal Fanclub Color: purple, violet

Position you’d like to me in: Rapper, or Vocalist

Example of your talent:

*Magnae will be determined by the age.

*Leader will NOT be determined by the age.

❥| Survey

What will the sub girl group’s name should be? The Graces

What will the whole group be called? 5ighters??

What will their fanclub be called? Defenders??

What should their official color be? Gold

Would you join MBENT if you would have a chance? YES!!



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@musicbeans: sorry i forgot to put rival....=(
@luv4jj: its an application for a story where you can be the character in the story...haha its my first time doing something like that..haha
Huh? Is this your story of doing roleplay or something?