Vischt Club || Mong Yu ji

Mong Yu Ji, with the ability of Death Warning

-- M Y   M A S T E R M I N D

Username: purplette

Name: Violetta,Violet,V

Activity Level: 6/7 

-- T H E   P U P P E T

Full Name: Mong Yu Ji

Nickname: n/a

​Gender: Female

​Birthdate: November,8,1994

​Age: 17

​Ethnicity: Korean

Languages Spoken: 

Hangul/Korean⇥ fluent;


Blood Type: A negative

-- T H E   S H O W



   In short Yu ji is passive. Immensely passive. She doesn't let other's thoughts effect her much nor does she care how others see her. She developed this trait because being the daught of prestige magicians like hers; and being different in general she was teased and bullied. Sometimes even isolated and named the 'wang-dda' or the isolated; untouchable kid. Yu ji just became numb to criticism; well as long as she doesn't know the person that well. If it is someone close and dear with her; she will take their words to heart. Thats the only time she becomes impassive. Bullies don't phase her, and even though lonliness is rather unbarable---for some she occupies herself with writing vigourously; little short stories, fantasies with crushes, and daily entries of her life.

   Yu ji is the type to collect things. She organizes her memories through notebooks, and objects. A little penny with a pink splotch on it may be insignigicant to the average person but for her that penny may've been her first attempt with the classic penny trick. She see's the value in little things, and gives her attention to the small things. She has done this with children where they might feel mad about something and she's able to derive something good. It could be said she is a postive outlooker or optimistic person; but she's not really invested in helping everyone see good. Only if they want her advice and help will she give it. It could be one of her best traits; if you think about it.

Unfortunately though not everyone is made of rainbows and are beakons of good. Yu ji also rather insensitive. With her being honest and seeing the good at times; she also understands that her opinions can be harsh at times. Sometimes if its someones she loves or cares for she can be brutal and thoughtless to their feelings. She once told  her little brother when he was crying over having a toy of his taken from him at school; that he should'nt have taken it to school. If she cares for you she'll give you the brutal reality followed by the upsides to things.

She also gets mad easily; when provoked or when people are continuouse in wahtever they're doing to annoy the hell out of her. She doesn't care for yelling or telling someone off; if it''s needed. And unlike the normal girl who would try to show a little class and be mindful of others in public; Yu ji is the opposite. She doesn't care if she creates a whole scene in which she will be yelling out her frustrations at someone. In fact she could careless where she is as long as she gets her message across as soon as possible. Though she does have common sense and understands there are some places perhaps like the liabrary where one shouldn't yell; or speak loudly. Other than certain places; anywhere someone who has pissed her off will face her fury. And she has even gone to the extreme of starting fights when someone just pushes her to that edge. This may add to why people tend to isolate and avoid her. Because she can explode quickly.



 Yu ji began life in early spring where she was birthed to a happy couple of prestidigitators. Otherwise street magicians. A unique detail in her life; but living in such a lifestyle the notion of unreal and inhumanly possible things were terms foreign to her. For the fact her parents were products of the unordinary; the fantastical wonders----they told her that all their tricks had a nitch; but never would she be able to figure them out. Yu Ji's reputation plummeted once she got older; for people in middle school could care less about 'magic' and labeled her weird for her fascination with it. Nonetheless; despite their disagreement with her obsessions she a frozen flower; had unlocked secrets about herself. Sliding her farther from what one may deem as normal.


         All her life she'd been raised around magic,performance high energy----and it was one day a boy appeared saying

"I'd like to take a job as a magician," he demanded it more than he asked. That was when she met Guo Ming ju. Ming ju was a chinese runaway; slowly still grasping the landscape and world engulfing him----known as Mokpo,South Korea. Ming Ju said little of his background; being an independent and sturdy 13 year old at the time he wanted to prove to the Mong's he was a worthy performer. It wasn't until later that Ming ju developed a peculiar act where he would ask the audience for something of theirs and then the could perfectly tell them the event in which this object was used; or it's significance…it was quite amazing. Little did we know it was not just some magic trick….



         Yu Ji grew closer to Ming Ju as he skyrocketed to fame with his original and prestigious trick. But she there was more to it; she wanted to know more. Her little brother (twelve when she was turning 14) had contracted a sudden illness. Yu ji then understood her powers…understood it all.

