Help Me Out? *Updated*

Hey guys! I was wondering if you all wouldn't mind helping me! For school, I'm having to write a marriage license and I wanted it to be sort of funny.

Like, a requirement would be that the man has to have all 10 fingers or something.

I didn't want it to be stupid, but funny.

Any suggestions guys? You'd be helping me out a bunch if there were some suggestions for what I could do!

Thanks in advance! xD


Guys! Thank you so much! Turns out, I was a lot more constricted than I thought I was going to be for this, but I got it done. I tried to include as much Korean in it as possible. It was a little hard with the topics I had though. I wanted to make it silly, but I found that sort of hard as well. But, this was my brain storming page below:

This was the second page. The first one was serious, but I mentioned he had to be a famous idol in Korea. xD


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RMaddict #1
I love your writing, LOL the hibicus flower has bloomed :)
I loved all of your answers so much! I wish I could have used them like I wanted! :(
he has to be creepy as creepy chanyeol
hahahaha funny cute n creepy at the same time
He has to have an uneven eye smile like dbsk Changmin. :)
He has to be a male kpop idol xD
His legs have to be the exact same length. *To the T*
After every word he says, he must his lips.
He has to chew his food throughly.
I think those are a bit stupid, but i couldnt think of anything else.
My favourite is the first one *Wink Wink Nudge Nudge*
I will come back with other ideas
Ummmm. He has to be kind to my family?? Srry Idk that much about marriage licenses