Jane By Design...Cancelled -__-

Soooo...I'm pretty upset right now cause like this one serious on ABC family called Jane By Design was cancelled like 3

weeks ago and I barely found out today. It was such a damn good show too!!! Freakin...they just left all the viewers

hanging. Stopping at that season finale was...stupid. Yeah ABC, take out a show that was actually about love and

friendship and leave Switched At Birth, Melissa & Joey, and Baby Daddy ongoing. Melissa & Joey is fine but I'm a

bigger fan of Jane By Design. The plot was so awesome and the was just starting. No freakin resolution? Ahh

kinda pissed right now. Jane and Billy...didn't even get together yet. Jane was just starting to realize her feelings for

Billy. Rita and Ben just got back together. Zoey finally realized that Billy and Jane were nothing more than friends. Well

they were going to be something more than best friends until they freakin cancelled the damn show. I'm obviously not

gonna watch ABC family again until they come back to their damn senses and put Jane By Design back on >=[...

*Flips over a desk*

......Well that was my rant about how stupid ABCFamily is for cancelling that show >.<


 R.I.P Jane By Design...you will hopefully get resurrected xD


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