Realize, Dance, Family, Passion

So, today I found out that I had a true strong passion for dancing. I used to always think that it was just for fun and nothing more.

But after standing on that stage with my team for the last time before our seniors leave, I realized how much of a passion I had for it.

I realized that it wasn't just for fun... I realized that I wanted to do it for the rest of my life

When I was younger I used to always say, "Okay when I grow up, I'm going to be a singer and that's final."

But I never knew where to start because I used to be such a shy person.

I used to always keep my thoughts to myself and I thought I had no other way to express it unless I actually said it.

When I felt like I couldn't talk to anyone about what was going on in my life, I started to dance in my room.

I used to always dance to any song genre. Hip hop, RnB, Lyrical, Kpop. Anything that I could think of. I had no professional training whatsoever.

Of course there were times where I would fall and I thought about giving up. But no matter how many times I cried by myself in my room

or how many times I hurt myself, I always picked myself back up and continued no matter how much it hurt.

From then on, my passion for dancing just grew bigger and bigger. I finally realized that I didn't just want to sing but i wanted to dance on stage also.

Last year, I auditioned for a dance team called Marvels Dance Company and I made it. I met so many people there who I now call my family. 

We lost around 20 people in 1 month and the team started losing the energy that we all once had but, one of directors said,

"The word family is tossed around just as much as teenagers toss around the word love."... 

And that was true. It was so true that from then, our energy as a team and as a true family started going up again.

Being a part of that dance team has taught me a lot of things.

They taught me how to become a better dancer, they made me become a better person, 

and they taught me what the true meaning of family was. Of course it's not the real family that we have at our houses and everything.

But we aren't just a team...we're a family. Every team is a family. Every singing group, dance team, and friends...their all family.

Their the people that I can go to if I don't feel like going to my real family and telling them my problems. 

We might come from different families but we have ONE thing in common. And that's dancing.

We all can express our feeling through dance. That's how we share what we're feeling. 

We all have the same hunger and passion for dancing. That's what makes our bond sooo strong and unbreakable.

Now, my passion for dancing is so strong that I always dance wherever I am. In a store aisle, at school on stage, sitting down.

I always dance anytime I sing or hear music that my friends think I'm weird but they got used to it. the future, I can definitely picture myself doing what I love to do...and that's dancing.

Of course there's singing but dancing is a definite yes. If I can't make it here in America, I'll go to Korea and do whatever I have to.

I'd actually just go to Korea and become a trainee there for a few years than debut than becoming big in America.

Because my three biggest dreams in one? Becoming a singer. becoming a dancer, and going to Korea? it seems so much more fun there.

My family thinks it's such a silly idea since I'm dark and Filipino...but nothing's gonna stop me from doing what I want.

Anything for my dream <33

"Dancing isn't just a hobby, it's a lifestyle, because your "marvelous"..."


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