

Q: What album do you want the most right now?
A: Girls' Generation's The Boys, because I don't own any of their albums and I would like to have their poster on my wall! I don't like all of the songs in that album though, but I like most.
Q: What kind of food are you craving right now?
A: Sushi! And banana split ice cream. I haven't had those since 2 weeks ago )x
Q: Favorite line from any song?
A: "She passes me by, tightly holding his hand. Getting further away, wearing more make-up." This is from SHINee's Graze. I know it's kind of worded weird but it sounds really pretty in the song and it's one of my favorite songs of all times :3
Q: Do you like ramen?
A: YES. If I can only eat one type of food my entire life (and not get sick) I would choose ramen. But with different flavors, of course.
Q: The one item you always have on you?
A: Nothing in particular. It used to be my glasses but since I have contact lenses now I don't wear them as often. 
Q: Person you talk to the most?
A: In real life, I talk to my two bestfriends and this girl in my choir class the most. On AFF (or AIM), I talk to Jewel, aka MusicChibi the most. And whenever I'm not lazy to log onto Facebook, I would talk a lot to my guy friend.
Q: DO YOU LIKE HARRY POTTER. (yes, there is no question mark on purpose.)
A: I can't say I like or dislike since I haven't read like pass the first book. I mean, it seems interesting. I would read it which is what I'm going to do, soon!
Q: What is the cutest thing a guy has ever done for you?
A: Oh my gosh, um... mycrushhehelpedmepullmydeskbecauseitwasheavy. There are probably more that I don't remember or simply didn't notice OTL I think anything that's done out of courtesy is cute though. I prefer guys who have manners (:
Q: QUICK! Your bias just took your cell phone right out of your hands and ran! What is your reaction?
A: I would be really lost for like 4 seconds before I panick and run after him. Why would Onew do that, though. My phone isn't even that cool. And then of course I would ask him to return it, nicely. andmaybeaskhimforhisnumbertooandhisautographwhat
Q: One quote that fits you or your best friend (in real life or on AFF). 
A: "Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest. It's about who came and never left your side." -Unknown




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