Craving KPOP

Well I have been craving a kpop cd. But there is one problem..... I HAVE NO KPOP CD's. So my craving can't be satisfied. :( To somewhat help with that I have been watching music videos, but that doesn't help that much.


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we're the same i don't have kpop cd's to
Just look for asian stores like Assi, K-mart, and other stores. Or order it on Amazon. My cousin got me Sorry sorry album with amazon. We went to K-mart together and we saw TONS of kpop albums! x3 and they were playing kpop in the store. I don't go to Assi with my mom so idk if there are any albums there...
They are really expensive if you are paying for it over seas.
Sigh, me too. I'm scared that my parents will throw out the cds. Money is also the problem. Kpop is expensive. LOL
I know. T T
WhatOnceWas #6
I know how you feel T-T
I've been a K-Pop fan for 3 years and I don't own or single CD or poster