Grandpop's Tag~

Well, here's my response to SKID_11 or my telepathetic Grandfather's tag. It's not much haha, and I'm afraid I might have disappointed but I almost never do these so it's quite a first. Probably deserves a pat on the back due to my laziness XD 




1.      What is your favourite thing to do when you are bored?


NOM NOM NOM. I am a food maniac, no question about it. Of course, while I’m busy munching away, I’ll always make sure to have good ol’ music playing.



2.     If you had the choice between meeting your bias or getting all of their group and/or solo albums and keep on receiving them when other albums come out FOR FREE, what would you pick?


Simple, I’d meet my bias. Having the chance to meet my bias in real life would definitely be more valuable than material possessions. It’d give me the chance to be friends learn how to properly stalk in a non threatening way with my bias! I’d love that, then there’s a chance that we could further communicate or something along those lines XD





3.     If your bias died and you were able to pick any song that would play at their funeral, which song would you pick?


Don’t think I’d be able to pick a song, I’d be singing my little blues in a corner somewhere holed up from society in depression because I can’t seem to cry OTL

…on a second thought, maybe some harmonizing SJ KRY, or soothing Taeyeon or lyrical Jessca…..decisions, decisions…


4.     If you could spend a day in your bias' body, how would you spend it?

Freaking out because I’m not in my own fatty tushie body. I’d be in a drool worthy, super duper well fit body and I’d be proud to strut it all out JK Nah, I’d get to know the other group members and my bias’ friends and their daily activities because that’s not creepy in any regular sense at all XD



5.      Only one of your OTPs can become real while the others will remain fictional forever. Which OTP would you pick to be real, if you could?


SO MANY FEELS XD Is this not a fangirl’s sweetest worse nightmare? To be able to I choose an OTP to be real while the others remain fictional forever. I give up on this, don’t hate me for not being able to choose! Haters gonna hate lol





6.     Name a song (doesn't have to be a k-pop song) that you believe describes you best.

Haven’t found one yet, is that weird? I’ve been looking for a song to describe me for years now I believe and I’ve never honestly come across one.


7.      What is quote (can be from a song) you can relate to well?


I desperately want to choose a quote from one of my favorite songs, but they’re all about that silly thing known as love T^T

Frankly, I think IU’s “Someday” is inspirational and I can always connect with on a higher extent than other songs.


“Everyday I hold out, comforting myself “It’ll be alright.”
But it makes me afraid, little by little,
I tell myself to believe in myself, but I don’t
Now I don’t know how longer I can hold out
But wait it’ll come
Although the night is long, the sun comes up.”


Only problem is that I adore the night and darkness XD


8.     What is something you really like about your bias or respect them for?


Their self perseverance; which includes their determination, sense of responsibility, strength both mentally and physically and their caring heart towards others, and let’s just add loyalty to the list as well XD It sounds long but is quite a simple concept.



9.     You have the choice to be in any profession of your choosing. What would it be and do you think you would be successful?


Haven’t we all had that question asked? My childhood dream was to become a water trainer, I had complete faith in it until I was eight and realized I still didn’t know how to swim and screamed throughout every single swimming lesson OTL


10. What is the first thing you think of when you read the word 'pickles'? GO. NOW. SPILL. (you can see I am running out of 'smart' questions)

FOOD. MORE YUMMY FOOD WAITING FOR ME. Delicious, mouth watering wraps as well, ones with some hot melted cheese and some good meat inside. Then, I think of Jessica Jung’s hatred of cucumbers XD 


On a side note, I really could tell you were lacking some inspiration Grandfather. Not that hard to tell XD


***Nope, I'm going to do you people all a favor and not tag anyone. Partially because I'm lazy but let's just ignore that and say I am a truly kind hearted person. Have fun with the tag if you want and if you don't, not my problem either :P 


Till next time everybody




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