No Wonder

I'll be honest. At first I wasn't a fan of Block B. Their debut song to be seemed okay. Nothing special to make me become a fan. (Was never a hater though!)

But I've changed my mind!

I'm a B1A4 fan and I started watching MTV match up to see them and at first did't care for Block B. However, they were funny and I started to like one of them and decided to check out the MV for the song they were filming on Match Up. I love that song and video!!


I swear it took me a week to figure out the difference between B Bomb and UKwon. Also P.O and Taeil. -_-

The one I started to like though was B Bomb and I heard that he was training to be in Infinite. Is that true? If so, no wonder he's my favorite.

I LOVE INFINITE! (Obviously xD)

I watch Infinite's new MV and try to imagine B Bomb in it... I can't. LOL.

For real though, I love B BOMB! ♥

On a random side note, I love that Zico cut his hair. I wasn't a big fan of the dreads. But now that he cut his hair he looks like JunHyung from Beast!

♥Infinite and B Bomb!♥


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I liked the dreads on Zico ;~~~~; lol I'm probably the only one. Oh well.^^ <br />
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I know what you mean. I didn't care for block b a first either....... Until I found out they were the ones who did the remake of miss $'s Over in like October last year. lol<br />
I haven't seen the MTV stuffs videos whatever, but over grown to love them more mostly because of Zico's mixtapes. But also because their music is improving with their every release. XD <3<br />
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So I'm still not sure who is who, except Kyung, Zico and Jaehyo. (boo. I . lol) but his just proves I'm a legit fan of their music.^^ but as soon as I get my laptop back (which could be in months) I'm going to sit down and learn their names and faces and everything about them! Yeah! :D