Kpop Gif Challenge

I've done one of these before, but I felt like it again. ^^

KPOP Gif Challenge Use every 5th Gif from the end

How you are:

How you’d react if you could meet your favorite kpop group:

How you act with people that also like kpop:

You singing kpop:

You listening kpop in a place that is not your house:

Your reaction after you realized that your favorite group will do a comeback:


How non-kpop fans see you:


How kpop fans see you:

It's cause I steal their biases. -nods-

You at night:

What people of the same think of you:

What people of the opposite think of you:

Can I get an inteperter?

Seeing your bias with another girl:

I confess my love!

Your love life:

I'm crying. This gif nailed it!

How you act as friend:

How you act when you’re impressed:

How your aegyeo is:


Your hidden Super Power:

Your secret love:


How you act when you’re angry:

When you hear the voice of your bias:

You after dreaming about any kpop idol you like:

-poker face-

You watching kpop on TV:


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jongty #1
......................................SOOOOOOOOO TRRRRUUUUEEE!!!
What people of the opposite ___ think of you:
Body is ready pose? LOL.

I think I've done this before buuuut
/Steals* ._.
lol i can relate some of them hahahahaha
Some of thses are too funny xD
I love your awkward Aegyo! XD
And the beginning one xD