Mong Su bum was diagnosed with Creutsfeldt-Jakob Disease. Ultimately incurable.  Although Yu ji could see his pain all too well; envisioning what he would look like months later----Su Bum died before he could make it to his 14th birthday. January 16th was when he was diagnosed and March 30th was his last day before he could make it to April 3rd---his birthday. Facing that unbearable time in life; the performances ceased as the family reached a black period; of deep depression, bereavement and anger. Ming ju was there for not only Yu Ji their dark era but as well as for her parents. The whole staff that helped with performances also looked to heal them; even though Su Bum's death would never be forgotten.






⇥ origami | an art she has mastered over the years. For Yu ji personally it allows her to fold away thoughts, feelings and momentary pain

⇥ hair barettes | childish it ways; she thinks they are adorable and better accents for her dark hair

⇥ magic | as said before; because she was raised around it---she's quite used to it; and fascinated by it. The only trick she knows is the disappearing penny; thats where she tells you to give her a penny for this trick---and then says

"It has disappeared from your possession!" in which most of the time people laugh.

⇥ fortunetelling | she finds it thrilling; although Yu ji is cursed to only be able to see how people ways shes jealous of clairyvoyant people.


⇥ mathematics | immediate death to her; Yu Ji absolutely despises it

⇥ dark chocolate | it's bitter and disgusting [to her]. She cringed when she was forced to eat an entire slice of dark chocolate gooey cake.

⇥ pessimistic people | those type of people who are down about everything; the ones who always kill the mood with negativity. She already has a dark ability; she hopes to enshroud herself with more positive auras and atmospheres---not realists or people who can't enjoy the mood and be hopeful.

⇥ anything that reminds her of her brother | she took his death hard. she doesn't even go near his old room; and has requested that her family store away all pictures of his. This means she is far from healing---she has found a way to cope; but not to accept his death.

⇥ bashers | this term to Yu Ji is those who attempt to vandalize the Mong Auditorium for where they do main performances when they aren't asked to go on tours. They're also the type of people to leave hate notes; and spew false things about the performers.


⇥ long boarding | she started this back when she was twelve where she wanted to beat her brother when he was on his skateboard

⇥ fashion trender | she often makes up her own style and is used to prasie on her outfits

⇥ prestige perperation | she is on the performance staff often checking props; and she mostly designs interesting outfits and looks for the performers



⇥ make faces | she has quite a fiery attitude hince the nickname 'kyeok-noh' (fury). If you confront her; prepare for crude faces and rolling of her hands

⇥ mouthing things or pretending to hit you when you're back is turned | this only happens when someone annoys her

⇥ victory dancing

⇥ badmouthing people who say rude things to her


⇥has perfect aim

⇥can pop her shoulder in and out

⇥has snacks in her purse just in case she gets hungry

⇥her longboard looks like

⇥ similar to cats | in legend cats have sixth senses; they can feel when someone is close to death. Whether they can see it as clearly in visions like Yu Ji is different though. In ways the two mirror each other in abilities.

-afraid of dying


-- A S S I S T A N T S

Family Members:  

Mong Yul hyo | 45 | Father | Stubborn,opinionated,protective | Alive

Her father is rather confrontational and (as said before)opinionated. He doesn't take critiscism well and likes to get his way in things. Also he is very innovative always coming up with what is interesting and what performance tricks will reel in the audience.. He is very protective of his family; especially of his daugther ever since the loss of his son. Yul hyo though on a daily basis can be very open-minded and easy-going.

Mong Shilyi | 44 | Mother | Health inspector, smiling,worry-wort| Alive

  Shilyi is actually somewhat the type to cry very easily; whether she's overwhelmed with happiness or sad; angry. And also ever since the death of her son she has become oddly attached to over-inspecting things they use for performances for safety; as well as Shilyi makes the family go for monthly check-ups. She usually is in charge of accounting; as in sorting money; paying the bills and staff; as well as booking locations and reviewing oppurtunities.

Mong Su bum | 12| Little Brother | Funny,optimistic,selfish| Deceased

         Su bum was like Yu ji; he had no talent with magic tricks which is why he was frustrated when an outsider (Guo Ming Ju) came and in a sense became a son to Yul Hyo; a son who he could teach all his entertainment-based know how. He and Yu ji teamed up to conspire against them; and then it was that faithful year when he found his brain deteriating. He was diagnosed with a disease (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) the tears holes into the brain so that it looks like a sponge when they die. Before his early death; he was the bit most optimistic about things; and the clown of his family. It was Yu Ji who took his death hardest since he was her partner in crime.



