goodbye, my senior, my friend, my inspiration;

Why are you crying so hard now?

Is it because you know that you're leaving us?

Please don't cry.  We got your message.  I'll stop crying.  

You stop up there too.


Have they announced you to be best freshie up there during your last day of camp?

Do you know how much we love you, how much we miss you?

Do you remember what you told me, on the last day of camp?


"When I come back next year,

I wanna see you back here as a GL.  

You can do it.  I believe you."


You said that.  But where have you gone to now?

A better place, I know that for sure.  But why, when you're just so young?

Not even an adult yet.


And now, your last day as a freshie up there, our last time to send you off.

Do you know how much pain we're in now?  

Can you hear us?


If I, as your freshie, have already been crying so badly since I heard the news three days ago,

what about your closest friends, your family?

Please don't cry now.  When you're crying so bad.  We're all crying together with you too.


Your fistpunch, your words to me, I'll remember them all.

I'll miss you, so very much.


And I sincerely promise to keep your belief and faith that you have in me.

I will do my very best to become a GL, to pass on your legacy to my freshies next year.


I'm sorry I can't be there to send you off today.  

But I truly hope and pray you're rocking it up there, wherever you are.

Please, stop crying.  We love you.  We miss you.  We know you.

You know I'll cry like some mad person if I went to send you off.

But know that you're in my prayers & thoughts always.


Goodbye, my deaest senior, my inspiration, my friend.

You will be missed.


Remember, we love you.


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