The Contract : Melanges of the ♡ ¦ application | Example App

Okay I didn't fill out everything. If you want me to give an example answer for a question please tell me; such as the optional background story.

Also I encourage you




            "Kang Mirang? Shall we begin?"


Please tell me, what shall I call you Mistress?:

Mistress Kangmi


I won't forget it. Shall we register you properly? First off what is your birthdate? 

 11. 23.1992


And you are from?

Mokpo, South Korea


Oh so you aren't from around here? 

[just filling it out for example]




⎬♡ Are you fluent in korean?

-I'm proficent  


I would like to serve you grandly. What are some of the things I can gift you? Or should know about you?

-Watching Disney films

-Playing with children

- Science




Is there things you cannot stand or cringe in it's (or their) presence?



-sharp objects

-lazy people

-unreliable people




Do you do anything interesting in your spare time?




-medical practices



Favorite foods that you like?

-Green Tea ice cream


-kanellbullar(swedish dish)

-smoked ham


-Semlor (swedish pastry)

-sparkling pear drink

-cherry soda


[personality. make it however long you want but it must be at least 2 paragraphs long]

   Gentle wins the race

 She paces herself extremely well in all her endeavors and refrains from panicking; jumping to conclusions or barely working hard to do something. She can do anything she puts her soul and mind to. She works extremely hard for the things that she wants the most; but she does all of it in her own time length. In a timely fashion shes most accustumed to doing things her way.

    Perfection is Key

 She has immense OCD; she's the type to see problems in places no where else sees them. For example she might notice that that a picture is leaning to the left at a 2.5 mark. She might see that piece of eggshell in a seemingly awesome cake; and it bugs her dearly. She can become an annoying heaving she-devil when she comes across things like such. She will go straight to fixing and then perfecting any problems; whether it be a person or an object----matters not to her.

    The Princess within 

She never had much to began with in life; but has used her stuff most over everything. She can turn a rich person's old and worn out vintage shirt into a styliish skirt or backpack. She's quite brilliant and inventive; she's even concoted her own natural flavored lipgloss which she kindly shares with the school. Also she takes care of her own beutification processes as well as people who ask for her services. All in all Kangmi is a guru in her art of beuaty.

    Imperfection is also an interest

  While she contradicts her will to make everything to perfect; she has a soft spot for people who are clearly not very organized, clumsy, naive or hold certain 'innocent childish traits'. Perhaps this is why she chose the C Rank butler over the S Rank. She likes it when he's dumb and smiles idiotically for one it makes her want to improve herself more to be---more loose and less tense. She though has the tendency to try and change people...


They say I'm your ideal? Is it true?! It would be my utmost honor to know I'm well enough for you!

1)Chanyeol (exo-k)

2)Dongho (ukiss)

3) Jaejin (ftisland)


c rank ¦ penumbra ¦ sunshine

a rank ¦ eclipse       ¦ virus



You must understand that you and I can not share affection or fall in love…but I may comfort you. And forever be at your side until you graduate.


1. Hold you're hand as you go to sleep.


b) weird; um no.

2. Make you a warm bath.

a) he better

b) I'll be fine doing that stuff myself...

3. Massage you.

a)He'll do that? DEFINATELY YES!

b)Ew! Don't go anywhere near me!

4. take me out for expensive dinner, hand cook a meal for me, buy me things without me asking him to, helping with homework and studies, protect me from danger.



Love is still in the air lady in training.

Who is a worthy rival from either kpop/cpop/jpop:

1)Yusuke Yamamoto

2) Okamoto Keito

3)Ryosuke Yamada




Alternative Pastries extraordinaire storyline: 

Bubbly and sweet he is not a natural cook and wants to back confectionary to warm the hearts of girls and one girl whom he's admired from childhood. When he heard she had left to go to a fancy school he enrolled to be in the staff to cook. He's always getting yelled at and picked on by the other chefs; but when he sees her face and she kindly excepts his foods despite their outlandish tastes---he wants to do all he can for her.


The unused Butler

   Everyone can see that his master is chasing after other butlers; hurt by her actions he attempts to cooperate and follow all her wishes to get her other butlers in order to maintain her happiness. His happiness didn't matter usually up until he met a poor mistress who was his envied enemies' darling mistress. He hates how he's treated; enduring it well enough …while he shatters from the inside out. His only hope is---his enemies' lady. That same butler is the one his mistress lusts after…


Alternative Flower Boy storyline: Sheltered all his life by his family he has never been let out and often comes in secret to see his sister whom is a rich maiden. He has been pampered by the girls; and hasn't become sued to the affection they show for him always asking him to do things he finds degrading for their entertainment. As long as he can make his sister more acceptable and more of a sibling to him; he will try hard to win the hearts of her friends so that she won't turn her back on him anymore. 


Aish, please don't do that to me. You're honestly too beautiful.

Do you see you're pretty face???: Shizuka Takeda {got lazy on this part; but you could do this if you can't choose you're absolute favortie picts}

A R I G A T O 

I think you also look like this at some angles! : Tsubasa Masuwaka

Have you thought about trying new styles and things for your look?

P O L K A D O T S !

Oh look at this:  

H (right hand)

D (left hand)

Y (2 inches under my collarbones)) 

L (all across my back)

M (my bracelef from our sponsor)

N? (recently changed my hair to this)

(how do you like me now?)


He's the only one for me…

You can't have both of us!: 

Park Chanyeol (Exo k) | 19 | Butler

Chanyeol is a C-rank butler 'Sunshine'. He is sweet to females and all people alike. His tendency is a little encouraging smile despite most butlers must wear a poker face proudly. He is always spewing with positivity which is quite refreshing. It seems his radiance has evne attracted the likes of a maid.

(sorry couldn't resist)

Yamamoto Yusuke | 21 | Unused Butler storyline

Yusuke is undoubtedly jealous of Chanyeol fo rthe fact his mistress has currently become infatuated with him; but as he met Kangmi he has since then lightened up and was more open. Althouugh Yusuke has a strong will to be the only one for his mistress he also may have a thing with Kangmi that seems to grow bigger each day. Kangmi feels the pain he holds and in ways wants to be with him; but she also loves her silly Sunshine butler----Chanyeol.



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