Weibo from PDs' talking about Kris after the Newcomer's Awards Ceremony

Weibo from PDs' talking about Kris after the Newcomer's Awards Ceremony

@Susie鑫晴: Newcomer’s Ceremony PD team gathering, all sorts of jokes and gossips are coming through. At least I remember this member from EXO-M who communicated with me the most on details of the run down, who bowed the most, who is the tallest, who shed the most tears at the backstage, Kris. It’s just that I still don’t know what his Chinese name is /.\

@慕筱瑜tanya: honestly it’s not easy for this child, to be polite and considerate towards everyone, every little detail he would carefully confirm with me. While he was on stage he even had to take care of other members’ emotions, in the end when he went offstage he broke down immediately, he was crying while thanking me, it was really moving 

(T/N: both of them are verified by weibo to be the PD and the manager of artist communications of ENLIGHT MEDIA who host this programme)

trans by exoplanetinvasion (link to tumblr)




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