Being my derpy self......

Alrighty I know I'm going to sound derpy and odd.

I know the band EXO. I like EXO-M and EXO-K and MAMA has been stuck in my head for months. However, there is one thing I have to admit....

And it's that I have NO CLUE WHOSE WHO!!

I would love to be able to match the face with the name. I hear Baekhyun, Kai, Chen, Etc....

I have no idea what they look like....

So if any of you would be so kind to help me as I know I'll proably mix up who is who if I look for them myself, 

By posting a picture of the member with there name as to who is in the picture... .that would be really awesome.

Thank you if you do, and like I said I feel like a huge herp-a-derp because I don't already know this.


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