Guo Ming Ju | 18| Best Friend/Crush| Out-going, smart-mouthed,friendly| Alive (inskpill's character)

           At first the relationship between the two was Ming ju trying his best to be nice; and Yu ji teaming up with her brother to sabotage him frequently. It was a rocky start for the two because then they uncovered that Ming Ju can be quite sharp-tongued and word saavy if it's absolutely needed. It's soon uncovered that Ming Ju is a runaway when his brother and sister come looking for him. Ming Ju had visited Su Bum alot in the hospital able to teach him one trick; that being Ming Ju's favorite the classic tied scarves. He connected with Sun Bum until his death; and was there for the Mong's in their grief. He connected with Yu Ji during junior high and has been her friend since. But it seems Yu ji and him have fallen deeper into their relationship; their practically inseperable and have many inside jokes pertaining to the prestidigiation job.

-- D O L L ' S   T R I C K S

Your Shie Power: Death Warning 

​Description: Her ability allows her to envison the deaths of people as what happened with her brother. It only occurs once the person is close to it; she can tell how exactly they will die and a black ring will slowly fade in around their neck the closer they are to it. When the black ring is full and wrapped around their neck that is the last day for them to live. At first when she was a child she didn't understand her power and no one else could see the same things as her though.When they die; the band around their neck turns white; a color of purity; but in this case a sign that the soul is peaceful and has not stayed in a ghostly form on Earth. If not the band stays black for a soul who holds humanly grudges; and has yet to find resolve.

​Shie's Background: At the young age of 5 she could see black rings on the necks of certain people. At that age no child like herself would've understood the significance of it; followed by torrid visions of that person dying. But that only happened when she looked in their eyes. As she got older she understood it was a strange ability and avoided looking people in the eyes. Well the ones who had that black ring around their neck. It first occured though; with her brother Su Bum. He would forget things easily; and have trouble doing things that required thought. At first everyone thought Su Bum was just being lazy or pulling up bad pranks in order to get laughs. It wasn't until there was a silver band growing on his neck in her eyes during a performance and he'd suddenly started to drop things and walk improperly. Finally fainting; that is when he was diagnosed and when things began. In her vision; the most painful in her memory. There were pictures shown by the doctor of how his brain looked; his nuerological state. And then he would die when no one was there to see him. She coud never tell the day and time; there was no clock or calender near him. So in attempt to defy fate she wanted to be there everyday. She never told anyone else about what she saw because she'd be labeled insane for her ability. Fortunately (in a sense), they had more time with Su Bum for the fact that he had months rather han weeks to live. But in the end just like her vision; Su bum died alone although his band was white; that wasn't enough for her. She wanted to be there with him till the end; but unfortunately she had learned of his death during a stroll out to the beach for seashells; another love of his. 

Joining the club: Upon joining the club she entered with Guo Ming Ju; as he knew of it. How? He caught someone being bullied visciously by with words like'freak' and 'wang dda (meaning the untouchable kid basically)' beign spewed. It was from this member, Hong Jinyu that he learned of Vischt Club. But it was learned upon entering the club that the bullied 'freak' Hong Jinyu committed suicide after the incident (where he bullied) on his way home; by drowning himself. Ming Ju told Yu Ji of his interest in the club and asked her to join it with him. He didn't want to do the normal clubs at school; so he thought this would be the best. Yu ji obliged happily; thinking it would be different.


-- G A R U   T O   P U C C A

Love Interest: n/a

​Personality: n/a

​Relationship: n/a

​Backup Interest: n/a


-- T H E   M A T E R I A L S 

Eohljjang: Jo Min Young

Links: S A R A N G

​Backup Eohljjang: Han Byul


​Height: 171 cm; 5" 7

​Weight: 150 kg, 120 lbs


Dressy:. shoes.shorts otufit

Casual: outfit. outfits.

house wear: outfit. outfits. jewelry

job attire:outfit


-- C R E A T O R ' S   N O T E S

Additional Info: n/a

Comments: this may be a stupid question but I've heard that usual korean schools last for like ten hours; so students bring things to be comfortable? Will you incorporate that in the story or is this school different? -_- it's a dumb question sorry. I wanted to add some things that she might bring to class in both the trivia and style things. Also I wasn't sure if I should just erase anything I didn't fill out; such as the Garu to Pucca; I wasn't all up for the love stuff actually.

Favorite song so far:

Scene Requests:

~Jealousy of Guo Ming Ju finding other girls to like

~Kiss with Ming ju; forced kiss on her part


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mwo? who are you calling a bish...even though I did forget some stuff -_-
inkspill #2
yah! Pabo you forgot to fill in the nickname stuff. This is why you should've waited for me -_-
inkspill #3
Guess I have to change some things---since you didn't stick to the plan bish :P
inkspill #4
Wae?? Why didn't you wait for me so we could turn it in together. And I had no I idea you're character had a thing for mine :D