
I'm sorry but i feel a need to rant about this to people other than my friends on the tikina234 team.

JONGHYUN HAS A FREAKING GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So basically, Jonghyun's "ideal woman" is an actress called Shin Ke Kyung who appearantly had feelings for him too. and don't get us wrong, we think they are adorable together but it's just sad to see him go off the market :(

AND WHAT ABOUT KEY HUH???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHAT ABOUT HIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but there's still OnKey so we guess that's alright.

And Dara likes Minho? That was unexpected.

DON'T TAKE MINHO AWAY FROM US TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

some of us on the tikina234 team prefer DaraxTaeyang though.

sorry, I'm done now.

Chapters up soon!! Saraghae<3



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